Wow, I guess I am the only one who really enjoyed this episode.
The flashback/vision things I thought were used well combined with some of the best cinematography in the show to date. Getting a couple of the old cast members back was great. Bob was warm, that guy who he nearly beat to death was irritating, the kids were creepier than ever, Beth was still smiling, and the Governor is still a damn good presence even dead. They really pulled off "the twist" nicely where the intro is you thinking they're burying Beth, but in the end it was all burying Tyresse, and that the weird opening sequence of random visions was all in Ty's head. (though, what did the train track into the forest represent? Their journey to Terminus?)
Or was it?
The radio thing combined with the visions really freaked me out actually. It's basically like in Silent Hill 3 where the guy tells you "oh, you think they look like monsters?" because the radio pretty much summarized all the events of Rick's group from burning down Prison's and Hospitals to attacking cops and random people (also mentioned cannibals too).
I doubt the show would ever go in that direction of course, but it was fun to think about, and I actually hope that they do try to do more "Silent HIll" or "PT" type imagery in the show since I think it needs an infusion of new creativity given how Zombies will eventually become stale and that the character writing still isn't the best.
So I definitely get the complaints, especially those who wanted better for the Tyresse character. I felt aside from how he got bitten, he got a good send off, it's only unfortunate that he didn't do something more meaningful to earn it.
Speaking of which, I didn't notice if anyone discussed this, but WHY was Tyresse staring so hard at that picture of the twins?? At first it looked like he was feeling sad, but as he kept staring (and the camera kept creepily focusing on the twins) it looked like his expression was changing to something else, was it anger? or realization? But it was definitely weird. Any ideas?