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NPD Sales Results for November 2013 [Up3: Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, 3DS, Wii U]

Boss Man

So I guess now Nintendo is going to just sit back and bank on Smash and Mario Kart selling the system (with their fingers crossed)?


I remember that E3 the Wii U was announced. There was so much hype for a true next gen system from Nintendo. GAF hype was awesome.

I think this is some sort of revisionist history. When the Wii U was unveiled, pretty much ever gamer was like "WTF is this...?" And this continued for months and months.

To this day...
I don't think Nintendo can afford a huge $100 price cut for the Wii U. That's just eating to much money for any gaming company. They are better off cutting the price overtime and releasing the games currently in development to recoup the costs overtime. Double down on the 3DS and crank out the successor for their handheld in 2015/2016. Then release a console or device that we have never seen before whether it's a cloud service, console, tablet, phone, or anything else they can create.
I'm guessing it's better to let people assume that the gap is bigger if the total gap is not as big as people would like.

Like if Samsung sold 10 mil. Galaxy Notes in a month and Apple sold 12 mil. iPhones that same month Apple still won overall by a pretty big gap but if people are assuming they won anywhere from 10.1 to 18 mil they would rather not announce that the real number is lower than what fanboys want.

Yeah but could Microsoft just as easily release Sony's numbers in their press release, or does Sony "own" the rights to those sales numbers?
Wii U doing bad is sad. Don't worry fellow Wii U Gaffers, I am looking forward to 2014 gameswise, with what has already released and what is coming in 2014 I feel the investment is pretty much justified. I don't have too much time to game so I have plenty to play for a while.

Even as bad as it is Nintendo will ride the Wii U at least for 3 years, next year MK and SSB + what is an imminent price drop will help the Wii U stay near GC numbers.

Same here. It's a great console and it will be a great console in 2014.
I kinda think Nintendo's business is in danger in North America unless the next console reinvents itself. Wii U is dead but we all know that. The 3Dees is pathetic. Models are low price points, big software, etc. And that's what you come up with?

Long term nintendo has to be like oh shiz.
770K is down but nowhere as bad as what you're saying. How do we know that PS4 and Xbox One won't suffer the same fate? Is 900,000 a month going to continue?

Wii U is getting blown out of the water a year later but it started with good sales too
I'm not talking about what we don't know about consoles in the future. I'm talking about what we DO know. And what we do know is that despite rolling out major, major guns, the 3DS had a very weak performance after an utterly stellar year of software.

If you look at that and go, "Oh, yes, not worried!" then you are more calm headed than I am. Sirens should be going off at Nintendo. This is the time they need to start planning for the next platform that will probably determine whether or not they remain relevant in the west and that is not an exaggeration.

Kev is right. It's worse than you think.

Nintendo, to their credit, did about as much with the 3DS as anyone can expect anyone to do. Software, pricing, even a bargain model.

...and that was all they could do? Nintendo needed better from the 3DS.

I hate to harp on retailers and shelf space, but this is going to be a major problem for Nintendo going forward. The performance of the WiiU was simply abysmal.

Look at it this way: If we take that number, skim a VERY MODEST 10% off the top for online sales (amazon, ect) then take the remainder and divide that number equally among the big retailers' approx. 14,000 brick-and-mortar stores in the US (all the Gamestops, BestBuys, Walmarts, Targets, K-Marts, Sams, Costcos, Toys-r-Us, ect retail locations) that translates into each store moving less than one console every two days...in November, which is your big month when you are supposed to finally become profitable in retail. That means a section manager at a retailer could conceivably talk to his or her sales staff, ask FOUR shifts of employees how the WiiU is doing and get "We haven't sold a single one, boss..." back... That's crazy. It's simply untenable to maintain that such an underperforming product earns shelf/display space when it performs so poorly in what is supposed to be the biggest month to move units, and the product is already a (like all consoles) low-margin item as it is for the retailer.

If 3DS were doing monster numbers, Nintendo would be able to maybe--just maybe--leverage that brand and those sales into pressuring retailers to not eliminate stock and shelf space for the WiiU. It's not working out that way though. 3DS had a good enough month that retailers won't be inclined to shift space away from the 3DS, I'm sure. But it wasn't the great performance Nintendo needed to transfer into leverage for the WiiU.

Now really all Nintendo has left in the toolkit to entice retailers into keeping the WiiU on shelves and in displays is the markup...and I don't think Nintendo really has the room to move that equation more to the retailers' advantage without losing money.

Diehard Nintendo fans standing behind the console (bless their hearts) will say "give Nintendo till the end of next year...it's a marathon, not a sprint," and that sort of thing. But that attitude fails to recognize a couple simple truths about retail: Shelf space is valuable, and the manufacturer isn't the only one who can pull a product from the market. In fact, most of the time, it's retail that is done with the product before the manufacturer, not the other way around. Products come and products go. If they don't earn their shelf space...they go.

We're already seeing WiiU losing store presence in other markets like the UK. I think we'll see it in the US soon.

That's what makes Reggie's ineffectual VGX appearance so infuriating to anybody that wants Nintendo to still have a place in the console landscape. They are acting like they have all the time in the world to turn it around. They act like they've still got time to do business as usual and do ridiculous stuff like tease a Metroid lapel pin, yet announce nothing definitive, like they still have all the time they need to announce something.

Time's running out though, if it hasn't already. Retailers simply aren't going to want to stock a product that doesn't move and takes display space away from products that are moving at record pace.


It's pretty bad percentage wise..he was almost 50% off target.

Well when most people were calling for double his number or more it really isn't that bad. I'm sure Nintendo is happy they sold 70k more than his prediction, but I am not sure they would be happy selling either number.


Considering the two newest system launched are PC derivatives and 8 of the top 10 games in November were straight sequels, most pretty much devoid of innovation, I have to wonder how far innovation really goes these days. It seems like people want exactly the opposite.

People ask for innovation but it's far safer to put that $60 towards a proven option.


Junior Member
Mark your calendars:

Jan 27, 2014
Q3 2014 Nintendo Earnings Release

Honestly, I still wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo ended up not posting a loss for 2013. It returned to profitability for 2012, and people tend to ignore the effect of exchange rates on Nintendo's earnings, which is potentially as big as that of its actual sales.


you can't put a price on sparks
Nintendo's next system will absolutely need two things, at the very least:

1) A real account system

2) Every single pre-Gamecube, pre-DS Nintendo game on their virtual console.

On the software side, they need to dramatically increase their diversity of offerings to compensate for zero third-party support.

You're dreaming if you think those are the solutions to nintendos problem with the wii u


Averages and math. How do they work?

But, really. It's just a way for their PR to have something nice to say that isn't false but at the same time misleading.

Yeah let's not act like Microsoft is the first company to spin numbers in a positive light. Did everyone forget the 40+ months of Sony pr that came out when 360 outsold PS3? Remember "playstation family"?
Where's Peterboy?

Got all uppity with me last night for calling doubt on MS's claim that they sold '2million' XB1's to customers because they have a history of spin and obfuscation with such matters.

And bang, here we have it again today - apparently steady sales numbers over a short period beats total sales. Who are you fucking kidding.


Spin doesn't prove that they're lying about sales numbers. Put away the tin foil.
I think this is some sort of revisionist history. When the Wii U was unveiled, pretty much ever gamer was like "WTF is this...?" And this continued for months and months.

To this day...

Sorry I should edit my post.. I was taking about the hype before the actual reveal at E3. We knew hardware was coming and people were exited of a new system no waggle.. Etc etc..

Then we got the Wii U and everyone was just like FUCK is this??


41 > 38
I think this is some sort of revisionist history. When the Wii U was unveiled, pretty much ever gamer was like "WTF is this...?" And this continued for months and months.

To this day...

He's talking about the lead-up to the reveal, back when it was Project Café. Back when it wasn't a question that it would be way more powerful than the PS360, and there was going to be a DS sized screen on the controllers.


Averages and math. How do they work?

But, really. It's just a way for their PR to have something nice to say that isn't false but at the same time misleading.

To be fair in a real statistics study or in any statistics class they would probably point to an average sold over time as the real number versus an obvious outlier. Saying that the PS4 was fastest selling at 1 mil/day sets up the idea that the PS4 sold around that much each day when in reality it sold around 90-100k per day. Same with the Xbox One or any console for that matter.
I can see this as being an analogy to the phone market:

1. Microsoft is like Apple. They are the relative newcomer but were able to change things up with new technology (good touchscreens, good Online tech) to become the best overall. However, loss of the best talent (Steve Jobs, J Allard) has found them in a downward decline from overall complete dominance to a more competitive role. Sitll doing amazingly well, they do need to find a way to outdo the rapidly rising competition from others who have been in the game longer.

2. Sony is like Samsung. Taking a huge stumble a while ago when competition suddenly got massive, they have been able to get themselves back on top of the market through sheer will. Though they have not eclipsed the competition completely (and probably won't for a while) they are on a high rise to success.

3. Nintendo is like HTC. Coming from early successes to huge domination in the years after new competition showed up, the old number one started to catch up to them and now both the old number one and the old number two are completely crushing them, leaving them to call in total last resorts. As one last resort failed spectacularly, leaving them in a precarious position, another was a moderate success, but still failed to help them to success, leaving them unsure where to go as their CEO goes back on his promise that their products would do well or else.
Microsoft never had complete dominance, in fact they finished the gen in third place
It's pretty fucking scary to me. The handheld numbers are pretty shit. I don't want to play everything on a fucking iphone.

We won't be. It'll be mini-tablets and such.
Soon, we'll have tablets with customizable docks that allow them to be "screens" for high end "PCs." You'll just pop it into the dock and play. Tablets will eventually eat so far into the PC market that we'll see Play and iOS store numbers competing directly with Steam/Origin. Dedicated handhelds will be a novelty toy, but they will still exist. It's the PC market that has to be worried by Tablets/iOS.

(But don't tell them yet. It's a few years away. When I told people that they would be playing games mostly on handhelds and cell phones in the future all the way back in 1998.. I was mocked horribly. But I'm not wrong. The PC "master race" won't see it coming though.... Don't spoil the surprise for them.)
I don't think Nintendo can afford a huge $100 price cut for the Wii U. That's just eating to much money for any gaming company. They are better off cutting the price overtime and releasing the games currently in development to recoup the costs overtime. Double down on the 3DS and crank out the successor for their handheld in 2015/2016. Then release a console or device that we have never seen before whether it's a cloud service, console, tablet, phone, or anything else they can create.

What makes everyone think another handheld will solve their problem? Their current one is trending well behind the DS. While it would likely sell, it wouldn't be enough to sustain the entire company.


Lack of major 3rd party multiplatform titles
Wii / Wii U brand confusion
Dramatically changing market trends (see the top 10 selling titles)

This is about all I agree with in your post I mean look at the top Ten they are all multiplat games. First party games across platforms are failing hard and that brand confusion with the Wii was and still is a serious issue. Again the Mario fatigue is not that important when the majority of game buyers are dudebros.

Dramatically changing market trends (see the top 10 selling titles)

The top 10 has been pretty much the same for several years. Nothing too dramatic there.
As a person grow up with Nintendo I can tell you: it's special. Nintendo going down is like seeing part of your childhood going down. As silly as it is and being as busy and I'm usually, I can tell you that seeing Nintendo in trouble is not a pleasant thing.

Playing with Nintendo's games on Nintendo's systems became with years more of a style than just merely push buttons on a game controller.

Yeah, I suppose we have just to grow up. We did, we got a job, a gf, children. However, that sad part of us remains. Geez, haven't you noticed? This thread is talking just about Nintendo since that PR came out.

I look at this more positively. It puts Nintendo in a position where they have to react and plan. Get their ducks in a row and execute against a high quality bar that was set by their competition. Nintendo isn't dead but they have a huge hole to dig themselves out of and they have a ton of cash to spend to make it reality. The WiiU was a directionless, technologically lazy design. Now they have to step up and deliver at a competitive level. That is what is so exciting about their position.


Yeah let's not act like Microsoft is the first company to spin numbers in a positive light. Did everyone forget the 40+ months of Sony pr that came out when 360 outsold PS3? Remember "playstation family"?

When did I say this was unique?


To be fair in a real statistics study or in any statistics class they would probably point to an average sold over time as the real number versus an obvious outlier. Saying that the PS4 was fastest selling at 1 mil/day sets up the idea that the PS4 sold around that much each day when in reality it sold around 90-100k per day. Same with the Xbox One or any console for that matter.

When the time period is less than one month, the average per day is really irrelevant. Especially when demand exceeds supply.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
EA really blew their best chance to take more of the shooter market from Activision. It is going to be the same thing again next year when Destiny sells more than Titanfall for very obvious reasons.


No Zelda, No Mario

You know whose turn it is


Got dammit!


Averages and math. How do they work?

But, really. It's just a way for their PR to have something nice to say that isn't false but at the same time misleading.

I understand their average, but it doesn't magically make it the fastest selling.

Made more sense when they stuck to their "Xbox history" line.
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