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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 7, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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Im curious about the ratings. After the season premiere the show went almost radio silence on my timelines. Not even a single person mentioning it.

Ill wait for the season to be over to watch it all at once. I cant deal with all the fillers and how slow everything goes if i take it one episode per week

Escape Goat

Couple questions:

-Why the vomit at the end? From the picture or just the unsustainability of dog food?
-The sweater slaves in the wall didn't seem to be operating with much urgency. What was up with them?

I saw it was the rejection of Darryl to eat like a subhuman. He rejects the dogfood sandwich. Maybe I'm reading more into it.


Great episode.
I expected daryl to die, actually.
Saw a pic with him and his guts out, zombies clawing at him. Only saw it for a second on Facebook and closed it immediately.
Had I looked in the comments I would've seen it was a screen grab from pandorum.

So I sat there, waiting for him to die. Thank God he didn't.


He should've accepted.

Pretty crazy that he didn't. Literally no advantage for being brave.

Yeah. Pretty much. He wasn't being asked to kill someone, at least not yet.

Also, it's kind of hard to believe Negan hasn't been killed by one of his own yet. Like, people are willing to die but not willing to die fighting?
What if that Dee dude tells Negan what Daryl said about giving in because they were thinking of someone else... and then Negan kidnaps one of the others to force Daryl to give in


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I liked this one. It felt like Dwight's episode, but we also got a look at Negan's operation at the same time.

Daryl doesn't strike me as the type to break, so I'm glad he's not giving in. Him working for Negan actively working against Rick and the others just isn't something I could swallow. Dwight for example is basically Negan's lapdog but you can see there is a simmering disdain for Negan behind all that. Even if Daryl "breaks," I'd expect that he isn't ever going to take up arms against his people.

This episode opening up with "Who's the Boss" was pretty clever. I see you, Walking Dead. I see you
Also, it's kind of hard to believe Negan hasn't been killed by one of his own yet. Like, people are willing to die but not willing to die fighting?

Not too hard to believe, really. I'm sure there were a few who tried early on, failed, and had horrific examples made of them. That tends to dissuade others from trying after a certain point. Negan didn't get to his position through inheritance or luck. He "earned" his way there by simply being more "Alpha" than any competition he may have had on the way up.

Yes, my use of the word Alpha was not purely coincidencidental! ;)


I wasnt really impressed by the montage at the start, didn't really work for me.

Besides, that song has been used for another montage which is magnificent.

Anyway, I wanna see more Negan.
Yep, I thought they did a good job of contrasting the two new groups, especially by airing their episodes back-to-back.

Also, something amazing that I haven't seen anyone mention: we now have 4 different self sustaining communities, all in close proximity to each other. That's kind of a huge deal!

The thought occurred to me more this episode than in the Jesus "a larger world" one - people complaining that the show isn't going anywhere seem to be missing the larger narrative of slowly returning to a civilization and how different leaders are accomplishing that. I think it's a very interesting meta-story and I'm really interested in how it will go. Might have to go back to the comics (stopped before finding out who got killed in 100).


I liked this one. It felt like Dwight's episode, but we also got a look at Negan's operation at the same time.

Daryl doesn't strike me as the type to break, so I'm glad he's not giving in. Him working for Negan actively working against Rick and the others just isn't something I could swallow.
"Hey, maybe you haven't been keeping up on current events, but we just got our asses kicked, pal!"

There is no "Negan actively working against Rick" ;)
It's over.

yes, I do know how things evolve in the comics


This has been the worst episode I've ever seen from TWD.. I think I might actually be done watching the show and I never thought I'd get to that point. Really stunned at some of the responses here.

Bizarre pacing, weird montage or whatever you wanna call it in the beginning of the episode. Completely out of place song choices. Clearly they've been trying to take a page out of Breaking Bad's approach with the happy song/sad situation type editing but it's been failing horribly. Dwight's character has been so goddamn weak and his acting was atrocious in this episode. The scene with him and the dude who was escaping could have been out of The Room.. it was that bad (I'm thinking Denny on the rooftop with the drug dealer bad). When he was yelling "SHUT UP" over and over my girlfriend and I were laughing a lot. Horrifically written and acted scene, through and through, even if the ending was a little better. You'd think the most watched show on television would have more consistent quality with its writing and acting. Also.. awesome music squandered on two people we don't care about doing things we aren't invested in.

The only positives here are Daryl and Negan.. and why Daryl doesn't want to give in. I do like the connection they made with Dwight's situation but for me it was too little too late because I checked out after the show started (and forced myself to finish it).

I get they were trying to show the tediousness/bleakness of Daryl's situation but my god it doesn't translate to a good episode. If I have to hear that song again I'm going to lose it (yeah yeah, "that's the point" but it's a stupid point to make considering its execution).

We go from the most violent and intense episode ever shown on TV to a lighter, more heartfelt/warm one, then return to torturing Daryl and in some ways a repeat of what was shown in episode one (ie Negan threatening and tormenting Rick's group).. with boring and annoying repetition in regard to Daryl's fate. There were a few good moments (the best were when Negan or Daryl were speaking), but that was a a complete waste of time.

I thought Alexandria would have been the low point in terms of filler, time wasted, horrid acting and writing.. but I was wrong.

Really starting to lose all of my interest. :/


What were the people who were dressed like Daryl outside neagans compound actually doing with those zombies?

I have absolutely no idea what was going on with that. Why were they putting buckets on zombie heads? I wasn't sure if they were supposed to be working, or if they were being punished or if it was just something that Negan does to amuse himself.
I have absolutely no idea what was going on with that. Why were they putting buckets on zombie heads? I wasn't sure if they were supposed to be working, or if they were being punished or if it was just something that Negan does to amuse himself.
The buckets were clearly so they could move the zombies and not get bitten. It was implied and then show that people who disobey or don't want to follow Negan are killed and then chained/spiked/etc as walkers to the wall. Looks like they have prisoners do the job of moving the walkers to the wall
Maybe those walkers help 'mask' all of the living people inside the compound. so two birds with one stone situation maybe; kill disobedient members of the saviors and use them as a walker wall. idk really, just a guess.


I have absolutely no idea what was going on with that. Why were they putting buckets on zombie heads? I wasn't sure if they were supposed to be working, or if they were being punished or if it was just something that Negan does to amuse himself.

The buckets were clearly so they could move the zombies and not get bitten. It was implied and then show that people who disobey or don't want to follow Negan are killed and then chained/spiked/etc as walkers to the wall. Looks like they have prisoners do the job of moving the walkers to the wall

The bucket thing was obvious to me and Badass already covered it.

Yeah they didn't come out and say what was going on though but I don't think it really matters. I imagine it was a combination of things... a zombie maze to keep people out and in, a way to display those that don't follow orders, and maybe just a Zombie garden for Negan's amusement. What really matters is that Daryl has a choice of joining the Saviours or becoming a zombie in the zombie garden.


The buckets were clearly so they could move the zombies and not get bitten.

Why not just put a bucket over every zombie head when you're out there, then? Why did it seem like they were only using 1 bucket at a time?

That section of the show just lacked coherency to me. You get the broader point -- there's a nasty zombie playground in the compound, and dissenters/prisoners are likely to get tossed into it. The purpose of the playground and what people are doing there never really came across.


In all honesty things seem a little luke warm. They shouldn't have taken a three week break inbetween the premiere and Rick's eventual return to Alexandria. Intercutting between Daryl's struggles and the group in mourning seems like a better option.

Disagree completely. I love focused, self-contained episodes that let the story breathe. One of the things that makes TWD one of my favorite shows airing right now, if Game of Thrones did this it would be much better.


Why not just put a bucket over every zombie head when you're out there, then? Why did it seem like they were only using 1 bucket at a time?
Maybe buckets are scarce in a zombie apocalypse? :)

I dunno... I think you are getting hung up on a small plot point though. If they were smart they would put buckets or something on each zombie when adding new ones, but at the same time they are making the prisoners do the work so it adds an element of danger to the job.
Solid episode. Dwight seems like an interesting character. Negan makes me nervous and at the same time he has this charisma that makes him a joy to watch.

Holy shit that that (catchy) song though. Just finished watching and it's stuck in my head. Thanks show!


Sketchbook Picasso
Personally, I enjoyed last week a bunch more. Ezekiel is a much more refreshing look at the kind of civilization that can run in this world. And watching him call Carol on her tired faking game was a great moment. Negan is just the same thing we always see in a different, even more self-important wrapping.

Zombie Playground is kinda... eh? The people wrangling the zombies barely seem to be in heavy trouble, and while it is sad to see the dead that people knew serving as a defense... it's not like they're live and being tortured. That'd seem much more evil, to have life humans put up on spikes, acting as meat shields.

Dwight's struggle / character building isn't anything we couldn't have guessed. It's nice to see for the sake of the overall tale, but nothing too fresh on it's own. He's one side of what Daryl could become.

Daryl himself wasn't too interesting this ep. He stayed stone-faced throughout everything, had an emotional moment when it didn't change anything, and stayed the same when it would matter. He fell for an OBVIOUS trap of trying to escape, and I'd rather seem him craftily play "by the rules" in order to string Negan along, rather than stay defiant, and somehow avoid death / maiming / Negan sending out a person to snipe and kill one of his core group.

Considering how much has been suggested to happen to Dwight and his group, Daryl went though a lot without even a finger missing, a crushed or broken bone, or a greater threat to anyone else he care about.

He made the comment that he can't give up because he has someone in memory. But that kinda only works if he things he has plot armor. Right now, he's just putting MORE people, and himself at risk.

Overall, though, I don't mind taking time away from our "core" group. They spent all last season basically being as cut-throat as Negan, and with the only break in that same flavor being Zeke, the distance doesn't feel so bad. We kinda KNOW what the core has to do for now, so it's not as if we're going to immediately see them in a vastly different situation. Building up the world around them can help justify or explain some of their upcoming actions, without them acting them out on their own, y'know?


Why not just put a bucket over every zombie head when you're out there, then? Why did it seem like they were only using 1 bucket at a time?

Why bother sparing more than just the bare minimum for the people you're already holding prisoner and don't care for? It's a psychological means of... well, torture, I suppose. The same reason why they play Easy Street on repeat.


For people wondering why somebody hasn't turned on Negan yet, think about it. People probably have and other people probably saved his ass so they can get a better deal with him. Look at ISIS or other terrorist groups, they have leaders too lol.


JDM is killing it as Negan. He's having fun with this character, you can see it in everything. You're lucky Lucille isn't thirsty today... but I am!

Daryl not breaking was to be expected. Dude is as tough as nails, won't break because of a shitty song. Cool closer look at Dwight. Really tragic guy.
Testing my limits...



What did I miss? My DVR cut off after Dwight threw Daryl back in his cell and said,"youre gonna end up in that room or on the fence!"

Can someone tell me what I missed after that?
What did I miss? My DVR cut off after Dwight threw Daryl back in his cell and said,"youre gonna end up in that room or on the fence!"

Can someone tell me what I missed after that?

Daryl tells Dwight that he gets it; that Dwight caved because he had people (Sherry) he cared for. It's the same reason Daryl won't work for Negan (cares about his fam in Alexandria).
Daryl tells Dwight that he gets it; that Dwight caved because he had people (Sherry) he cared for. It's the same reason Daryl won't work for Negan (cares about his fam in Alexandria).

Huh, makes sense. I took that line to mean he couldn't work for the person that killed people he cared form.


Hunky Nostradamus
In a tense scene, Negan asked Daryl his name, wanting his prisoner to answer "Negan" -- as all his subjects do. Daryl refused.

"It's not a 'F--k you' to Negan," Reedus said. "It's a 'You can't have me.'"

But what gave Daryl the will to take the stand while the same bat that killed his friends was staring back at him? That's easy, said Reedus: "Glenn."

"Because if I disrespect what Glenn means to me and what Abraham means to me and what they fought for, then they have everything," Reedus said of his character's thinking. "[Daryl thinks], 'You can beat me down and you can humiliate me and make me suffer, but I'm not giving you that.'"


The scenes were more than a challenge to execute, according to Reedus. He was emotionally naked -- and literally, too. He went without the notorious modesty sock often given to male actors for nude scenes, he said.

"It was kind of funny, though, because I dropped the robe and I'm butt naked and the whole crew and camera department -- it was like they were watching a tennis match -- they all just looked to the left," he said laughing. "It was in unison."

"I have to give it up to them because they're in there with me for a couple of days and they weren't cracking jokes. They were very quiet, very respectful," he said. "I don't know that it would be as easy to go there emotionally with a bunch of strangers and people I didn't trust."

via THR
This has been the worst episode I've ever seen from TWD.. I think I might actually be done watching the show and I never thought I'd get to that point. Really stunned at some of the responses here.

Bizarre pacing, weird montage or whatever you wanna call it in the beginning of the episode. Completely out of place song choices. Clearly they've been trying to take a page out of Breaking Bad's approach with the happy song/sad situation type editing but it's been failing horribly. Dwight's character has been so goddamn weak and his acting was atrocious in this episode. The scene with him and the dude who was escaping could have been out of The Room.. it was that bad (I'm thinking Denny on the rooftop with the drug dealer bad). When he was yelling "SHUT UP" over and over my girlfriend and I were laughing a lot. Horrifically written and acted scene, through and through, even if the ending was a little better. You'd think the most watched show on television would have more consistent quality with its writing and acting. Also.. awesome music squandered on two people we don't care about doing things we aren't invested in.

The only positives here are Daryl and Negan.. and why Daryl doesn't want to give in. I do like the connection they made with Dwight's situation but for me it was too little too late because I checked out after the show started (and forced myself to finish it).

I get they were trying to show the tediousness/bleakness of Daryl's situation but my god it doesn't translate to a good episode. If I have to hear that song again I'm going to lose it (yeah yeah, "that's the point" but it's a stupid point to make considering its execution).

We go from the most violent and intense episode ever shown on TV to a lighter, more heartfelt/warm one, then return to torturing Daryl and in some ways a repeat of what was shown in episode one (ie Negan threatening and tormenting Rick's group).. with boring and annoying repetition in regard to Daryl's fate. There were a few good moments (the best were when Negan or Daryl were speaking), but that was a a complete waste of time.

I thought Alexandria would have been the low point in terms of filler, time wasted, horrid acting and writing.. but I was wrong.

Really starting to lose all of my interest. :/
Foh, youll be tuned in next sunday
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