I'm not gonna lie when he bit into the piece of meat at the end I wanted a steak.
When he bit into it, I wanted some Bob-B-Q.
I'm not gonna lie when he bit into the piece of meat at the end I wanted a steak.
Isn't everyone in the world already infected? What difference would Bob being bit have on the cannibals? I don't think he was even bit to be honest. I don't think that's why he was crying at all.
Being bitten gives you some sort of super deadly fever.
So the worry would be similar to eating mad cow disease tainted beef. You're not gonna "catch the zombie" since yeah you've already got that, but you'll maybe catch something fatal.
Isn't everyone in the world already infected? What difference would Bob being bit have on the cannibals? I don't think he was even bit to be honest. I don't think that's why he was crying at all.
This is what I thought.Everyone is infected, you turn when you die, eating "infected flesh" wouldn't do anything.
Don't you turn when you get bit or even scratched? I mean they had to amputate Herschels leg because he got bit there. I think you reanimated when you die for sure, but it seems like straight infection of saliva or blood to open wounds just does it right away.
This is what I thought. Everyone is infected, you turn when you die, eating "infected flesh" wouldn't do anything.
EDIT: Has this "super fever" ever been a part of the show or is it something from the comics?
The walkers are pathetic anymore. The only time there is a serious threat to anyone is when there are evil human beings or an entire horde of walkers. They amped them up a little bit with the influenza but how often are they going to run into them?
The show needs a super walker, something either fast or more intelligent than the average undead. Time for the chupacabra that Daryl saw in season one?
So does Maggie not care about her sister or what?
Don't you turn when you get bit or even scratched? I mean they had to amputate Herschels leg because he got bit there. I think you reanimated when you die for sure, but it seems like straight infection of saliva or blood to open wounds just does it right away.
if i wanted super zombies i'll watch a movie or play left 4 deadThe walkers are pathetic anymore. The only time there is a serious threat to anyone is when there are evil human beings or an entire horde of walkers. They amped them up a little bit with the influenza but how often are they going to run into them?
The show needs a super walker, something either fast or more intelligent than the average undead. Time for the chupacabra that Daryl saw in season one?
Does anyone know why Darryl smashed the taillights of the car? Doesn't he know they can be turned off?
Brake lights are a dead giveaway during pitch black night.Does anyone know why Darryl smashed the taillights of the car? Doesn't he know they can be turned off?
I don't think he was worried about the headlights so much as the brake lights
Damn, best first two episodes to kick off a season since Season 3.
(Comic Spoilers)One of my favorite parts from the comic was when Rick used his hand as a gun to shoot off fingers and ears when he approached Chris with the help of Andrea's sniper skillz. I was so hoping that Carol was gonna take Andrea's place in that scene but now she goes and runs off with Daryl to find Beth. -____-
Damn, best first two episodes to kick off a season since Season 3.
(Comic Spoilers)Bob's obviously bit. Tainted meat incoming! I see you, Ratsky/Pyro! :O
One of my favorite parts from the comic was when Rick used his hand as a gun to shoot off fingers and ears when he approached Chris with the help of Andrea's sniper skillz. I was so hoping that Carol was gonna take Andrea's place in that scene but now she goes and runs off with Daryl to find Beth. -____-
So, who's the butcher crew that'll be joining Rick in going to town on the last of the Termites? My vote: Michonne, Abraham, Sasha, Rosita, and maybe Tyreese since he let the kid live.
So does Maggie not care about her sister or what?
(Comic Spoilers)My guess is that Sasha will probably take that role considering in the comic is was Dale/Andrea and now its Bob/Sasha.
Episode 8 of this season, according to Wikipedia anyway, is called "Fear the Hunters". I REALLY hope they don't drag on this arc that long. Gareth is incredibly lame and his motivations make no sense.
I bet Gabriel is just a coward, he locked the doors and wouldn't let anyone in and kept the food for himself.
Gareth has quickly become my favorite villain of the series so I'll be totally cool with the whole first half this season taking its sweet time with his arc.
Huh? There have been several.Nobody's made a Bob's Burgers joke? really?
I was wanting the dude to offer Bob a bite of himself.
Gareth is great.
Is GAF just fans of super bland characters or something?
Merle (up until just before his final scene), Governor, and now Gareth were and are all disliked on here. But you have people rooting for the likes of Michionne, Tyrese, Herschel, and Carol the most boring characters in the history of television.
I take it you like ham with your cheese.Gareth is great.
Is GAF just fans of super bland characters or something?
Merle (up until just before his final scene), Governor, and now Gareth were and are all disliked on here. But you have people rooting for the likes of Michionne, Tyrese, Herschel, and Carol the most boring characters in the history of television.
Gareth needs to eat Carl. That would be amazing.
I take it you like ham with your cheese.
They're all dumb. This show is pure cheese in every sense. But not everyone likes hammy, mustache twirling villains back-to-back-to-back. What you find fun, others (like myself) find annoying. And that's alright.As opposed to what? A black samurai housewife? An abused widow who turned into rambo within the span of a few weeks on the show?
They're all goofy but at least the guys I root for are fun.
I think the time span between episode one till now has been about two years or so? So they had plenty of time for development, not weeks. This is not Under The Dome.As opposed to what? A black samurai housewife? An abused widow who turned into rambo within the span of a few weeks on the show?
They're all goofy but at least the guys I root for are fun.
Damn good episode. It would've been fine with just the church and supply run, but they included the Terminus guys and Beth's kidnappers. And I have no idea what Gabriel is hiding.
Bob has had a lot of shit happen to him. Last season a liquor shelf fell down on him. He had a stare down with Daryl. He got shot during the prison raid. A walker bit him on his bandages. This season he was used to make Rick talk during the slaughter scene. A walker tried to drown him during his moment of glee. And now this.