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‘The Walking Dead’ – Season 7, Part 1 – Sundays on AMC

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Nose how to spell and rede to
I know "plot" and all, but seriously just somebody randomly cap Negan and I doubt they will have the same kind of organization going forward.


has calmed down a bit.
Yeah, someone who is as annoying as Negan should not be standing in front of people with guns and bats and knives constantly berating them in a post apocalyptic wasteland. Way too many people with nothing to lose for that kind of character to survive for long.

I think a way more cautious/paranoid character would've been the more likely warlord type. But I know that's how he was written in the comics.
on a show like this, you can't just remain okay if a character just disappears. somebody could fuckin die just for doing something they ain't supposed to
So the thing that drives me absolutely batshit about this show is the horrible plot contrivance. Here's Negan, at the gate, with a bunch of people. Why not mow them the fuck down while they're standing there? Or shoot Negan right in his ugly fucking face right there with the gate closed?

I mean, I realize this is based on a comic and it's one of the reasons I feel like comics aren't "real literature" but hot damn this is just stupid. Rick TORE OUT A GUY'S THROAT a couple of seasons ago when he and Carl were threatened, and here we go with Negan standing right fucking there and Rick takes it up the poop chute "just because."

Ugh. Fucking lame.
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