Barack Obama is to blame: 13 Alabama conservatives on Charlottesville
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Blame Barack Obama if old.
Several Alabama voters blame President Barack Obama for the white supremacist violence in Charlottesville this weekend because, they say, he sowed division in American politics.
Attendees at a rally for Rep. Mo Brooks, a conservative House Republican running for Senate, in Decatur on Monday said they were confident that philanthropist George Soros was bankrolling both sides of this weekend's violent clashes.
And on conservative Alabama talk radio, Black Lives Matter activists quickly emerged as a top culprit in the bloodshed. Callers, citing Facebook posts, claimed that BLM protesters had thrown bricks at the car that then hit and killed Heather Heyer.
Theres a lot of wrong on both sides, and unfortunately all the liberal media talks about is the wrong on one side, said Tom Cowles, 61, a retired engineer from a wealthy section of northeast Alabama.
Ann Eubank, 68, of Rainy Day Patriots Tea Party: Obama set racial relationships in the nation back 100 years with his divisional rhetoric. Being a Southerner, the KKK was always Democrat. So to blame it on Republicans is ridiculous. Did they have the right to march? Absolutely. Did the antifa have the right to stop them? No. That's how violence begins the two polar opposites don't want the other to be heard.
Dawn Ray, homemaker
It's very sad and counter to how I think to be racist. And to create conflict is counter to my worldview and the worldview of those I associate with. We, as a rule, look at people as individuals and don't judge people by the color of their skin.
The climate that's created, in part by the last presidential administration, encouraged dissent and encouraged conflict by not denouncing it.
Kerrick Whisenant, 41, construction executive
I think Barack Obama is to blame. I think this country is more divided than it ever has been. I think almost all racism in world history can be tied back to liberalism, socialism, the idea everyone's supposed to have an equal outcome as opposed to equal opportunity those are liberal ideas that have been propagated over the past eight years through the administration, with just terrible things going on and the rhetoric we had coming out of the White House during that time.
And I think President Trump's leadership is spot-on we have to reject all kinds of racism, and eventually we have to reject it and refuse to acknowledge it, other than criminal proceedings, and get rid of it.
I think with a lot of things in life we have to ask, "Who is to gain from this?" I don't think you have crowds show up to that sort of thing without somebody to gain. Somebody having something to gain. I think that news media, Hollywood, and Democratic politicians are the top three entities that can gain from something like that.
Dave Garvey, 66
It's terrible. I think some good is going to come of it. There will be a crackdown on almost all hate groups the white supremacists, the KKK, even on the other side and those against freedom of speech trying to shut down peaceful protests.
I don't think they should have even allowed [the neo-Nazis there]. If you're going to allow it, bring in the National Guard preemptively and make sure the area is secured. If you authorize something like that, there's going to be confrontation I'm surprised there wasn't more destruction of property.
It would have been nice if the president had come out a little stronger against the specific groups, but if you're going to give a rapid off-the-cuff response, it was probably a little bit bland; but if you're going to do that, I didn't have a problem with that. Today he just met with the attorney general and probably got more information today than he did yesterday. It's hard to jump in and start accusing people before you have the facts; and today he named the groups.
Rep. Mo Brooks, US representative and Republican Senate candidate
Im not in a position to form a judgment as to who is or who isnt responsible until I have more factual information. I just have news clips. Certainly, the guy who drove his car into other people that was dead wrong, and he ought to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, and if the death penalty permits, he ought to be executed.
But I also saw other film clips of different groups of people assaulting each other, but from the scrum it was difficult to determine who was who.
Hot takes.
Blame Barack Obama if old.