Ok, hold on, that's pretty bullshit. You're projecting some pretty fucking insidious shit onto a huge diverse group of people from "the west." It's baseless, tasteless, and just plain stupid if I'm being honest. I'm pretty sure the reports on social media coming out of Sochi aren't all from westerners with a hate-on for Russia, and implying that is beyond the pale.
As much as most of these reports are true, as far as hotel base goes they're completely unprepared (which is ridiculous, considering time they had to prepare and the amount of money that went into it), and Putin is terrible in regards to human rights, I can see where he is coming from. Similar things happened 2 years ago before Euro 2012, there was a ton of negativity towards Poland in western media, especially in the week leading to the opening ceremony. Complete with BBC's pseudo-docummentary (which discarded interviews with jewish football players because they were deemed useless and cut out majority of the interview with the head of anti-racism association because it was too positive) and fabricated story about racist chants at Netherlands training session (which originated from some random tabloid, later carried by majority of news outlets and repeated ad infinitum). There are incidents, I'm not trying to justify them, and they should by all means be condemned, but holy hell was the whole thing completely blown out of proprtion.
Anyway, just my 2 cents, carry on. Most of these pictures and stories are hilarious (and sad).