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“Barack Obama is to blame”: 13 Alabama conservatives on Charlottesville

Contrary to revisionist history, Barack Obama's presidency wasn't the first time there have been protests and riots to defeat bigotry.

Source: any fucking American history textbook.
Contrary to revisionist history, Barack Obama's presidency wasn't the first time there have been protests and riots to defeat bigotry.

Source: any fucking American history textbook.

Why are liberals afraid to admit that Barack Obama invented racism?

Why can't you just say, "Radical Anti-American Presidentialism"? Is it because one or more of those aren't actual words? What do you have to hide?

Triple Dash

Neo Member
The GOP really does suck at governing don't they? All three federal branches and two-thirds of all State/Local Governments and they still find the time to victimize themselves.
In 2017.

People really need to meditate on that.

We're out here re-litigating Nazism, antisemitism, white nationalism and fascism as bad things in modern societies in the year of our lord two thousand and seventeen. I don't know if we'll ever have a bigger indictment on the educational system as we have right now.

In 1999, for American Beauty, one of Chris Cooper's irredeemable traits was he collected a plain white plate that had a swastika on its back. Now people are hanging swastika flags on their front porches. What have we become?


I think it's the rise of social media and everyone having a cellphone with a video camera on it with them at all times that caused all this. It's always been happening but now it's in your face all day everyday and you can't ignore it. It's not Obama's fault at all, it's just now more than ever you can see all the shitty stuff that happens everyday and always has been happening. It's just way harder to ignore now because there's video proof and it's in your face every time you open Twitter or Facebook. Everyone always want to blame it on someone but the sad thing is some people are shit and always will be. The thing I always ask people when they say they hate Obama and love trump is if you had a child would you really want them to look at Trump as a role model? I'd be so disappointed if my boys looked at that man as anything other than a fool. Obama on the other hand, I can't think of many better people I'd like my boys to look up to. I live in Alabama by the way. There are some sane people here, more than you think; but we're vastly outnumbered and probably will be for a very long time.


Not Wario
The only thing Obama ever did wrong to "divide" and make race relations "worse" in this country was being born black.

It seems like a herculean task to ever take this narrative back. It's unfortunate they started this crap right before Trump of all presidents, who is legitimately dividing the nation in ways not seen in lifetimes. I'm sure the right will continue to cite Obama's presidency as the real start to that for years to come.


Shows your agenda well


I have very low expectations for this forum to see beyond its own bias

And I notice you would rather make that statement than debate with me,so congrats.

Firstly the stats are not in your favour if you want to go down the "Police kill black people route", they sincerely are not, we can go back years and ill walk hand in hand with you that there were systemic race issues in the police, but if you want that argument now, that there is a system problem, I dont think you would win.

You have a post history of complaining how nobody will honestly debate with you yet you ignore every post that disproves yours?

I am speaking to people via pm and one on skype because this thread is getting derailed, I prefer it to having to address 5 posts in a row.

like, exactly how is this dude allowed to post absolute disingenuous crap arguments without backing them in away way, say that this forum is bias, ignore every post that refutes his crap but shitpost answers like

Shows your agenda well

Making stupid arguments with no intention of even attempting to back them is the definition of trolling. wtf?


We have* a president** that practically spews division every time he opens his mouth, and yet there are still those who believe it's the residual effects of Obama's presidency. Not even anything in it, just the fact that he was president (and a damn good one, all things considered) just enrages certain people to an unnatural degree.

Shows your agenda well

It's a hell of a lot better than your "agenda" of making ridiculous statements, never backing them up, then declaring the opposing side biased ad nauseum.
It seems like a herculean task to ever take this narrative back. It's unfortunate they started this crap right before Trump of all presidents, who is legitimately dividing the nation in ways not seen in lifetimes. I'm sure the right will continue to cite Obama's presidency as the real start to that for years to come.
I also blame social media. Facebook, Twitter and smartphones became popular early on into his presidency which helped this shit spread faster than it would've without them.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.
"Fucking black people like Obama caused this.

Back in my day they just cleaned my windows and knew their place. Now they want our jobs, equality to them means taking over. We have the right to protest anti white racism and people fighting that are the real problem."

Source: White Republican people.


"I was easily able to ignore the cries of black people suffering until one was President :( "
Ironically, Obama did not push hard for black rights; he feared being branded a racial agitator (and have the right churn out propaganda against him).

These people are as insane as Trump. I bet they think they sound reasonable.

They haven't listed a single reason why they thought Obama was responsible. Correct one did, because of Obama divisive rhetoric... I'm struggling to take these people seriously, because all honesty it sounds like the reason they hate Obama is because he was a black man who became President.

These racist assholes who can't even stand by their prejudices hate. The worst part is you have to take them seriously. They are going to go back home and tell all their friends and family. Try and sway them to their view. One idiot isn't a problem, thousands of racist idiots is a problem.

Bring in the National Guard. These Nazis deserve protection. I bet they didn't think that about BLM.

Both sides were bad. I heard that they threw bricks at his car. There's the video of his car undamaged speeding up to plow into the protesters online.

The Anti Protesters carried clubs and bricks. The Neo-Nazis with the Armed Militia were only defending themselves. They have every right to go to a protest with guns on display.

Its infuriating and sad. We've come so far and yet we are still dealing with the same shit.


Contrary to revisionist history, Barack Obama's presidency wasn't the first time there have been protests and riots to defeat bigotry.

Source: any fucking American history textbook.
With the way things are going I won't be surprised if 10 years from now Obama is listed as the cause for the Civil War, racism and traffic.


like, exactly how is this dude allowed to post absolute disingenuous crap arguments without backing them in away way, say that this forum is bias, ignore every post that refutes his crap but shitpost answers like

Making stupid arguments with no intention of even attempting to back them is the definition of trolling. wtf?

What a fucking idiot.

I wish with these people there could be a moment of Truth where they realize, yes I'm probably wrong here.
It's really the only thing Republicans are good at, blaming Democrats. Shit it's how they dominated this election. Now that the Democrats are out of power they are utterly useless. So it makes sense they'd keep sticking with what works for them. Except I don't think the American people are going to buy it this time.

You know this is pretty accurate. Republicans are useless scum, is not even funny.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Even if you want to condemn the violence of 'the left', how can you ignore the difference in moral philosophy underpinning the 'sides'? That one side is Nazis whose stated goal is forcible ethnic cleansing? Nevermind that one side's violence involved what was a lethal terror attack on people who were not fighting.

The equivocation around these things, simply to avoid agreeing with anyone on 'the left', is horrifying.
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