Man, what the hell is up with the suddenly appearing zombies. The one in this episode was some ninja type zombie or some shit.
Seriously, right? They use noise when entering buildings and listen all quietly and the zombies are like "Shhhhh ... dude, ninja walk THEN make noise the last two feet"
Also, I really freaking loved Rick's dazed and stone cold look when he had the gun pointed at that cop's head. That is the face of man on the verge of insanity.
Yeah, this was great.
Was kind of a filler episode though, the whole "car out of nowhere" and recover could have been streamlined to just one battle and actually went in.
And fucking Jesus H Christ at whats-her-name being duped. Really? You are just going to "buy that"? But then again, such a really great season so far that even the 'lows' are still really good.
Kind of. Seriously, you don't turn your back on him. I knew it from the second she says "really, could you find him so I could put myself in an awkward situation and you can possibly escape?". I had my doubts before but that sealed it. Oh, yeah ... she's fucked and he's the bad guy we knew he was.
My guess is the other two cops are the 'good ones' and they'll probably flip their leader switch in the mid-finale.