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“Barack Obama is to blame”: 13 Alabama conservatives on Charlottesville

Kerrick Whisenant, 41, construction executive
I think Barack Obama is to blame. I think this country is more divided than it ever has been. I think almost all racism in world history can be tied back to liberalism, socialism, the idea everyone's supposed to have an equal outcome as opposed to equal opportunity — those are liberal ideas that have been propagated over the past eight years through the administration, with just terrible things going on and the rhetoric we had coming out of the White House during that time.

The bolded here really highlights the stupidity of the conservative voter.

How the fuck are you supposed to reason with people like this?

It's Alabama. At this point all we can do is accept this while pointing and laughing at the stupidity of it all.


Unfortunately, too many internet communities are driving younger people to the alt-right. Things will need to radically change for us to fix this rather than just waiting for all the old people to die.

What I'm learning is that the most entitled and make-it-all-about-me pieces of shit on the planet are white teenagers.

Yeah, our only hope isn't old people dying. It's brown people being born.


The Autumn Wind
Barack Obama is to blame.

Because you racist fucks hated him and treated him as the damn devil simply because he was black. Go fuck yourselves, you irredeemable pieces of shit.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
What the fuck is this dude smoking?

That shit that Republicans have been growing since they dropped the fairness doctrine. They aligned racism with those voodoo economics and now you've got conservative fucksticks throwing around buzzwords thinking they're intellectual and politically learned because they spend a couple hours a day listening to Rush Limbaugh scream.

The idea someone would be stressed out over this shit is pathetic.
Find your own identity. No need to lock yourself down to some misguided sense of race.


Honestly, I'm done blaming ideas like this on ignorance. They know what they're saying is 100% bullshit, they're just bigoted to the point where they don't give a fuck.


These people are white supremacists. They're just using the language of the dog whistle to communicate it.

They aren't stupid and know exactly what they're doing. They support the racists and neo Nazis but know that saying it outright will be bad for them socially.

If racism became more acceptable they'd let the veil drop super quick.


I wonder whose going to get the gold in mental gymnastics this time around. The flips and spins here on display make olympic athletes look like shit. Every time I think its insane that Trump takes no responsibility for anything, I'm reminded that a large group of people just like him exist in this country too.


"Racism was dead in America until that black guy became President!"

I always enjoy how none of these people can point to a specific incident or statement Obama made that created this "division". They just say it happened over and over again until people believe it.
They are so racist that a black man in the white house triggered them to a point where they radicalized and when Trump came along with his hateful rhetoric they felt emboldened and started to act out.

So yup, Obamas fault. Clearly not their fault for being fucking racists.
Dave Garvey is the only somewhat sensible, non-brainwashed person in that group. The rest live in an alternate reality.

He's brainwashed too.

He thinks Trump just needed more information before denouncing Nazis and that's why he waited. He thinks Trump was sincere

He thinks both sides
They are right. If Barack Obama didn't have the audacity to be a black president, none of these pathetic white shit heels would have had their jimmie's rustled.


Honestly, I'm done blaming ideas like this on ignorance. They know what they're saying is 100% bullshit, they're just bigoted to the point where they don't give a fuck.

I mean, if it were just stupidity, would that be somehow better? Either way these people are a waste of life.


Sam Harris :"BLM will set the country back a hundred years"

Funny how racists share the same viewpoint that asking for equality only harms minorities


vox.com reposting right wing talking points and not pushing back or fact checking in any way

now someone can google "charlottestown brick thrown" and get a link to vox where they can read all these accounts about how antifa soros BLM ararchists made that poor boy crash his car. awesome.
Always very quick to blame Obama, but if you want to get them to point to literally any actual example besides "many reasons," you have to coax it out of them. And then if you are able to do that, it's garbage spun by "political commentator."


Clearly you all are forgetting that time when Obama held a white police officer prisoner in the White House Rose Garden and forced him to drink beer and converse with a black man, just because he accidentally arrested said black man in his own home. I mean, if that's not lighting the race war powder keg, I don't know what is.

/s, obviously


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
I dont know what this is supposed to be? It is 13 random idiots spouting idiocy. Why are we giving them a platform?

The rhetoric of these 13 random idiots matches up pretty perfectly with the rhetoric of pretty much every single conservative I've had the great displeasure of talking politics with here in the Bible Belt.

This isn't even the lunatic Nazi fringe. These people are on the moderate end of modern American conservatism.


That fucker Obama, what did he do for the country except fix the crumbling economy, save the auto industry, repair relations with various hostile countries, give everyone health care and killed Bin Laden. The bastard!
Sam Harris :"BLM will set the country back a hundred years"

Funny how racists share the same viewpoint that asking for equality only harms minorities

Yeah but have you listened to all 2 hours of Harris' podcast that put all this in a context that actually changes nothing but allows me to pretend like it does without having to prove it? Have you huh?


Always blame the guy you don't like for problems you have fueled yourself by normalizing and not calling out the filth earlier.

Which party does the "White Reich" support? Hint, it's the normalized terrorists in charge right now.
Wait a second... And I'm not trying to be coy here, I'm being dead serious, didn't he preach unity from day one? Like, I remember that being an especially large part of his re-election campaign. How was he divisional in any way, shape or form? At all?! God the fucking stupidity on display makes me want to pickle my liver.


Just ignorant and some of these people are proudly ignorant, which is weird.

'I think almost all racism in world history can be tied back to liberalism, socialism' <-- REALLY?!


This isn't even the lunatic Nazi fringe. These people are on the moderate end of modern American conservatism.
There's no longer a moderate side to American conservativism. For the past 20 years they've been steadily moving away from the centre.


The Autumn Wind
Why do republicans and moderates hate reality.
Reality has a well-known liberal bias.

Wait a second... And I'm not trying to be coy here, I'm being dead serious, didn't he preach unity from day one? Like, I remember that being an especially large part of his re-election campaign. How was he divisional in any way, shape or form? At all?! God the fucking stupidity on display makes me want to pickle my liver.
Preaching unity is being divisive to these people. It goes against their world-view.
Read as
"We have no problem with black people... as long as they learn to know and accept their place firmly beneath us, and take any abuse without complaint"

These people are racist fuckheads
From Alabama you say?

Anyhow, I miss the Racist free Bush years.

Republicans miss the racism free 60's.

“If you’re black and you haven’t been successful in the last 50 years, it’s your own fault. You’ve had every opportunity, it was given to you,” she said.

“You’ve had the same schools everybody else went to. You had benefits to go to college that white kids didn’t have. You had all the advantages and didn’t take advantage of it. It’s not our fault, certainly.”
Miller also dismissed the racial tensions of the 1960s, when she said she graduated from high school. “Growing up as a kid, there was no racism, believe me. We were just all kids going to school.”

Asked about segregation and the civil rights movement, she replied: “I never experienced it. I never saw that as anything.”

They didn't hear about racism then like they do today so there must not have been any. Now that they do they're the real victims.


Of course Obama is to blame from the perspective of thick fucks. Because he was President. And he wasn't white. So now it's time to lash out and restore the "natural" order.

Dammit, I wanna have a drink with Obama.
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