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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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Negan should take out all three: Glenn, Daryl and Morgan, for maximum impact. Smushes Morgan, everyone is all "nooooo but at least the horror is over", Negan all "eh I'm not tired", takes out Glenn, everyone all "NOOOO", Negan shrugs and slams Daryl in the face, hard cut to black, season ender.

Thank you, thank you.
Negan should take out all three: Glenn, Daryl and Morgan, for maximum impact. Smushes Morgan, everyone is all "nooooo but at least the horror is over", Negan all "eh I'm not tired", takes out Glenn, everyone all "NOOOO", Negan shrugs and slams Daryl in the face, hard cut to black, season ender.

Thank you, thank you.
i forgot negan had a code towards women but imagine the impact if roles were reversed and Maggie got Luciled



Rick knows it's not his kid, which is why he's not really with her that much.

Notice how Maggie said she's starting to look like Lori, not like Rick. lol



Fuck you Charter. Seriously missed the last 10 minutes of The Walking Dead AND now Badlands is recording a frozen screen. Twitter is pissed.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
What's the over-under on Glenn today.

Seems to be over. Congrats "team real." I was wrong. And the show pretty "jumped the shark" there. But I'll still be watching.

What was Steven Yeun's message BTW? It wasn't captioned.


LOL at them talking about how it was ~such a secret~ that Glenn was alive.

Worst kept secret, even if you weren't watching spoilers, regular news columns were all "HE'S FINE LOOK HE'S FILMING AS OF YESTERDAY."

Sweet summer children.



Comic spoilers
yep only these three have a chance. I'm leaning towards Morgan cause it will make Rick not kill Negan at the end of the war.
Ding ding - winner. Also the biggest cop out for this show so of course they will take it, all about safe choices now, sucks.


LOL at them talking about how it was ~such a secret~ that Glenn was alive.

Worst kept secret, even if you weren't watching spoilers, regular news columns were all "HE'S FINE LOOK HE'S FILMING AS OF YESTERDAY."

Sweet summer children.

Worse handled story line ever.


Worse handled story line ever.

It's just really funny how they are treating it like it was such a secret lol. Steven is on now "I couldn't talk to anyone and I never left my apartment".

Yes you did, boo, you left every day, to film. Which everyone saw pictures of. Repeatedly.

lol, it's kind of adorable.


Gimple basically said its not a cop out because if you saw him laying there from different angles, it would look like Glenn is being eaten alive.


For real. I dunno why they acting like this Glenn fake out was something so amazingly clever.
They act like it was such a monumental thing, come one now

It's just really funny how they are treating it like it was such a secret lol. Steven is on now "I couldn't talk to anyone and I never left my apartment".

Yes you did, boo, you left every day, to film. Which everyone saw pictures of. Repeatedly.

lol, it's kind of adorable.

They are being so cute almost wish it was what they thought it was.


Ding ding - winner. Also the biggest cop out for this show so of course they will take it, all about safe choices now, sucks.
Comic spoilers
idk I agree definitely that an Atlanta original would be much more impactful but we do have to realize that Morgan is pretty much the third character we were introduced to in the first episode. So it would be really sad for the average person who only watches the show and knows nothing about the comics. No only that but Morgan dying would be really hard on Rick as a character as well. I think any of the three are a good choices but ya they will probably play it safe.
Soooo... what was the point of all this? A fake out for the sake of fake out?
I don't mind Gimple's explanation of him wanting us to feel the uncertainty that Maggie and them felt. Obviously savvy viewers didn't fall for it but it's crazy how many were genuinely not sure on social media and real life and then ecstatic when he came back and maggie saw the sign then freaking out when the walls fell. Gimple knows his audience.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Soooo... what was the point of all this? A fake out for the sake of fake out?

To reasonably kill off the Alexandrian dude that was with Glenn (since he was a coward and they were literally outnumbered) while avoiding the inevitable Gleen vs him battle that they totally fucked up with him winging Glenn last season.

Dude was gonna die eventually, so they made this decision for shock value of having Glenn be "is he or isn't he" with that framing AND killing the dude off in a suicide/lost hope.


It's just really funny how they are treating it like it was such a secret lol. Steven is on now "I couldn't talk to anyone and I never left my apartment".

Yes you did, boo, you left every day, to film. Which everyone saw pictures of. Repeatedly.

lol, it's kind of adorable.
To the average person it was. Most people I know had no idea and thought he was dead.
This show is now officially the dumbest/worst thing on TV.

yea, season started off great but it managed to drag into the worst aspects of Walking Dead shit that I hoped ended a few seasons ago.

Really tired of the structure of this show, we know someone is going to die next episode or something "big" is gonna happen. There is almost no tension because we know it's coming, we know the story beats because they've been doing this shit forever now.

They need to grow balls and kill characters when the episode isn't a mid season/season finale.


This show is only watchable in a positive light in the after-air format, where you can marathon the whole thing without commercials. In its native format its filler trash.
yea, season started off great but it managed to drag into the worst aspects of Walking Dead shit that I hoped ended a few seasons ago.

Really tired of the structure of this show, we know someone is going to die next episode or something "big" is gonna happen. There is almost no tension because we know it's coming, we know the story beats because they've been doing this shit forever now.

They need to grow balls and kill characters when the episode isn't a mid season/season finale.

They should but with ratings like they are they probably don't see any reason to change that.
yea, season started off great but it managed to drag into the worst aspects of Walking Dead shit that I hoped ended a few seasons ago.

Really tired of the structure of this show, we know someone is going to die next episode or something "big" is gonna happen. There is almost no tension because we know it's coming, we know the story beats because they've been doing this shit forever now.

They need to grow balls and kill characters when the episode isn't a mid season/season finale.


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
This episode sucked ass. Glenn surviving is such bullshit, but not surprising. That kid with the gun wanting to kill Carl...predictable. The building crashing into the wall...predictable. More scenes filled with unnatural conversations and boring monologues.

This season is the equivalent of a truck stuck in mud with its wheels spinning.
That kid with the gun wanting to kill Carl...predictable. The building crashing into the wall...predictable.

I thought he'd want to kill Rick if anything. He's the one that actually killed his Father.

Also, how else was the herd going to get in? It withstood a truck crashing into it with ease, the amount of walkers scene in the shots this episode wouldn't of pushed it over.
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