70K < PSV < 75K (according to Creamsugar)
Great! Going to use these except for Vita. Creamsugar said that it's between Sep+Oct and 75K and the middle of that is ~70K, so going with 70K for Vita.
Used for Predictions:
PS4 - 1138K
XB1 - 909K
3DS - 770K
360 - 647K
PS3 - 424K
WIU - 223K
PSV - 70K
Also, had to do some structural changes to account for the new systems, so if some of you wouldn't mind double-checking your unit results to make sure it looks okay, it'd be appreciated. Thanks!
NeoGAF Prediction Results - November 2013
1st Course - 315,000
2. airmangataosenai - 327,000
3. anexanhume - 373,000
4. Randolph Freelander - 387,000
5. BlackJace - 407,000
6. supersanni - 418,000
7. theprodigy - 425,000
8. Brakara - 490,000
9. Mr Swine - 504,000
10. catmincer - 507,000
11. GAF_Agg - 508,100
12. Yawnier - 513,000
13. WetPotatoBread - 517,000
14. jonno394 - 521,000
15. dakun - 525,000
15. lord - 525,000
17. BlackBuzzard - 537,000
18. metalslimer - 547,000
19. Fancy Corndog - 553,000
20. Asd202 - 563,000
21. andy_lhc - 569,000
22. Zalman - 576,000
23. astrogamer - 586,000
24. Jallopy - 600,000
25. DaSorcerer7 - 603,000
26. antonz - 607,000
27. Bruno MB - 608,000
28. vinnygambini - 629,000
29. Shion - 631,000
30. SwiftDeath - 639,000
31. Tratorn - 657,000
32. shinra-bansho - 658,000
33. Road - 678,000
34. Jonsoncao - 679,000
34. allan-bh - 679,000
34. user237 - 679,000
37. Anth0ny - 681,000
38. Megadragon15 - 683,000
39. baekshi - 690,000
40. unknownstranger - 705,000
41. entrydenied - 717,000
42. Baki - 731,000
42. RurouniZel - 731,000
42. Strike - 731,000
45. michaelius - 733,000
46. kswiston - 734,000
47. Axass - 739,000
48. pieatorium - 742,000
49. jmcoo7 - 745,000
50. Terry Travis - 748,000
51. Madouu - 756,000
52. mejin - 758,000
53. Daingurse - 773,000
54. Aquamarine - 774,000
55. Jamix012 - 781,000
56. JasonMCG - 783,000
56. Pachter - 783,000
58. Gbpackers31 - 792,000
58. gtj1092 - 792,000
60. Coxy - 798,000
61. idlewild_ - 803,000
62. Lumyst - 805,000
63. MasterSheen - 811,000
64. Brew124 - 813,000
64. Roboleon - 813,000
66. UberTag - 817,000
67. GimMick - 822,000
68. Oddduck - 827,000
69. Elios83 - 832,000
70. Shaddy - 843,000
71. NateDrake - 858,000
72. daegan - 873,000
72. gkryhewy - 873,000
74. thisiswhatever - 884,000
75. Prince Vultan - 893,000
76. DaBoss - 902,000
77. LordOcidax - 921,000
78. RamzaIsCool - 928,000
79. sacrificengineer - 931,000
80. strangedopamine - 939,000
81. Shaanyboi - 941,000
82. prag16 - 949,000
83. doicare - 959,000
84. perfectchaos007 - 987,000
85. FiggyCal - 1,000,000
86. DrWong - 1,007,000
87. sechsterangriff - 1,012,000
88. Parablank - 1,021,000
89. BPoole - 1,041,000
90. jvm - 1,055,000
91. Gianni Merryman - 1,056,000
92. Gestault - 1,057,000
93. Lexxus - 1,059,000
94. s┐rine - 1,061,000
95. skedar897 - 1,062,000
96. GiantEnemyGoomba - 1,090,000
96. Wynnebeck - 1,090,000
98. Dedication Through Light - 1,093,000
99. CorporateClown - 1,097,000
100. Goldmund - 1,115,000
101. noobie - 1,120,000
102. Cidd - 1,129,000
103. Mystery - 1,141,000
104. AniHawk - 1,147,000
105. Al Gore's Thermostat - 1,167,000
106. Marchiott - 1,170,000
107. Notrollious - 1,177,000
108. CF22 - 1,178,000
109. Myshkin - 1,183,000
110. IN&OUT - 1,195,000
111. Sifl - 1,197,000
112. Madao - 1,207,000
113. Radec - 1,235,000
114. GulAtiCa - 1,237,000
115. Zero-Crescent - 1,240,000
116. Sakura - 1,245,000
117. donny2112 - 1,269,000
118. gamergirly - 1,281,000
119. kuhnbeast91 - 1,324,000
120. archnemesis - 1,364,000
120. bakman21 - 1,364,000
122. saucylion - 1,395,000
123. pitseleh - 1,413,000
124. Krilekk - 1,428,000
125. sjagolinzer - 1,537,000
126. beast786 - 1,634,000
127. Hammer24 - 1,697,000
128. Xamdou - 2,109,000
129. Steel - 2,152,000
130. Lenardo - 2,427,000
131. dolemite - 2,919,000
132. Duxxy3 - 4,163,000
November 2013 Overall 2013 Top (9/11)
01. 1st Course 120.49 donny2112 866.91
02. airmangataosenai 114.02 doicare 862.41
03. anexanhume 101.49 Road 845.04
04. Brakara 101.05 allan-bh 826.63
05. Randolph Freelander 98.75 MasterSheen 822.96
06. jonno394 96.70 Bruno MB 819.67
07. Zalman 96.06 confuziz 818.49
08. SwiftDeath 96.06 DaBoss 816.41
09. michaelius 95.55 Goldmund 814.83
10. theprodigy 94.34 Jonsoncao 808.44
11. andy_lhc 94.31 Elios83 806.37
12. BlackJace 93.69 jvm 802.76
13. Mr Swine 93.38 archnemesis 801.94
14. Jallopy 93.10 Megadragon15 800.67
15. lord 92.51 kswiston 798.36
16. metalslimer 90.24 shinra-bansho 785.45
17. WetPotatoBread 89.83 andy_lhc 774.81
18. dakun 88.89 michaelius 772.43
19. supersanni 88.55 Brakara 771.26
20. Asd202 87.33 pieatorium 770.42
21. vinnygambini 87.19 Zero-Crescent 769.90
22. astrogamer 87.13 BlackJace 768.60
23. catmincer 86.90 Aquamarine 766.97
24. Lumyst 86.62 idlewild_ 766.36
25. BlackBuzzard 86.45 Pachter 766.32
26. Jonsoncao 86.44 DrWong 760.78
27. Baki 86.25 prag16 757.33
28. Madouu 85.30 skedar897 751.72
29. Megadragon15 85.11 metalslimer 750.66
30. Bruno MB 84.95 Gianni Merryman 739.41
31. shinra-bansho 84.51 noobie 739.06
32. DaSorcerer7 84.06 Hiro_Kunimi_80 735.53
33. entrydenied 83.90 pitseleh 729.16
34. Axass 83.80 CorporateClown 726.95
35. antonz 83.75 ItWasMeantToBe19 694.77
36. allan-bh 83.67 Colonel Mustard 667.22
37. Zero-Crescent 83.63 GulAtiCa 642.64
38. kswiston 83.48 Hammer24 561.22
39. baekshi 83.42 Drago 542.94
40. jmcoo7 83.22 Lexxus 541.34
41. user237 83.09 perfectchaos007 533.01
42. Brew124 82.79 Madao 502.19
43. MasterSheen 82.77 Canis lupus 478.63
44. Shaanyboi 82.71 Roboleon 424.27
45. Gbpackers31 82.66 NateDrake 405.00
46. Shion 82.31 Jamix012 369.98
47. Fancy Corndog 82.28 bakman21 369.30
48. pieatorium 82.23 sacrificengineer 363.34
49. Strike 82.05 baekshi 357.37
50. gkryhewy 81.85 airmangataosenai 356.57
1st course!
(wait this isn't Media Create is it, do percentage points even matter)
Percentages go into the point calculations. Anything over 100% difference is 0. Otherwise, each system is worth up to 16.6667 (had to round somewhere
