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“Barack Obama is to blame”: 13 Alabama conservatives on Charlottesville


I did, read up, its very hard to take your anger seriously if you refuse to read the posts


I posted his full, exact statements above.

And PolitiFact has already fact checked you.




Obama didn't actively court or enable "radical leftists" who want to kill cops. Those leftists aren't necessarily justified in their use of violence, but minorities have more than enough reason to see police as an enemy, considering the decades of mistreatment.

Trump did actively court and enable the alt-right. And those people aren't justified in their use of violence, because they think "whites" are being attacked and displaced when white people literally control most of the country's financial and political capital.

One of them is definitely more responsible for the violence than the other. Let's not stoop to false equivalency.

I said, Obama did himself no favours, I never defended Trump, I thought he got through the speech the other day ok considering who he is and what he is capable of saying. All I am saying is there is a double standard with how Obama is viewed now and the things he said and did, he was a poor president and used his speech as a pulpit to assuage people when he should have been focusing on the cops, he tried to play into the perceived fears of people and helped to generate a narrative that, like Trump, has gotten us into societal troubles now, people feel justified with violence, people feel justified labelling and blaming problems on authoritarian figures.


I said, Obama did himself no favours, I never defended Trump, I thought he got through the speech the other day ok considering who he is and what he is capable of saying. All I am saying is there is a double standard with how Obama is viewed now and the things he said and did, he was a poor president and used his speech as a pulpit to assuage people when he should have been focusing on the cops, he tried to play into the perceived fears of people and helped to generate a narrative that, like Trump, has gotten us into societal troubles now, people feel justified with violence, people feel justified labelling and blaming problems on authoritarian figures.
Please tell us then, who was a GOOD president in the past 25 years?


Please tell us then, who was a GOOD president in the past 25 years?

Why must there be one? The office has become a horrible concoction beyond what it was intended to be, and each president seems to revel in increasing their own power, and the great irony is they do it not knowing the next president of a party they dont like will use said power.


Why must there be one? The office has become a horrible concoction beyond what it was intended to be, and each president seems to revel in increasing their own power, and the great irony is they do it not knowing the next president of a party they dont like will use said power.
So no one then.


I said this last year, these people will never learn. They'll keep blaming Obama and the Democrats until they die, literally. Repiublicans are hypocrites of the highest order.


When are people going to start admitting that this alt-right movement isn't fringe, but significantly sized with quite the political clout? They were extremely instrumental in getting Trump elected, and there's members in the highest political office. This isn't some small marginalized movement that will simply go away in time. They hold much more political power than many here are willing to admit.

There is not a comparable group to the left as the alt-right influence beats anything they have to offer. They're ideologically dangerous. So let's continue on making false equivalences and ridiculous "both sides" arguments.
Post 226, post 226, please read post 226

And then apologise

Eh no, there was a very specific reference to a topic he addressed the day before. It's not both sides if yesterday he addresses an incident where the police killed unarmed black men and today he addresses an incident where someone retaliated against the police.

That's literally the factual situation that occurred when he made that speech. That isn't saying both sides. That's saying that racial disparity in the legal system is a real thing but you can't just go and kill people doing their jobs.

You're literally making shit up. He never implied both sides made the situation what it is.


I said, Obama did himself no favours, I never defended Trump, I thought he got through the speech the other day ok considering who he is and what he is capable of saying. All I am saying is there is a double standard with how Obama is viewed now and the things he said and did, he was a poor president and used his speech as a pulpit to assuage people when he should have been focusing on the cops, he tried to play into the perceived fears of people and helped to generate a narrative that, like Trump, has gotten us into societal troubles now, people feel justified with violence, people feel justified labelling and blaming problems on authoritarian figures.

Wait, what?
Yeah, no... pretty sure this is Trump's America now...

In 2017.

People really need to meditate on that.

We're out here re-litigating Nazism, antisemitism, white nationalism and fascism as bad things in modern societies in the year of our lord two thousand and seventeen. I don't know if we'll ever have a bigger indictment on the educational system as we have right now.
I said, Obama did himself no favours, I never defended Trump, I thought he got through the speech the other day ok considering who he is and what he is capable of saying. All I am saying is there is a double standard with how Obama is viewed now and the things he said and did, he was a poor president and used his speech as a pulpit to assuage people when he should have been focusing on the cops, he tried to play into the perceived fears of people and helped to generate a narrative that, like Trump, has gotten us into societal troubles now, people feel justified with violence, people feel justified labelling and blaming problems on authoritarian figures.

So, Obama advocating for criminal justice reform is playing into perceived fears? What perceived fears are you talking about?

Using your pulpit as president to espouse and in many peoples eyes justify brutality is despicable.

Oh so now Obama advocated for violence? How so?
So let me try to understand. The first black president in history, while preaching a message of change and hope, also addressed factual and current issues regarding racism in the country. Trying to bring a light to and improve the inequality is then turned into Obama dividing the country.

If you are somebody who thinks Obama divided the country you are either racist or extremely stupid.


I said, Obama did himself no favours, I never defended Trump, I thought he got through the speech the other day ok considering who he is and what he is capable of saying. All I am saying is there is a double standard with how Obama is viewed now and the things he said and did, he was a poor president and used his speech as a pulpit to assuage people when he should have been focusing on the cops, he tried to play into the perceived fears of people and helped to generate a narrative that, like Trump, has gotten us into societal troubles now, people feel justified with violence, people feel justified labelling and blaming problems on authoritarian figures.

what a load of toss


So, Obama advocating for criminal justice reform is playing into perceived fears? What perceived fears are you talking about?

Well to the larger point I disagree with his views on the criminal justice system re: how bad it is, but on a human level, time and place, speaking after cops have died and using that as a pulpit, very bad in my eyes.
If you think police killing multiple unarmed black people shouldn't be addressed by the president, then just say that

the fact of the matter is, one guy trained to kill by the military took it upon himself to "retaliate" by killing police

Absolutely no reason for Obama to address the later situation without addressing the situation the created it


If you think police killing multiple unarmed black people shouldn't be addressed by the president, then just say that

the fact of the matter is, one guy trained to kill by the military took it upon himself to "retaliate" by killing police

Absolutely no reason for Obama to address the later situation without addressing the situation the created it

Firstly the stats are not in your favour if you want to go down the "Police kill black people route", they sincerely are not, we can go back years and ill walk hand in hand with you that there were systemic race issues in the police, but if you want that argument now, that there is a system problem, I dont think you would win.


Well to the larger point I disagree with his views on the criminal justice system re: how bad it is, but on a human level, time and place, speaking after cops have died and using that as a pulpit, very bad in my eyes.
You should probably read up on our criminal justice system them if you think it's all fine and dandy.
Firstly the stats are not in your favour if you want to go down the "Police kill black people route", they sincerely are not, we can go back years and ill walk hand in hand with you that there were systemic race issues in the police, but if you want that argument now, that there is a system problem, I dont think you would win.
"Systematic racism isn't real anymore"


Well to the larger point I disagree with his views on the criminal justice system re: how bad it is, but on a human level, time and place, speaking after cops have died and using that as a pulpit, very bad in my eyes.
So you're just gonna completely ignore widespread police brutality against black people????

Your posts make a lot of sense now.

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Just another example of old people needing to die faster so their solid black bullshit ideas and thinking can die with them.


Firstly the stats are not in your favour if you want to go down the "Police kill black people route", they sincerely are not, we can go back years and ill walk hand in hand with you that there were systemic race issues in the police, but if you want that argument now, that there is a system problem, I dont think you would win.

This is just so easy.

Washington Post said:
Doesn’t the available data show more white Americans are being killed by police officers? Where is the outrage for them?

“If we have a shooting, we end up assuming that it had to be racial,” former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee (R) said Saturday during an interview with Fox News, in which he argued that national concerns about police killings of black men are overblown.

“When in fact, as we know … more white people have been shot by police officers this year than minorities,” he said.

Huckabee is not, factually, incorrect.

In 2015, The Washington Post launched a real-time database to track fatal police shootings, and the project continues this year. As of Sunday, 1,502 people have been shot and killed by on-duty police officers since Jan. 1, 2015. Of them, 732 were white, and 381 were black (and 382 were of another or unknown race).

But as data scientists and policing experts often note, comparing how many or how often white people are killed by police to how many or how often black people are killed by the police is statistically dubious unless you first adjust for population.

According to the most recent census data, there are nearly 160 million more white people in America than there are black people. White people make up roughly 62 percent of the U.S. population but only about 49 percent of those who are killed by police officers. African Americans, however, account for 24 percent of those fatally shot and killed by the police despite being just 13 percent of the U.S. population. As The Post noted in a new analysis published last week, that means black Americans are 2.5 times as likely as white Americans to be shot and killed by police officers.


Firstly the stats are not in your favour if you want to go down the "Police kill black people route", they sincerely are not, we can go back years and ill walk hand in hand with you that there were systemic race issues in the police, but if you want that argument now, that there is a system problem, I dont think you would win.
Just keep saying random shit that isn't true and easily disproven. We're all totally taking you seriously.
Firstly the stats are not in your favour if you want to go down the "Police kill black people route", they sincerely are not, we can go back years and ill walk hand in hand with you that there were systemic race issues in the police, but if you want that argument now, that there is a system problem, I dont think you would win.

feel free to disprove that police disproportionately kill unarmed black people

I might be out of the loop but has this guy shown in the past that he has some kind of an agenda. As someone unfamiliar with him it just seems like he is presenting his opposing opinion and getting a lot of assumptions thrown at him.

Oh, nvm.

I could see his agenda in the argument he presented. It should be obnoxiously blatant at this point


Using your pulpit as president to espouse and in many peoples eyes justify brutality is despicable.

Brutality against whom, the police? Haha, you can't be serious. Please, outside of that one isolated incident in Dallas, show me where there has been gross brutal acts committed against the police.

I can however give you countless examples of where black individuals were victims of police brutality. The reality is this is a people's push back against injustices committed against them with little acknowledgement or action taken by the powers that be to put an end to it. When oppressed individuals fight back, it's not always going to pretty.

But continue on blaming Obama and deliberately twisting his messages to fit your narrative.
Firstly the stats are not in your favour if you want to go down the "Police kill black people route", they sincerely are not, we can go back years and ill walk hand in hand with you that there were systemic race issues in the police, but if you want that argument now, that there is a system problem, I dont think you would win.

Yeah, let's see your proof. Because what I've read shows a clear proportional increase in violence, discrimination, and shooting of black people by cops. There are nuances to the debate, but if you don't believe that black people are significantly more likely to be hurt or killed by the police then we are working with two different set of facts.
Well to the larger point I disagree with his views on the criminal justice system re: how bad it is, but on a human level, time and place, speaking after cops have died and using that as a pulpit, very bad in my eyes.

How could he not mention it? This happened at a peaceful protest advocating for police reform. A couple protestors were injured by the shooter too. None killed because these heroic police officers protected them. It's obvious you want to link the shooter with the protest. The two sides in this instance are 1. violent shooter and 2. the cops and innocent civilians. Obama didn't try to divide us, people like you are!


The Nazi who killed Heather Hayes is some dude in his 20s.

Sadly, hate and bigotry won't end with these old shits. This is why we have to be proactive.

Yep. This is the truly disturbing thing about the election exit polls last year. White 18-29 year olds, both male and female, went for Trump. Males overwhelmingly. Females by only a few percent. White voters, the majority of the electorate, generally went for Trump by double digits.

In other words, buckle up, this ride is just starting and it's going to be bumpy as hell.


Well to the larger point I disagree with his views on the criminal justice system re: how bad it is, but on a human level, time and place, speaking after cops have died and using that as a pulpit, very bad in my eyes.

Well, there it is. All your posts make sense now.

Carry on.
Well to the larger point I disagree with his views on the criminal justice system re: how bad it is, but on a human level, time and place, speaking after cops have died and using that as a pulpit, very bad in my eyes.

Firstly the stats are not in your favour if you want to go down the "Police kill black people route", they sincerely are not, we can go back years and ill walk hand in hand with you that there were systemic race issues in the police, but if you want that argument now, that there is a system problem, I dont think you would win.

When opinions are objectively wrong, NeoGAF Edition.


Nice to see that, even in the wake of a national tragedy, these people can find it within themselves to be heartless pieces of shit.
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