Isn't Titanfall already confirmed to be 720p?
Pretty sure it's been a rumor for a while now, but nothing confirmed about the final product. I doubt it'll be higher than 720p though. Sucks though cuz it's freaking source.
Isn't Titanfall already confirmed to be 720p?
The shitstorm that will hit when Titanfall is 720p will be the one to settle the power debate once and for all. Especially since the 360 version is not developed by Respawn.
The waters are only rougher from here, folks.
Isn't Titanfall already confirmed to be 720p?
Isn't Titanfall already confirmed to be 720p?
Indeed. If Titanfall is 720p on Xbox One I am buying he PC version. Which sucks to say since I am yearning for a good game to play on my XBO.
720p with a game as graphically in impressive as Titanfall is absolutely unacceptable for a next gen only game.
Time will tell.
Pretty sure it's been a rumor for a while now, but nothing confirmed about the final product. I doubt it'll be higher than 720p though. Sucks though cuz it's freaking source.
Pretty sure it's been a rumor for a while now, but nothing confirmed about the final product. I doubt it'll be higher than 720p though. Sucks though cuz it's freaking source.
not confirmed, but i remember that the developers always said that they would drop the resolution to 720p if they need to (for 60 fps).
I don't think so. Someone with connections (Thruway?) rumored it would be and Respawn said that they value frame rate above all else, but it hasn't been confirmed yet.
It's also on 360...
As a Wii U fan & owner:
You have my sympathies, Xbone owners.
funny that its called the definitive edition...
the thing is its probably going to sell the same number of copies on both consoles
looks damn nice for source though
The shitstorm that will hit when Titanfall is 720p will be the one to settle the power debate once and for all. Especially since the 360 version is not developed by Respawn.
The shitstorm that will hit when Titanfall is 720p will be the one to settle the power debate once and for all. Especially since the 360 version is not developed by Respawn.
The waters are only rougher from here, folks.
where you get this info from?
Who cares really. It's not gonna stop people from buying/enjoying the xbox version. This just seems like a story to incite a fanboy war on various game sites. I say just enjoy the game and move on.
I had KZ from day 1. It's the constantly changing stuttering I'm annoyed at. Locked 30 you'll soon forget about since it's the same stuttering all the time. If it's unlocked and the framerate is fluctuating somewhere between 60 and 30 you'll constantly be reminded that they never reached their target, as in it simply looks unoptimized.
Who cares really. It's not gonna stop people from buying/enjoying the xbox version. This just seems like a story to incite a fanboy war on various game sites. I say just enjoy the game and move on.
They're probably all focused on Titanfall and other EA games.Square Enix should have brought over a technical fellow from MS to help them.
I've seen this a couple of times in this thread. Curious to know why it would be a big deal. I thought people have resigned to the idea that it is going to be 720p. The day they said "framerate is king" in response to the resolution question, it was quite clear, wasn't it?
Also, if the power debate is not settled by now, I don't think it ever will. Delusions die hard.
Who cares really. It's not gonna stop people from buying/enjoying the xbox version. This just seems like a story to incite a fanboy war on various game sites. I say just enjoy the game and move on.
360!People who owns both consoles and is looking for the better version of a multiplat game. Where have you been last gen?
To be fair to the reddit thread, there are a lot of honest X1 fans too.
Then it must be me because it's never been anything but silky smooth for me.
I also found this incredibly frustrating.I had KZ from day 1. It's the constantly changing stuttering I'm annoyed at. Locked 30 you'll soon forget about since it's the same stuttering all the time. If it's unlocked and the framerate is fluctuating somewhere between 60 and 30 you'll constantly be reminded that they never reached their target, as in it simply looks unoptimized.
How so? That's a very rare opinion around here.
Well then they better hit solid 60 FPS!![]()
It's difficult to hear the voices of reason over the voices of sheer insanity. The latter just has a sharper boom to it.To be fair to the reddit thread, there are a lot of honest X1 fans too.
Who cares really. It's not gonna stop people from buying/enjoying the xbox version. This just seems like a story to incite a fanboy war on various game sites. I say just enjoy the game and move on.
Yea I agree. I skimmed through it and saw a lot of posts of disappointment and buyer's remorse...sorta feel bad for those guys lol
*Waits for an IGN youtube comparison video 'showing' there's no difference*.
It's difficult to hear the voices of reason over the voices of sheer insanity. The latter just has a sharper boom to it.
It's what the producer apparently said in the stream, I think, plus I believe it's also in the OP 45fps during less heavy/intensive scenes, around 30fps in heavier ones. PS4 attempts to hit 60fps most of the time and does a pretty good job of it. It dips slightly below 60fps in more heavier scenes. So, you'll see between 30-45fps on xbox one, and you'll get 60fps on the PS4 with something a bit lower on the heavier scenes, but what that number might be hasn't been provided.
The Xbox One build can technically reach around 45 fps, though this performance is generally only achieved during the most empty, simplest environments. For most of your play, and during action scenes, the Xbox One build will sit on around 30 fps
With everything that's going on in the game, no.Not really, it looks very last gen. One could argue that its no better looking than Cod @ 1080p on pc.
Mm hmm, yes.Who cares really. It's not gonna stop people from buying/enjoying the xbox version. This just seems like a story to incite a fanboy war on various game sites. I say just enjoy the game and move on.
The hair looks fuller on the Definitive version. As though there are more strands of hair. And there are sharp angles in the pc version. Doesn't look as nice.
Now this I agree with. If they still don't hit 60, there will be riots on the streets. I'm scared what of will happen to Tim Dog.
Don't worry... I'm sure IGN will have a comparison video between the Xbone and PS3 versions to show that everything is A-OK.
No. There is still a long way to go in tool and engine optimization and things like HSA and GPGPU functionality will still allow them to grow over time. It may not be a huge spike like there was around 2009 on PS3 but there are still plenty of tricks to learn and ways to improve. The initial difficulty has just been significantly lowered.
I was more referring to the fact that Youtube caps the fps at 30. But your idea works too.![]()
Don't worry... I'm sure IGN will have a comparison video between the Xbone and PS3 versions to show that everything is A-OK.
Just as it was foolish to buy third party games for PS3 last gen, it's foolish to do the same for Xbox One this gen.
Yes, they bought the hardware and bought the misinformation that was spreading around.
It's also on 360...