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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 5, Part 2 – S6 premieres Oct 11th

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I feel like I remember the creators saying a while back that they don't want the show to be predictable by only ever killing characters & settling things at the beginning and and of seasons/breaks. Isn't that exactly what they've been doing for a while now? It feels like now everyone's basically safe until the season finale where they'll kill another character off. Love the show but its really getting easy to call exactly what a given episode will be about or how it will wrap up. Liked Tyrese, would've liked to see him around longer.


Wow, I guess I am the only one who really enjoyed this episode.

The flashback/vision things I thought were used well combined with some of the best cinematography in the show to date. Getting a couple of the old cast members back was great. Bob was warm, that guy who he nearly beat to death was irritating, the kids were creepier than ever, Beth was still smiling, and the Governor is still a damn good presence even dead. They really pulled off "the twist" nicely where the intro is you thinking they're burying Beth, but in the end it was all burying Tyresse, and that the weird opening sequence of random visions was all in Ty's head. (though, what did the train track into the forest represent? Their journey to Terminus?)

Or was it?

The radio thing combined with the visions really freaked me out actually. It's basically like in Silent Hill 3 where the guy tells you "oh, you think they look like monsters?" because the radio pretty much summarized all the events of Rick's group from burning down Prison's and Hospitals to attacking cops and random people (also mentioned cannibals too).

I doubt the show would ever go in that direction of course, but it was fun to think about, and I actually hope that they do try to do more "Silent HIll" or "PT" type imagery in the show since I think it needs an infusion of new creativity given how Zombies will eventually become stale and that the character writing still isn't the best.

So I definitely get the complaints, especially those who wanted better for the Tyresse character. I felt aside from how he got bitten, he got a good send off, it's only unfortunate that he didn't do something more meaningful to earn it.

Speaking of which, I didn't notice if anyone discussed this, but WHY was Tyresse staring so hard at that picture of the twins?? At first it looked like he was feeling sad, but as he kept staring (and the camera kept creepily focusing on the twins) it looked like his expression was changing to something else, was it anger? or realization? But it was definitely weird. Any ideas?


Alright this has been bothering me. It didn't look like they tied that wound off on Tyrese when they were trying to escape the area. They just put a dirty fucking blanket over it. Did anyone notice that?

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
One of my favorite episodes. Loved the way it was shot. Felt like who new director. Good use of symbology and psychosis. Very subverse with his past struggling with his will to live in a world he was in denial of.


Is it possible to blame Tyreese's death on the actor having other commitments? A bunch of characters left when Darabont left too, right? They need to lock down actors if they really care about telling a proper story.
lol who am i kidding

though keeping shane through season 5 would've been fun

No, it was the showrunners decision.


Just got done watching this.

I am so sick and tired of the forced exposition and introspective talks. It's getting so pretentious that I had to tune out anytime some character decided they had something profound to talk about.

The hallucinating death scene was awful. Ghosts speaking in riddles. Who cares

I consider this post far more pretentious than the show.


I thought it was an okay episode. It's a shame they half assed Tyreese in the TV show while he's pretty cool in the comics.

Kind of a weird episode in terms of editing though, those yellow flashes on screen and the first minutes were all flash forwards. Something new I guess, don't know if I liked that.


I knew the kid being around meant the black quota was over the limit.

Yeah, this was my problem with it. The moment Gabe and Everybody Hates Chris showed up, Tyreese was doomed, but man, that death was super bullshit. At least they tried to make it more meaningful than Beth's, though.


Well, at least it looks like they are trying to do something about the cinematography.
The series always lacked a style of its own, now this wasn't anything terribly original but it's a start. I guess.

Also, did i miss it or no one cared to shoot Ty on the head before burying him ?
Alright this has been bothering me. It didn't look like they tied that wound off on Tyrese when they were trying to escape the area. They just put a dirty fucking blanket over it. Did anyone notice that?

I guess to be fair Rick called the others saying they need to cauterize the wound...

That doesn't excuse how they cut off his arm and didn't try to stop the bleeding.
Then they hand him off to the idiot kid that got him bit in the first place who drops him immediately. lol
I guess to be fair Rick called the others saying they need to cauterize the wound...

That doesn't excuse how they cut off his arm and didn't try to stop the bleeding.
Then they hand him off to the idiot kid that got him bit in the first place who drops him immediately. lol

it's the zombie apocalypse and dude was zoning out looking at pictures, while sam fisher was sneaking up behind him. That's on him.

(I think they handled the death decently tho, certainly put some effort into it)


I really liked this episode. Yes they could have did more with TY as I know what he is like in the comic's.

I think the reason he was like that with the pic's is that me maybe had a kid or kids that they resemble?

As for him dying I think it was from the blood loss and not the bite. He went pale so quick and we haven't seen someone die that quick from a bite yet. It just seems like it about a day it takes for someone to die from a bite.

So yeah was a nice start back into the show. Wonder if we will find out what happened at that place as it looks like someone attacked them and not to take the place for themselves as the wall looked like it was blown up from the outside with the black parts on the wall. Also some houses had been set on fire as was some of the bodies to and the front gate was chained so the people there didn't know what was happening as it looks like they didn't try to escape that way.

Perhaps I am looking too much into it or something who knows lol.


I knew Tyrese's days were numbered. Shame they didn't do more with his character.

Anyway, I just got to say this season has been a bit of a dud so far, IMO. Last season did really well leading up to Terminus and then all that ended pretty quickly. I really think they should have dedicated the first half of the season to the Terminus conflict, then the hospital/cop stuff in this second half and fleshed the stories out more. There's no central conflict, just small ones that have no lasting significance. They haven't dedicated enough time to anything. And with the exception of Beth, I don't think there was a lot of character building.

I'm glad they're finally getting out of Georgia, though. I just hope the rest of the season isn't them aimlessly wandering around until they get to DC, with nothing really significant happening.


I guess to be fair Rick called the others saying they need to cauterize the wound...

That doesn't excuse how they cut off his arm and didn't try to stop the bleeding.
Then they hand him off to the idiot kid that got him bit in the first place who drops him immediately. lol

Yeah but he already lost a hell of a lot of blood. I'm just at a loss for words. Take a fucking shoelace and tie it or something lol. Nope. Here, have a blanket.


I actually kinda liked this episode. Seeing
the governor
again was also pretty neat.

Episode was GARBAGE!

and seriously why is it every time a new black male character shows up the other one gets killed??

we got rid of the guys from the wire for everybody hates Chris guy and the preacher dude

fuck this show

But....isn't the preacher dude actually also from the wire?


This episode is a real dud in an otherwise great season.

I just dont see what they were doing last episode. I did like how it was shot, but it was just padding. Shame.


This episode is a real dud in an otherwise great season.

I just dont see what they were doing last episode. I did like how it was shot, but it was just padding. Shame.

Didn't they say what they were doing?

Beth wanted to get Noah home so rick and the group did that for her. Of course didn't turn out too well for them but they now know what they are doing and where they are going as Rick said that they should go to DC.
"Pretentious" continues to be the most misused word on the internet.

(Comic Spoilers)
Gimple or Kirkman essentially confirmed in an interview with EW that we'll be in Alexandria by the Season 5 finale. :3

yeah starting with next episode...
check out the spoiling dead fans.. you will see


I'm glad they're finally getting out of Georgia, though. I just hope the rest of the season isn't them aimlessly wandering around until they get to DC, with nothing really significant happening.

Dont worry, theres always deep talks and blank stares

and a stealth zombie to heat things up
This episode is a real dud in an otherwise great season.

I just dont see what they were doing last episode. I did like how it was shot, but it was just padding. Shame.
What do you mean you don't see what they were doing. They were honouring Beth's death by trying to take Noah home which also had the outside chance of getting them a new place to live. Instead they got nada and lost Tyreese and got beat down even more.

"Pretentious" continues to be the most misused word on the internet.

(Comic Spoilers)
Gimple or Kirkman essentially confirmed in an interview with EW that we'll be in Alexandria by the Season 5 finale. :3


Didn't they say what they were doing?

Beth wanted to get Noah home so rick and the group did that for her. Of course didn't turn out too well for them but they now know what they are doing and where they are going as Rick said that they should go to DC.

Sorry I wasn't clear: I don't see what the writers where trying to with the episode.

I've looked through this thread and consensus seems to be that they wanted to show zombie are a danger again and that the group have been on the road too long.

The storytelling came across as muddled to me. Although Michonne gave a good speech about needing a new home.

Definitely a miss for me - although I did like the way it was shot - and I felt they really had gotten in their stride earlier in the season. Maybe next week they'll get back on track.
The death of tyreese was awful and tied with the worst being Dale. The zombie was hollering and making noise before Ty went into the room and then a fucking 8 year old pulled a solid snake. Ridiculous.

But I did like seeing the governor again. Hope in the future Rick has a moment like this and we get to see Shane again.
I think the reason he was like that with the pic's is that me maybe had a kid or kids that they resemble?

I mean, there was (obviously) quite a lot running through his head at that moment, Tyrese was clearly, if anything, (too?) introspective (for his own good?) Ultimately, I think he was just reflecting not only on his circumstances, but the circumstances of the world as it now exist.

When they were driving to the village, the kid told him that he had a mother, and two brothers, that he hoped were alive. Tyrese assured him that they were alive...so obviously coming face to face with the naivety of his optimism touched him in a way that he wasn't ready for.

I liked the character, and will definitely miss him...but I don't mind his death. It felt right, given not only his specific characterization, but also the (loosely) running theme of the program that only the strong can survive in this world. Dale. The Terminus people BEFORE they became cannibals. The presumably peaceful inhabitants of that village. Like Abraham said, only strong people are left now....Tyrese wasn't tough enough for the world anymore.

I don't agree with those saying that he "had all his character development right before he died"....Tyrese has had quite a bit of characterization.

I feel like he was one of the more developed characters in the show...we got to a point where we knew what he was about, we knew how he would react to certain situations, etc.

He started out moral, snapped for awhile after his girlfriend was killed, but he forgave Carol and he ended up doing this :


^ I loved this moment, because it said everything we needed to know about his character without actually saying anything.


He started out moral, snapped for awhile after his girlfriend was killed, but he forgave Carol and he ended up doing this :


^ I loved this moment, because it said everything we needed to know about his character without actually saying anything.

I don't recognise this part. What happened there?
Shane was right from the beginning!

Ain't no world for soft hearts anymore.

I really liked Tyrese and wish he would have stuck around for a while longer :/
I knew Tyrese's days were numbered. Shame they didn't do more with his character.

Anyway, I just got to say this season has been a bit of a dud so far, IMO. Last season did really well leading up to Terminus and then all that ended pretty quickly. I really think they should have dedicated the first half of the season to the Terminus conflict, then the hospital/cop stuff in this second half and fleshed the stories out more. There's no central conflict, just small ones that have no lasting significance. They haven't dedicated enough time to anything. And with the exception of Beth, I don't think there was a lot of character building.

I'm glad they're finally getting out of Georgia, though. I just hope the rest of the season isn't them aimlessly wandering around until they get to DC, with nothing really significant happening.

That's pretty much how it's like in the comic post Prison. Just quick arcs that lead to something much bigger

Also Shane would mesh well with this group.


But those flashes man, they almost gave me a seizure, think of people with photosensitive epilepsy next time assholes! >_>

Episode was crap anyway.


G***n S**n*bi
Don't be besmirching Shane's good name up in here. If Shane 'o Mac was still running shit this group would still be running deeps as fuck.

The moment Rick took over everything went to shit. And continues to be shit.



Was there any point to this episode other than to make sure they were inline with the black quota for the group? What a let down after the mid-season finale, just a terrible episode.


G***n S**n*bi
Was there any point to this episode other than to make sure they were inline with the black quota for the group? What a let down after the mid-season finale, just a terrible episode.
They pretty much just needed to get rid of another Black guy because another Black guy is on his way. Having 4 Black men and 2 Black women would obviously turn this into a Black show. Can't be havin' that. *shrugs*

To their credit; they went through with this bullshit in a pretty stylish way. I'll give 'em that. Outside of the Black-Quota fuckery it was a pretty cool episode. I liked it.


Don't be besmirching Shane's good name up in here. If Shane 'o Mac was still running shit this group would still be running deeps as fuck.

The moment Rick took over everything went to shit. And continues to be shit.


Shane's iron fist would have everything running as well as Woodbu...... well, at least as well as Terminu......

Here's some #thruthfact
Shane is dead
Rick is alive

I actually really don't care :p
I'm a little torn on how I feel about this episode. On one hand, I really appreciate what they were going for. On the other, I felt like it was a waste of time (Ty's prolonged death), not the episode as a whole.

I kept thinking about how much cooler it would have been to have it play out pretty much the same way, the hallucinations, and what not, but actually have Ty live. I think it would have been a pretty gutsy move to actually have the group make it to him in enough time to amputate his arm before the infection spread. They could have messed with time and the audiences perception of time since they kept showing the clock radio in the bedroom. Ty could have had the hallucinations, and he and us as the audience could have been led to believe all of this is happening over the span of several minutes, but in reality all of it went down in the span of 30 seconds or so.

Eh, that's just my opinion though.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
It was one of my least favorite episodes. The opening montage and it's link to the later scenes seemed very trite. I did like the return of the dead characters and had a laugh that beth got to sing one last song knowing how much it would piss people off. Surprised they couldn't or didn't get his old girlfriend that Carol killed back though. Having it basically be the Tyrese death episode was what I disliked about it though. No-one just gets killed in this show anymore, every death has to have some meaning, and they have to carve out a big section of the show in a lot of cases to give it meaning.
It was one of my least favorite episodes. The opening montage and it's link to the later scenes seemed very trite. I did like the return of the dead characters and had a laugh that beth got to sing one last song knowing how much it would piss people off. Surprised they couldn't or didn't get his old girlfriend that Carol killed back though. Having it basically be the Tyrese death episode was what I disliked about it though. No-one just gets killed in this show anymore, every death has to have some meaning, and they have to carve out a big section of the show in a lot of cases to give it meaning.

Yup, every death has to be some kind of event or get dedicated attention. It used to be that no one felt safe.

For what it was, I felt the episode was handled well but not really as a big mid-season opener. I guess that's a fault with how AMC formats these shows though with the season split into 2. After months of waiting we get to see a whole episode dedicated to the death of a character that wasn't that developed to begin with? Feels like a waste of the viewer's attention.


OK episode. Tyrese death was sad, but done well I guess. Not much plot development, but an interesting POV that we've never really had before.


Loved the episode. Everything was so depressing and it was great. I continue to love pretty much every episode, and I'm really looking forward to Sunday.


Decent read. It covers some really annoying points (like stealth zombies) but it misses THE WORST, which is the deep talk

Cracked - 5 Plotlines The Walking Dead Needs to Stop Repeating

#1 is my biggest issue that I agree with (like the rest of the article). I was just talking to my sister about this Sunday night that the show keeps doing the same thing and it's getting stale.

#1 hurts me the most because Rick is my favorite character and I'm ultimately watching the show until it's done or he goes out.

Good on Cracked.


Wasn't a bad episode. The radio thing felt weird and out of place and I would've liked to see some blurry vision or other visual effect during the dead people hallucinations but aside from that it was fine.

I don't usually watch Talking Dead but I did Sun night and they said Ty was bleeding out and that's why he died.

black quota black quota black quota black quota black quota black quota black quota black quota black quota black quota black quota black quotablack quota black quota black quota


I thought it was an interesting episode, with some fairly generic and odd directing choices. Tyreese's journey throughout the episode, and the use of the "ghosts" was cool. The circumstances surround his bit felt incredibly cheap and contrived. That the episode ended with his death was unsatisfactory to me, and the bait and switch opening made the whole thing feel like a death for death's sake. We all assume it's Beth being buried at the beginning of the episode but *SURPRISE* it's actually Tyreese. It seemed purely calculated as a shock death coming right after another major character death and in the first episode back from a break. It didn't feel like an earned character death. The plot didn't motivate the death, the death motivated the plot.

Andrea, Hershel and the Governor's death all felt like conclusions brought about by character decisions and events following from one to the other. Beth's event had some semblance of character created consequence, albeit fairly underdeveloped. Tyrese's death was literally because a single zombie, who he was aware of moments before, just snuck up on him. It would have played better if Tyrese didn't actually see the zombie in the other room before. Let the audience see it and build the tension without making the character just look like a complete idiot. Oh well.


Its funny that no one mentions the cuts light-flashes straight from 90´s music videos.

"all it needs now is a shirtless old man in black and white"
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