“They’re like daughters to us” – Around 3,000 pieces of offensive Dead or Alive fanart gets removed by Koei Tecmo yearly


Gold Member
I too like dressing up my daughters in skimpy outfits and watch their breasts and asses bounce around while they play volleyball.

Well would you look at that, it just so happens I'm a Volleyball linesman..

Shall we say 6pm?

Ge Os

I've seen their daughters getting railed on a daily basis for years, what the fuck are they talking about!?


Gold Member
Ken Levine made similar comments in regards Elizabeth from bioshock infinite…then promptly shut down his entire studio and quit game dev for several years. Glad he’s come back with Judas.


Remember when Itagaki used to shit on Tekken on a daily basis and got into petty interview wars with Harada, they were simpler times back then.


Gold Member
>makes DOA series known for sexy ladies
>makes DOA Volleyball where you dress said ladies up in sexy swimsuits
>makes new DOA games where the majority of the updates are sexy revealing outfits
>tecmo koei when people start making sexy fan art
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