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“Barack Obama is to blame”: 13 Alabama conservatives on Charlottesville

Reality has a well-known liberal bias.

Preaching unity is being divisive to these people. It goes against their world-view.

Jesus... It literally is someone saying, "can't we all get along?" and the response being "fuck you for wanting us to get along."

It makes no sense whatsoever.
Don't you guys know that Obama was actually all the nazis and confederates at the rally at the same time because he got a really good roll on his bluff skill because of his high charisma stat? He was on a mission from (((Soros))) to destroy infowars and take our guns.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
There's no longer a moderate side to American conservativism. For the past 20 years they've been steadily moving away from the centre.

Oh, I definitely agree. That "Moderate" is only "Moderate" relative to what we saw in Charlottesville.


Ann Eubank, 68, of Rainy Day Patriots Tea Party: Obama set racial relationships in the nation back 100 years with his divisional rhetoric. Being a Southerner, the KKK was always Democrat. So to blame it on Republicans is ridiculous

Dawn Ray, homemaker
It's very sad and counter to how I think — to be racist. And to create conflict is counter to my worldview and the worldview of those I associate with. We, as a rule, look at people as individuals and don't judge people by the color of their skin.

The climate that's created, in part by the last presidential administration, encouraged dissent and encouraged conflict by not denouncing it

"I'm not racist, but..."


"if black people didn't push for equal rights, nazis wouldn't have to violently fight back against that push"

THAT is the implicit assumption behind blaming Obama
Well he is a bit right. A strong, intelligent, black man elected twice to the highest office who proceeded to serve the office with dignity and grace got conservatives to lose their goddamn minds and back Trump
Pretty sure 60 years from now there's still going to be crusty old conservatives rocking in their chair espousing to their grandchildren, "All the problems of the world started way back in my day when that Muslim negro Barack Hussein Obama became president..."
There is finally a uniting belief between the far left and right, The blame Obama gets for trumps election from the left and the right blaming him for everything else.

let us all come together and thank Obama


note that all of these people are upper middle class suburbanites or outright wealthy.

this is the face of the KKK and it always has been. business owners, corporate executives, local politicians, cops, and their well-off families.

this is why the blame being cast exclusively on poor rednecks puts me off. obviously lots of those people are racist (as are lots of democrats) but they're not the ones driving hundreds of miles in their late-model pickups with expensive tacticool assault rifles and body armor so they can march up to a black church and chant "white lives matter".


Ann Eubank, 68, of Rainy Day Patriots Tea Party: Obama set racial relationships in the nation back 100 years with his divisional rhetoric. Being a Southerner, the KKK was always Democrat.

For some reason whenever KKK = Democrats comes up, they always neglect to mention the parties switching sides thing.
The "democrats supported slavery, liberals are all about racism and dividing the country" is the most tired and frustrating conservative "argument". It lets them position themselves as the vanguard for the American values and the Constitution to their brainwashed followers. The liberals want to divide us, we just want to keep American strong and united, etc.

It's the same way they use studies and scientists that support them to say climate change isn't a thing or as dangerous; using the facade of legitimacy (studies and history) to make their supporters feel like they're informed. It works exceptionally well on moderates and conservative voters who are just focused on taxes and whatnot. "Look, I did do the research; there's science and history that supports my perspective. It's not racism and/or brainwashing". It's so frustrating when it comes from people who you know are usually smart and logical

For some reason whenever KKK = Democrats comes up, they always neglect to mention the parties switching sides thing.
And if you do, they pull the "Obama divided us, democrats are still about segregating and dividing the people, nothing changed"
I get that "Democrats started the KKK" thing a lot in Kansas. Always make sure to respond "But the descendents of those people have been voting Republican for decades. Shockingly right around the time Democrats got the Civil Rights Act passed. Weird right? Who knows what that means?"


I get that "Democrats started the KKK" thing a lot in Kansas. Always make sure to respond "But the ancestors of those people have been voting Republican for decades. Shockingly right around the time Democrats got the Civil Rights Act passed. Weird right? Who knows what that means?"

You mean descendants?


It's unbelievable how effective the conservative campaign over the last few decades against real news has been

These people are too far gone.
What they really mean to say is

"We wouldn't have had to resort to violence if those uppity n***** would have just stayed in their place."

These poeple are disgusting.
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