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‘The Simpsons’ Will No Longer Have White Actors Voice Non-White Characters


Gold Member

“Moving forward, The Simpsons will no longer have white actors voice non-white characters,” the network said Friday.

On The Simpsons, Hank Azaria has been the voice of the black cartoon character Carlton Carlson. He also was known for voicing Apu, a character which has long been criticized for portraying a racist depiction of an Indian person. Azaria announced in 2017 he would no longer voice the character.

Harry Shearer voices the black character Dr. Julius M. Hibbert, one of several characters he voices, including Mr. Burns, Waylon Smithers, Principal Skinner, Ned Flanders, Reverend Lovejoy and Kent Brockman.


Does this apply to genders too?

Bart was always voiced by a woman. As well as several others. Where's the outrage?

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I noticed the guy who does Cleveland Brown Has stepped down too.

I've no idea about the ratio to how many black VA's are around but I don't know too many other than the really famous ones.
So either this will all work fine and life carry's on or...
You get less quality black VA's to fill in the roles whom have less experience or talent.
Or you get less Black characters in games, cartoons as to no available VA's to be able to fill the roles.
The famous, experienced black VA's get swarmed with work which mean you can't fill all the black roles in other productions or the Black VA's can charge a small fortune for their services which will lead to less small scale shows just starting out.

Or I'm talking out my ass.


Unconfirmed Member
I predict a massive backlash from all this BLM/woke bullshit There's going to be a skinhead movement 2.0 and it's going to be much bigger than the first time.
In the words of Luke Skywalker "This is not going to go the way that you think".


Gold Member
Does this apply to genders too?

Bart was always voiced by a woman. As well as several others. Where's the outrage?

None. Women and minorities need to get protected because society deems they are too dumb and useless, so they need one-sided policies to help prop up their earning potential. lol

Way to support stereotypes Simpsons.

And you'd think in the year 2020, it would be a natural progression of self reliance: Slavery/clamp down --> things open up with those laws struck down --> Women can vote --> segregation abolished --> affirmative action stuff to artificially prop up people a bit as generations a few branches down the family tree still need some help --> everyone can now forge ahead on their own...... oh wait, let's implement cancel culture and policies even more one-sided than AA

What progress! lol
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I think this is all of Hank Azaria's characters, though maybe this list is missing some:


That's a lot of random voices they will have to farm out. And will he do voices like Dr. Nick? Is it racist if it's a foreigner and Azaria isn't from that country but is mocking the accent?
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