Darryl M R
I'm reclaiming my time on this one.
Someone get your racist family members.
Someone get your racist family members.
Shut the fuck up
Reality has a well-known liberal bias.
Preaching unity is being divisive to these people. It goes against their world-view.
There's no longer a moderate side to American conservativism. For the past 20 years they've been steadily moving away from the centre.
Ann Eubank, 68, of Rainy Day Patriots Tea Party: Obama set racial relationships in the nation back 100 years with his divisional rhetoric. Being a Southerner, the KKK was always Democrat. So to blame it on Republicans is ridiculous
Just curious, what did Obama do to cause the division? Was it just being black?
How does that Muslim sleep at night??
Just curious, what did Obama do to cause the division? Was it just being black?
Just curious, what did Obama do to cause the division? Was it just being black?
Just curious, what did Obama do to cause the division? Was it just being black?
Oh that classic chestnut! Chappelle's show continues to be relevant.
Just curious, what did Obama do to cause the division? Was it just being black?
Dawn Ray, homemaker
It's very sad and counter to how I think to be racist. And to create conflict is counter to my worldview and the worldview of those I associate with. We, as a rule, look at people as individuals and don't judge people by the color of their skin.
The climate that's created, in part by the last presidential administration, encouraged dissent and encouraged conflict by not denouncing it.
White people really hate Obama.
Just curious, what did Obama do to cause the division? Was it just being black?
A lot do. I think it's an easy argument to be made that more hate him than like him.Some do, yes..
A lot do. I think it's an easy argument to be made that more hate him than like him.
Very Islamicly..
Poor Obama. I bet idiots like these will still be blaming him centuries from now for the great VR moe black plague of 2337.
Obama had a lot of nerve being a black man.
Republicans miss the racism free 60's.
They didn't hear about racism then like they do today so there must not have been any. Now that they do they're the real victims.
75 years from now, republicans are still going to be blaming Obama.
Ann Eubank, 68, of Rainy Day Patriots Tea Party: Obama set racial relationships in the nation back 100 years with his divisional rhetoric. Being a Southerner, the KKK was always Democrat.
For some reason whenever KKK = Democrats comes up, they always neglect to mention the parties switching sides thing.
Not to mention that the KKK were just at a rally called Unite the RIGHTFor some reason whenever KKK = Democrats comes up, they always neglect to mention the parties switching sides thing.
at his birth place which was in Kenya
And if you do, they pull the "Obama divided us, democrats are still about segregating and dividing the people, nothing changed"For some reason whenever KKK = Democrats comes up, they always neglect to mention the parties switching sides thing.
I get that "Democrats started the KKK" thing a lot in Kansas. Always make sure to respond "But the ancestors of those people have been voting Republican for decades. Shockingly right around the time Democrats got the Civil Rights Act passed. Weird right? Who knows what that means?"
You mean descendants?