I think it's the rise of social media and everyone having a cellphone with a video camera on it with them at all times that caused all this. It's always been happening but now it's in your face all day everyday and you can't ignore it. It's not Obama's fault at all, it's just now more than ever you can see all the shitty stuff that happens everyday and always has been happening. It's just way harder to ignore now because there's video proof and it's in your face every time you open Twitter or Facebook. Everyone always want to blame it on someone but the sad thing is some people are shit and always will be. The thing I always ask people when they say they hate Obama and love trump is if you had a child would you really want them to look at Trump as a role model? I'd be so disappointed if my boys looked at that man as anything other than a fool. Obama on the other hand, I can't think of many better people I'd like my boys to look up to. I live in Alabama by the way. There are some sane people here, more than you think; but we're vastly outnumbered and probably will be for a very long time.