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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 5, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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Man, that was such an obvious trap, Sasha, but the real problem here is Rick's team selections. Should've left Sasha at the Church, since Sasha is more aggressive than Ty and could snap to if shit went down and left Michonne with the hostages cuz she doesn't fall for shit.

Tyreese is good in a fight when he wants to be, but man Tyreese needs to get back into the spirit of clobbering shit with a hammer.


That was a step up from the previous three episodes. Still wasn't very good. At least we got to see all the characters this time. That way if you were bored with one story, you knew a different one would be coming up soon.


That episode was the worst one so far. Whole lot of nothing. Who cares about the preacher and who cares about passed out mullet's group sitting around doing fuck all.

Filler garbage.
Funniest episode of the season
Great Job!

Best moments:

Beth and old man strawberry up to their antics again. Such good acting.
Tara is the new Bob
The Last of Us tremelo guitar soundtrack
Priest Dingus being his classic self
Cop Bob is the new Bob
That highl-larious ending


That Sasha stuff was so dumb. I mean come on, writers. Was that the best way you could let a hostage escape?

I'm willing to put up with a lot with this show but that was just plain stupid.

Also that guy on Talking Dead had the best observation about Father Gabriel. Where is he going? Let me get away from these very capable people who are helping me. Then he tries to escape and can't get three feet without stepping on a nail.


Good episode but I knew that ending was coming. I was like


"Ohhhhhhh fuck youuuuuuuu!"
Surprise guest on Talking Dead next week. Going to assume that it's going to be
Melissa McBride. I don't see Carol living even if the group manages to get her and Beth back. The internal bleeding will do her in.
. Next week I also don't expect a intense ending either but perhaps an emotional one.

The pacing on this show is always a concern. The hospital scenes could really be edited.

Anyone feel like the cops really know a lot about Rick's group?
1) How'd they steal one member of his group? How'd they know there were people out there? Could they have been following the group for a while, waiting for the weakest one to be separated from the group?
2) Is the cop's name really Bob, or did the master of psychology get into Sasha's weakened psyche?
3) "Bob" knowing that Rick was a cop, "because of the way he talks".

Rick made a lot of weak decisions this episode. Daryl seemed to be stepping up into his place.
1) His plan for attacking the hospital? Believing Tyrese's plan may work, but his plan will work.
2) Not even planning for the worst case.
3) Putting a lot of faith into Noah.
4) Next episode preview:
Rick offers himself up in the open during a negotiation? With "Bob" running loose, who claimed to be giving him helpful advice.

Guess I just wanted to say, if you think the cops know a lot (lol I know right?), then this episode wasn't so boring.


So what was the preacher doing? Where was he going? Did he think he was escaping....somewhere? Or did he have a destination in mind? Bizarre if he was just trying to get away from the survivors and had no idea where he was going. I didn't get the impression that he was a prisoner.

Oh settle down.

Thanks for the support.
man this show has some stupid writing. why they keep fucking shit up with shit like the ending.

Some parts of this show is great, then they mix in stupid shit like this, ruining the show for me


That stupid ending would've been redeemed if the window was open and Sasha fell through it.

She should have fallen through the window. I've broken a double pane window with a ping pong sized nerf ball, theres no way an old single pane window isn't going to shatter bashing a head against it.
Those melted zombies were kinda gross.

I'm willing to put up with a lot with this show but that was just plain stupid.

Also that guy on Talking Dead had the best observation about Father Gabriel. Where is he going? Let me get away from these very capable people who are helping me. Then he tries to escape and can't get three feet without stepping on a nail.

I thought he was running away because he didn't want to become a killer, or at least make a habit of "killing" zombies.


"The way you carry yourself. Were you a cop?"
what even is this

also after being to shoot off someone's fingers from the other side of a church a couple of episodes back suddenly nobody can hit the driver of a car going straight for them

also ninja zombies!

also that ending


Sasha got trolled hard.

Also is it me or did Eugene sound like a zombie? Maybe this is how Maggie dies since we all seem to think she's not going to last.


I thought Gabriel was hiding something under the floorboards. Turned out he just wanted out and to maybe faith heal some walkers.

Also, his injury from stepping on the nail is less goofy than Carol getting hit by a car and Sasha getting bodychecked into a window by Sergeant Bob.
That Sasha stuff was so dumb. I mean come on, writers. Was that the best way you could let a hostage escape?

One of the other questions is, why would that cop really want to do that? Rick and company had legitimately leveled with them and made it clear that they weren't going to hurt any of them. He would rather run through the streets of zombie infested Atlanta without the use of his hands, than be used in a trade? Even if the hospital folk reject the trade, there is still no reason for any of the hostages to be harmed. Doesn't make much sense.


I have to say, this episode made me realize Tyreese and Abraham really suck compared to their comic counterparts taking in everything up to this episode. Tyreese just sits blinking really fast and looking like he wouldn't want to hold a teddy bear the wrong way, and Abraham just kind of sat there and stared for half a day.

I get they're a little traumatized for different reasons, but I feel like they're punching way below their weight.


Sasha got trolled hard.

Also is it me or did Eugene sound like a zombie? Maybe this is how Maggie dies since we all seem to think she's not going to last.

They had him do that sound on purpose to troll the viewers. Same way they had Rick troll Carl when he was out for a few days and woke up unnecessarily like a zombie.


I don't know which ending pissed me off more, last week's Gotham or this Walking Dead.

One of those endings should have at least resulted in a face palm and the other should have triggered a "F U" toward the character. Sasha doesn't deserved to be cursed at. She's been through some real crap over the last few episodes and let her guard down. I like that it was touched up on on Talking Dead. The guy could have done a lot worse but his goal was simply to get away and not kill her, which he could have done. Which goes back to Noah's "he's one of the good ones". Which given that they're all bad might not mean much but we're comparing him with Dawn and the guy that tried to rape Beth.


"The way you carry yourself. Were you a cop?"
what even is this

Nothing confusing there, the way Rick was aiming his gun at them and just naturally giving them commands to turn around, drop their weapons, get on their knees, etc, made it obvious he was a cop.


That final shot just ended up looking comical with the cop doing that waddle run into the distance.

Unless I'm remembering wrong, was half asleep when I watched this (not due to the episode but I just wasn't feeling well last night) the way that was shot makes me think that this episode and the next really should be watched as one thing. Like they filmed one long episode and just decided to cut it there.


Also is it me or did Eugene sound like a zombie? Maybe this is how Maggie dies since we all seem to think she's not going to last.

I heard it that way as well. So Maggie gets zombied by Eugene'd, Abraham does something dumb and dies... That leaves Glenn with Rosita...I can live with that...


Nothing confusing there, the way Rick was aiming his gun at them and just naturally giving them commands to turn around, drop their weapons, get on their knees, etc, made it obvious he was a cop.

Didn't feel that policey to me at least. He pretty much held his gun up (non-gangsta) and told them to turn around, drop their guns, and kneel. Felt like he should have started with dropping the guns...

This episode wasn't very good. I don't care about the whole church group, and I had a really hard time caring about Glenn & friends getting water and fish for most of an episode, or Abraham meditating on his knees.

Watching this alone, I actually threw my hands out, "why not!", when Rick told Tyrese that his plan will work. And we could all see the "good cop" doing his thing a mile away.
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