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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 6, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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people considering this slow must have forgot what season 2, a 3rd of what season 3 and 4 was

The only problem I have is how far soft they made Morgan in general and this episode was suppose to show it. Im just not a fan of his current standing


Would fish be safe to fish and eat during a zombie apocalypse? I'm assuming no? Contaminated waters and whatnot right?

What would the alternative be for eating meat during a zombie apocalypse then? Canned meats?

Was thinking about how Eastman gets his meat but it turns out he doesn't eat meat.

If there's not a dead body in the water, I don't see why it would hurt to fish and eat as long as you cooked the meat.

Edit: HAHAHA! "Save Terrapins" shirt after showing Enid eat one.


You know the goat cheese guy is going to die by the end of this episode, I want to see how this happened

Also nice to see how someone as crazy as Morgan somehow got reform


I wish they did more backstory/flashback stuff to be honest.

As much as i love the over the top action and gore i have always been drawn to the comics and show for the human element.


Wow, people are actually not liking this episode? Crazy, I think it's been pretty damn good. I love these character spotlight episodes.


Nah fam there's a whole half hour left

Hour and half special guy

90min episode.

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