Reading the comics I know exactly where the note came from but don't want to spoil it for anyone.The note was from the dead guy that the stuff belonged to. Rick and Aaron probably didn't even see it.
Reading the comics I know exactly where the note came from but don't want to spoil it for anyone.The note was from the dead guy that the stuff belonged to. Rick and Aaron probably didn't even see it.
Huh? I read the comics and have no clue where the note is from. Care to spoiler tag it?Reading the comics I know exactly where the note came from but don't want to spoil it for anyone.
CertainlyHuh? I read the comics and have no clue where the note is from. Care to spoiler tag it?
I found it really weird how everyone was coming out to watch Spencer and Negan play pool. You'd think Spencer would propose his plan with less people around.
The first we saw picked a doll up. The kid walker at the petrol station just after Rick woke up.
They were all rather fresh back then though, they got less capable the longer they rotted.
That's not a tiny detail at all though. It was an important story reveal and has been shown multiple times since we found that out. Just this season Dwight shot a guy in the back and they showed him later as a Walker.
Ya I remember, that was a good scene. Still, the actual reason they were doing all those things is because Darabont was showrunner, and he wanted the walkers to do stuff like that. Season 2 had a different showrunner and the walkers ended up changing to be like the comics.The first we saw picked a doll up. The kid walker at the petrol station just after Rick woke up.
They were all rather fresh back then though, they got less capable the longer they rotted.
Comic spoilers:CertainlyI believe the note was left by the mysterious person you see stalking Rick. That person while I don't know who plays the character I believe comes from The Whisperers faction. When Rick took those weapons I believe he openened up a new can of worms with the Whisperers. I believe the note and weapons was left by them.
CertainlyI believe the note was left by the mysterious person you see stalking Rick. That person while I don't know who plays the character I believe comes from The Whisperers faction. When Rick took those weapons I believe he openened up a new can of worms with the Whisperers. I believe the note and weapons was left by them.
It wasn't Michonne that convinced Rick they have to fight. It was Spencer and Olivia dying. Aaron and Rick talked in this episode about how cooperating with Negan and the saviors was going to keep people alive. Rick gets back to Alexandria and two people still ended up dying. So Rick finally realizes that something has to be done or else people are just going to keep dying.
She pretty much figured she was doomed anyway. The thing about the Saviors is that not all of them are technically bad, but they'd no sooner die than jeopardize/compromise their position/role in the faction. It's an aspect that the show really hasn't gotten into much.So did that lady tell Michonne how to killer her and get away? and if so why would she?
Also I laughed hard at them happily walking towards the mansion at the end. "Off to destroy another settlement."
Comic spoilers:ahh okay I see what you mean now. While I really do wanna see the whisperers (they're my favorite enemy group from the comics) I think it's way too soon for them to show up. Plus filming spoilers point to the mystery person not being a whisperer. I really don't expect them to show up till season 9. I think AOW is going to be all of season 8 and we might see hints of them throughout season 8. Personally I think it would be a huge mistake getting the whisperers involved this early. They need their own time to shine. Right now it should be all about Negan and the saviors.
The CDC is from the first season, and that 'detail' is mentioned in passing to Rick. It's never really picked up on and explained properly. I don't recall any of The Governor's men coming back as walkers, nor do I remember Shane coming back. I remember Rick shooting him in the field outside Hershel's farm, but that's it. Maybe I do need to rewatch it all.
"Wait, who is that kid?
So can anyone explain me what Michonne saw on the street around episode 3 or 4? After she practised with the rifle and gave up she saw something. It was some scorched stuff but I couldn't tell what it was and neither did the show explained it. But she was really nervous when seeing it.
Think you're talking about the burning mattresses that Negan's men took from them. They basically took their bedding and then dumped it all and burnt it, showing they're just dicks and don't actually need the stuff.
CertainlyI believe the note was left by the mysterious person you see stalking Rick. That person while I don't know who plays the character I believe comes from The Whisperers faction. When Rick took those weapons I believe he openened up a new can of worms with the Whisperers. I believe the note and weapons was left by them.
No more Walking Dead... ;_;
I think Carol is doomed when we come back in February ;_;
Was re-watching the MSF and couldn't help but notice something that made me feel kinda bad for Spencer.
It seems he just wanted Negan to dethrone Rick, not kill him like I (and others) thought. When Negan first introduces the notion of killing Rick ("why don't you just kill him yourself?"), Spencer is at a loss for words yet he's denying it ("what? No no, I didn't-- I don't--") in the same manner Aaron denied writing that "you still lose" note to the saviours. In both cases, they didn't have time to respond; I truly think Spencer just wanted Rick "demoted", which definitely doesn't warrant being disemboweled.
That sucks.
Was re-watching the MSF and couldn't help but notice something that made me feel kinda bad for Spencer.
It seems he just wanted Negan to dethrone Rick, not kill him like I (and others) thought. When Negan first introduces the notion of killing Rick ("why don't you just kill him yourself?"), Spencer is at a loss for words yet he's denying it ("what? No no, I didn't-- I don't--") in the same manner Aaron denied writing that "you still lose" note to the saviours. In both cases, they didn't have time to respond; I truly think Spencer just wanted Rick "demoted", which definitely doesn't warrant being disemboweled.
That sucks.
Has anyone watched the pilot lately? I watched it this week after only seeing it when it first aired. Great episode.
Anyways it seemed like they had intentions at that time to give the zombies memories. The little girl zombie picking up her teddy bear and Morgans wife hanging out at her house and trying to open the door are what gave me this thought. I'm glad they didn't stick with that plan though.
I agree!! Though in the trailer for the rest of the season you can (show spoilers I guess?)I'm really hoping we see more of bootleg gerard butler in the second half of the season. Easily one of the better side characters introduced this year.
Season 6 Part 2 was probably the best the show has ever been. Something happened each episode and pushed the story forward. Season 7 was pretty boring and I say this as a fan. It was poorly paced and they made a few episode longer than they should have been and dragged things out (Episode 1, Episode 3, Tara).Finally watched the first 8 episodes of season 7. Carl is gonna kill Negan with Lucille, I'm pretty sure....after Rick shot him first of course.
Oh yeah...and how can anyone be #TeamNegan? This guy is a sadist and a psychopath.
Great acting btw.
But the first episode...while very tense and amazing...was just too much. I know they just 'copied' the comics but that was disgusting. The violence was over the top. This scene would've been better without the gore and all that crap. It was just....shocking....and that's cheap.
I don't have anything against violence in movies but TWD just jumped the shark here.
edit: Season 7 is way better than season 6 so far. Season 6 was the worst...boring as hell. 1-3 were the best and 4 was still good.
Season 6 Part 2 was probably the best the show has ever been. Something happened each episode and pushed the story forward. Season 7 was pretty boring and I say this as a fan. It was poorly paced and they made a few episode longer than they should have been and dragged things out (Episode 1, Episode 3, Tara).
I didn't like the first half of Season 6 either. That was probably one of the bigger filler arcs the show has had. Season 5 Part 1 was really bad too. I liked Part 2 though because it was really interesting to see them interact with a new group that really had no experience.I agree with your opinion that there are at least two bad episodes (filler) in season 7 but the entire first half of season 6 was the worst of all TWD seasons imo. And seasons 5 wasn't good either...
I didn't like the first half of Season 6 either. That was probably one of the bigger filler arcs the show has had. Season 5 Part 1 was really bad too. I liked Part 2 though because it was really interesting to see them interact with a new group that really had no experience.
I just found out that my dad stopped watching the show after the premier as well for the same reasons you listed. I was surprised because he watches plenty of other gory shows but the way this was done just turned him off from TWD. He hasn't watched since and has no plans to return.Yeah, I agree.
Still, the two deaths of 7-1 were just disgusting.
It felt like 10 minutes of breaking their skulls. I was like 'Yeah, I get it...move on'....but it didn't stop. That was torture porn and sadism. Not Negan's sadism...the producer's sadism. This shit is not TWD. TWD is splatter, sure....but I don't like watching humans getting tortured and murdered terribly. Especially not when they murder characters that are important for the show. I get why they did it but it just felt wrong...for the show. It was just for shock value. There aren't many great characters left. Maybe Rick and Daryl...(Michonne...okay) but that's it. They shouldn't have copied the comics. This is not a comic, it's a TV show. You just can't kill every famous or interesting character and expect to get applause.
I'm still watching it because I like Negan (the actor of course, not the character) but after that...? I'm not sure. I was already thinking about quitting the show in season 6.
I just found out that my dad stopped watching the show after the premier as well for the same reasons you listed. I was surprised because he watches plenty of other gory shows but the way this was done just turned him off from TWD. He hasn't watched since and has no plans to return.
There will eventually be a "origin of Negan" episode, right? I'm really interested to see what this guy was before the outbreak and how he came to be where he is now.
Ya I think there's a good chance we get an episode like that. I don't think it will be this season tho.There will eventually be a "origin of Negan" episode, right? I'm really interested to see what this guy was before the outbreak and how he came to be where he is now.
So this pic has been floating around. New addition? Or just a lame-o tabloid garbage? Its Priyanka from Quantico.
Didnt know that. Its been circling in my social media group.They were presenters at the Golden Globes. Why would that have any bearing on The Walking Dead?
So this pic has been floating around. New addition? Or just a lame-o tabloid garbage? Its Priyanka from Quantico.
Gale Anne Hurd said:We were able to look at the feedback on the level of violence. We did tone it down for episodes we were still filming for later on in the season. This is not a show that is torture porn, we dont cross that line.
*rolls eyes* The only thing that was violent was Negan bashing into the heads. And that was to emphasize how much of a villian he is. It's a Zombie show where people eat each other, what the fuck are you watching it for if you can't tolerate excessive violence.Supposedly the violence got toned down in the second half of the season