If you do it 5 times in a day, then no shit.Ah yet another thead where GAFers ignore the negative effects porn can have.
Ah yet another thead where GAFers ignore the negative effects porn can have.
Our goal is to spark a conversation around the subject using science, facts
Ah yet another thead where GAFers ignore the negative effects porn can have.
If you are talking about addiction, you can lump booze and gambling in there as well. Do not see anything else really wrong with it, not my cup of tea though.Ah yet another thead where GAFers ignore the negative effects porn can have.
The response to this post so far is funny to me because it's exactly the response I expected from Gaffers who are going to be posting in this thread.
If you're a single guy/lady are you expected to just use your imagination to get off? These Mormons must think everyone has as vivid of an imagination as them
Ah yet another thead where GAFers ignore the negative effects porn can have.
Go on.
If you're a single guy/lady are you expected to just use your imagination to get off? These Mormons must think everyone has as vivid of an imagination as them
eh, love is just a chemical reaction for reproduction
Ah yet another thead where GAFers ignore the negative effects porn can have.
I think the idea is that you're not supposed to get off at all until you're married.
I laugh every time I see stuff like this.
Back in the day I used to do freelance desktop and laptop repair. I go to a prominent anti-premarital sex, anti-Sex Ed, anti-masturbation, anti-everything preacher and once I got his computer booting again, I go to download AVG Free and run a virus scan, and he has a whole folder dedicated to "Saggy Tits".
There are people that pay for r/nofap and the other trash on Reddit?He's going to try and sell you a 12 month subscription to r/nofap
Sounds like a true connoisseur of great grandma porn.I laugh every time I see stuff like this.
Back in the day I used to do freelance desktop and laptop repair. I go to a prominent anti-premarital sex, anti-Sex Ed, anti-masturbation, anti-everything preacher and once I got his computer booting again, I go to download AVG Free and run a virus scan, and he has a whole folder dedicated to "Saggy Tits".
The people who made the fonts are jerking off.
The people who wrote that are jerking off.
The people who put up that sign? Jerking off.
The people who made the website? Jerking off as we speak.
The people who are behind the organization? They go home and beat the shit out of their genitalia.
What do you expect for a drive by post?
LMAOThe people who made the fonts are jerking off.
The people who wrote that are jerking off.
The people who put up that sign? Jerking off.
The people who made the website? Jerking off as we speak.
The people who are behind the organization? They go home and beat the shit out of their genitalia.
On the surface, cocaine and porn dont seem to have a lot in common but studies are showing that viewing pornography tricks your brain into releasing the same pleasure chemicals that drugs do.
...Might want to take a seat for this one.
Not everyone jerks off regularly, or watches porn.
Like there aren't a ton of those on both sides of the fence?
Ah yet another thead where GAFers ignore the negative effects porn can have.
I laugh every time I see stuff like this.
Back in the day I used to do freelance desktop and laptop repair. I go to a prominent anti-premarital sex, anti-Sex Ed, anti-masturbation, anti-everything preacher and once I got his computer booting again, I go to download AVG Free and run a virus scan, and he has a whole folder dedicated to "Saggy Tits".
The people who made the fonts are jerking off.
The people who wrote that are jerking off.
The people who put up that sign? Jerking off.
The people who made the website? Jerking off as we speak.
The people who are behind the organization? They go home and beat the shit out of their genitalia.
Have you ever wondered how pornographers that charge for their material stay in business when there’s so much porn available for free? As Wendy Seltzer—an attorney and fellow at Yale Law School—explained, the answer is actually pretty simple: once porn users get hooked, they’ll want more and more. “Seeing [free porn] just whets their appetite for more,” Seltzer said. “Once they get through what’s available for free, they’ll move into the paid services.” [1]
The Pornography Industry vs. Digital PiratesWendy Seltzer, an advocate for online civil liberties, says the Titan approach may point the way for other industries to enforce their copyrights. Ms. Seltzer, a staff attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a high-tech policy group that has fought the record industry over copyright issues, acknowledged that the amnesty offer ''sounds a little extortionate when they say it, perhaps.'' But she said it was ''a much more sensible approach'' than the music industry's litigation strategy. ''People always want this stuff,'' she said, referring to pornography. ''Seeing some of it just whets their appetite for more. Once they get through what's available for free, they'll move into the paid services.''
Ah yet another thead where GAFers ignore the negative effects porn can have.
Well hrm.Let's protest that sign by watching porn in front of it while masturbating. At least I hope somebody does that.
I laugh every time I see stuff like this.
Back in the day I used to do freelance desktop and laptop repair. I go to a prominent anti-premarital sex, anti-Sex Ed, anti-masturbation, anti-everything preacher and once I got his computer booting again, I go to download AVG Free and run a virus scan, and he has a whole folder dedicated to "Saggy Tits".
As if.
Masturbation and porn are not one in the same. I mean, they may be for you (and the majority of modern people), but they can be mutually exclusive.
I happen to believe that porn can have highly detrimental effects, and I've seen it firsthand. I know the flash response is "don't you dare talk about my porns," but I do wish people would be a little more open minded when they see stuff like this. Just because it doesn't affect you doesn't mean it doesn't exist or isn't worth discussion, and definitely doesn't mean you should just laugh it off.
Love this tidbit
As if.
Masturbation and porn are not one in the same. I mean, they may be for you (and the majority of modern people), but they can be mutually exclusive.
I happen to believe that porn can have highly detrimental effects, and I've seen it firsthand. I know the flash response is "don't you dare talk about my porns," but I do wish people would be a little more open minded when they see stuff like this. Just because it doesn't affect you doesn't mean it doesn't exist or isn't worth discussion, and definitely doesn't mean you should just laugh it off.
I think it's totally reasonable to say that there are elements of the production and consumption of porn that are problematic or even harmful in certain contexts, for certain people. I'm prepared to keep an open mind and listen to that pitch.
These billboards aren't making that pitch though, are they? They're saying that porn "kills love" which is something so nebulous and absurd that it doesn't deserve anything but mockery.
Asking people to be open minded about a close minded message is a losing proposition basically. I really don't believe all publicity is good publicity. If you sound foolish and destroy the credibility of your advocacy campaign out of the gate with vague hyperbole, what would you expect?
Odd how my post is getting pulled out, but that's fine. If you want to talk serious, we can. But for me to buy into the fact that porn is some sort of love killer in and of itself, without the millions of x-factors that stand in the way (addictive personalities, etc), I need to see some statistics.
And real ones. Not dredged up from some random website.
I'm not saying your situation isn't valid or anything. I just fail to see how porn is the only one at play if there are issues.
Isn't the point to get people to have discussion?
You were the first person who posted something I felt like replying to Mostly because I feel like you're making the leap (because of common association) that them saying porn is bad for love = them saying masturbation is bad for love. Again, at least on the landing page (I don't really care to dig any further), they definitely don't mention the m-word.
Scientists have been exploring the effects of porn on the body for years, wondering about its impact on everything from brain chemistry and libido to mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and motivation. The general consensus is that its not good. But porn affects more than just the body. Dr. Gottmans own scientific research revealed that masturbating to pornographic images results in the secretion of oxytocin and vasopressin, hormones linked to attachment and emotional connection. This discovery points to perhaps the most significant factor about porn use: its impact on personal relationships.