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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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There's 10,000 walkers in the quarry, all packed together tight. Catch a few big groups together and fire would spread from each one to another....particularly if you assume that fire would not immediately kill or cripple them .

I have thought this many times during the series, never more so than when they were looking at the quarry. Why the fuck don't they do it! Grrrr...


Rarely do shows get better with age, I'm pretty sure The Walking Dead is a rare example of a show getting better as it went on. I've enjoyed this show way more since Gimple became showrunner.

Totally agree. This was one of my favorite season premiere's thus far. Great episode.

I'm wondering if the horn at the camp was caused by Gabriel. Rick told him he couldn't come, wonder if he got mad again and is trying to bring everyone down.


A case of abused becoming the abuser?

Her development has been incredibly interesting whatever way you look at it.

I like to think of it as survival of the fittest.

My biggest complaint early on in this program was lack of identity, and a plethora of terrible acting performances. At this stage in the game, it's really interesting to see who remains from the earlier seasons, and how their characters or arcs show significant range.



This was the weakest season opener by far. Rubbing pacing, mainly due to the format they worked with. Hoping they don't have these black and white flashbacks in the future episodes. Killed whatever tension there could have been because of the constant cutbacks. All the walker sequences fell flat too.

Is there any word if this new format's going to move forward with the future episodes?
Iam pretty sure that tension was not the point of the episode, but the build-up
Good episode and a great set up for the rest of the season. I'm glad we're seeing some action instead of more stories about Rick's group just trying to get along with the people of Alexandria.


I heard before the season started that the opening scene of the season would be reminescent of Lord of the Rings. I assumed they meant the huge horde of walkers looking like an army, but then there was the scene of Tara being in bed and everyone walking in one by one...

Which of course reminded me of this
Ok maybe I was tired, but I was completely lost for 30 minutes and then fell asleep out of boredom - WTF is going on in Season 6? They were in some mine right at the beginning with no preamble and no way to tell why they were there. Some scenes were in B&W and others were in color...it's like they completely changed their story-telling "language" for this episode, and I thought they tried way too hard.


Ok maybe I was tired, but I was completely lost for 30 minutes and then fell asleep out of boredom - WTF is going on in Season 6? They were in some mine right at the beginning with no preamble and no way to tell why they were there. Some scenes were in B&W and others were in color...it's like they completely changed their story-telling "language" for this episode, and I thought they tried way too hard.

yeah it all gets explained if you watch the episode without dosing off and really ? is it too hard to understand that black&white means pre timeskip in this episode ?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Ok maybe I was tired, but I was completely lost for 30 minutes and then fell asleep out of boredom - WTF is going on in Season 6? They were in some mine right at the beginning with no preamble and no way to tell why they were there. Some scenes were in B&W and others were in color...it's like they completely changed their story-telling "language" for this episode, and I thought they tried way too hard.

Basically the black and white scenes are closer in time to the Season 5 finale. The color stuff is the "present."

It's nonlinear, which I what I liked about it. It's confusing because they drop the viewer off at that point without context, but if you make it through the entire episode it will make sense.

It's definitely different from how the show usually does things, but that's what keeps it fresh for me. Having the character moments as flashbacks to the setup for this gigantic Walker herd migration was a smart move. Otherwise this episode would have been extremely front loaded with just them talking in Alexandria for the majority of the episode. This gave people the action they wanted, in addition to characterizations.


I like how they used the tacky black and white filter so that people would understand that those are flashbacks, and people still didn't get it.


Really enjoyed the season premiere.
Who the hell was blowing the horn?
I certainly have ideas but who really knows?

I like how they used the tacky black and white filter so that people would understand that those are flashbacks, and people still didn't get it.

Wait... They didn't? LOL

Edit - I was buzzed as hell when watching this and I still understood the black and white. Fuck people are stupid.


naw, 400k is about the average price for houses like those where the community is

i live in the area

For the size of those homes? Depending on where you are in Alexandria you can spend $500k on a duplex/split home. Source: My brother owns one and spent more than that and houses go for $600k-1.5mil in his area.


This was the weakest season opener by far. Rubbing pacing, mainly due to the format they worked with. Hoping they don't have these black and white flashbacks in the future episodes. Killed whatever tension there could have been because of the constant cutbacks. All the walker sequences fell flat too.

Is there any word if this new format's going to move forward with the future episodes?

And just to counter this I thought the episode was great. I loved the homage to classic horror films and the comics by doing the flashback scenes in black and white (Which looked fine on my TV btw), I thought it was one of the best season opener episodes and I liked the pacing and story telling.


Neo Member
I really enjoyed the premier. I think that this season we'll see Rick having to answer for how almost apathetic he's become towards those not part of the group. Don't get me wrong I love badass nonsense Rick but I think he may end up going too far if he's not checked. I think Morgan will be that check

I also think that the alarm/horn was caused by (spoiler tagged just in case)
the wolves they did find Aaron's backpack with the pictures of Alexandria


Great Season premiere i was thin

My personal favourite hottie from this show



last I remember, Gabriel was always on the edge of losing it. So maybe off screen he finally snapped.

regardless of who actually honked the horn, fuck Gabriel.
yeah, fuck gabriel no matter what - but did he receive any reprimanding because of what happened in the last season's finale?
Please no more black and white. That hurt my eyes.
agreed, too much of it.
i still can't get over the fact the dude got caught by a walker that was behind a tree.
the ninja zombie shit is too unrealistic. you're supposed to be able to hear them and they're not supposed to have the wits or quickness to grab you when you come into their...peripheral vision?
Jesus could you not have linked to the image instead of embedding it so us at work who sit in an open plan office don't look like perverts?
lol, yeah. even something like this is still kinda nsfw


Wants to outlaw technological innovation.
Thought it was an ok first episode. I also disliked the small character arc of Carter. I'm assuming Morgan is just going to take over as the person to challenge Rick with what he is doing.


I don't know if I understand their plan. They found a bunch of zombies safely corralled into a hole, but they noticed that a truck blocking their way out was about to slip out of position. So they decided to relocate all the zombies to somewhere far away from the town instead of fixing the barricade?

You'd think fixing the barricade and/or just blowing them all up with dynamite or something would be a better plan.


I don't know if I understand their plan. They found a bunch of zombies safely corralled into a hole, but they noticed that a truck blocking their way out was about to slip out of position. So they decided to relocate all the zombies to somewhere far away from the town instead of fixing the barricade?

You'd think fixing the barricade and/or just blowing them all up with dynamite or something would be a better plan.
They mentioned that even if they build up the defences, the noise of the walkers would just attract more, and the dynamite is rather risky, and would again, attract more walkers.
Best episode I've seen from the show in a while. My fiancé got me to watch my first episode since midway of season 5 last fall and, holy shit, last night was pretty good. Still a lot of so-so acting, but I enjoyed it.
I did watch 'Fear The Walking Dead' for the first two episodes and, damn, that show is abysmal. Terrible characters making terrible decisions non-stop.


What would be your plan, that doesn't 1) make much noise or 2) attract more walkers?
Those flares made a ton of noise.

I thought it was a weird plan given how many walkers there were and how few humans were left to implement it. I would prefer finding a way to ensure they stay in the pit instead of unleashing thousands of walkers outside of it. Twenty miles really isn't that far away from Alexandria. I would also make a point to send someone out there daily to make sure the trap is still secure.

I really enjoyed the episode. I'm not excited about Morgan being the new Dale or Tyrese but I do think that Rick needs something or someone to rein him in a bit.
Blow them all to hell. Noise be damned.
What magical bombs do they have that could blow up thousands upon thousands of walkers?

A few grenades isn't going to the trick, an RPG isn't, a few gas cansisters isn't, and if anything, explosions would be worse because the shockwaves and such could weaken the sides of the quarry and cause that truck to fall off the edge
What magical bombs do they have that could blow up thousands upon thousands of walkers?

A few grenades isn't going to the trick, an RPG isn't, a few gas cansisters isn't, and if anything, explosions would be worse because the shockwaves and such could weaken the sides of the quarry and cause that truck to fall off the edge

Yeah, and I doubt they have enough gasoline to burn all of them too.
Regarding the horn: People like Gabriel/Ron only assume the good guys are going on a dry run. So no one back at the camp is like "Let's fuck up their plan!" because they don't think the walkers have been let out yet.

I vote wolves.
my idea would be to get a few fire trucks and fill with gasoline, blast all the zombies with the gas and then shoot some flaming arrows at them.

I have no idea if that would work though haha


I think people are putting too much faith on fire working. Unless you flat out incinerated them, causing their brain too cook and I don't think they have enough fuel to do that. Otherwise, fire would just make a zombie crispy. Its not going to cause enough trauma to the brain.
with the amount of flares, cars, and metal , id make a metal funnel of death.

either way they should have killed all the walkers while they had all of them in one place rather then move them somewhere else lol
Well whatever they were going to do, the truck was going to fall over and unleash the walkers, so in that moment, going with the crazy plan and leading the walkers away was the only option at the moment


Great season opener. Dealt with a lot of the immediate events of S5, but without padding with unrest within the walls of Alexandria. Thought the flashbacks worked well in dragging the audience into S6 without it being long winded.


What magical bombs do they have that could blow up thousands upon thousands of walkers?

A few grenades isn't going to the trick, an RPG isn't, a few gas cansisters isn't, and if anything, explosions would be worse because the shockwaves and such could weaken the sides of the quarry and cause that truck to fall off the edge

They have vodka. Enough molotov cocktails can even melt tanks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJnXZBc6g_I
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