I dont think Gen. Lee would be disappointed in them moving the statue because I think he would want to preserve the union.
He sure went about it a strange way!
I dont think Gen. Lee would be disappointed in them moving the statue because I think he would want to preserve the union.
Kerrick Whisenant, 41, construction executive
I think Barack Obama is to blame. I think this country is more divided than it ever has been. I think almost all racism in world history can be tied back to liberalism, socialism, the idea everyone's supposed to have an equal outcome as opposed to equal opportunity — those are liberal ideas that have been propagated over the past eight years through the administration, with just terrible things going on and the rhetoric we had coming out of the White House during that time.
How the fuck are you supposed to reason with people like this?
Unfortunately, too many internet communities are driving younger people to the alt-right. Things will need to radically change for us to fix this rather than just waiting for all the old people to die.
What the fuck is this dude smoking?
They pulled the "Blame Barry" card a lot later than I thought! I expected this to happen the next day.
The bolded here really highlights the stupidity of the conservative voter.
Dave Garvey is the only somewhat sensible, non-brainwashed person in that group. The rest live in an alternate reality.
Honestly, I'm done blaming ideas like this on ignorance. They know what they're saying is 100% bullshit, they're just bigoted to the point where they don't give a fuck.
I dont know what this is supposed to be? It is 13 random idiots spouting idiocy. Why are we giving them a platform?
They are right. If Barack Obama didn't have the audacity to be a black president, none of these pathetic white shit heels would have had their jimmie's rustled.
Lol man these people are fucking duuuumb.He sure went about it a strange way!
Obama set racial relationships in the nation back 100 years with his divisional rhetoric.
"That damn nigger had the audacity to say their lives matter."Sure... riiiiight
I dont know what this is supposed to be? It is 13 random idiots spouting idiocy. Why are we giving them a platform?
Sam Harris :"BLM will set the country back a hundred years"
Funny how racists share the same viewpoint that asking for equality only harms minorities
There's no longer a moderate side to American conservativism. For the past 20 years they've been steadily moving away from the centre.This isn't even the lunatic Nazi fringe. These people are on the moderate end of modern American conservatism.
Reality has a well-known liberal bias.Why do republicans and moderates hate reality.
Preaching unity is being divisive to these people. It goes against their world-view.Wait a second... And I'm not trying to be coy here, I'm being dead serious, didn't he preach unity from day one? Like, I remember that being an especially large part of his re-election campaign. How was he divisional in any way, shape or form? At all?! God the fucking stupidity on display makes me want to pickle my liver.
From Alabama you say?
Anyhow, I miss the Racist free Bush years.
If youre black and you havent been successful in the last 50 years, its your own fault. Youve had every opportunity, it was given to you, she said.
Youve had the same schools everybody else went to. You had benefits to go to college that white kids didnt have. You had all the advantages and didnt take advantage of it. Its not our fault, certainly.
Miller also dismissed the racial tensions of the 1960s, when she said she graduated from high school. Growing up as a kid, there was no racism, believe me. We were just all kids going to school.
Asked about segregation and the civil rights movement, she replied: I never experienced it. I never saw that as anything.