• Hey, guest user. Hope you're enjoying NeoGAF! Have you considered registering for an account? Come join us and add your take to the daily discourse.


Well fucking done man(and everyone else involved). I didnt know the birth story of this place. Can't believe you got folks to donate like that in 2004.



People should stop referencing data that makes me feel uncomfortable because games get ported to platforms I don't like
Congratulations in keeping the site alive for so long.


good credit (by proxy)
I take full credit for all of it thanks to my The Power Battle for the Universe series of threads. I don't need thanks, PM's, or large sums of money though...just silent but unwavering adherence to the principles of the religion I'm starting, and a blood oath will suffice.

I guess I'll also thank all the people in the OP and Lore too. They at least did some infinitesimally small fraction of the work, y'know?

Eppy Thatcher

God's had his chance.
Best spot on the internet. My coziest and most favorite means to effectively nuke free time into non-existence.

Good on ya, EL. All good stuff.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Well fucking done man(and everyone else involved). I didnt know the birth story of this place. Can't believe you got folks to donate like that in 2004.

The amount received in that crowdfunding drive given the tiny size of the community at the time shattered all expectations or hopes, despite it not being much money in the grand scheme of things. I mean, as per the very clear statement attached, it was all sent without any strings or promises involved, so was purely a function of desire for the community to have a new home along with trust in me to do it right. In a roundabout way, that put all the strings on it; not to anyone else, but to myself. Hence the not selling out or whatever, and the general probably seeming like a stubborn obsessive crazy person about running NeoGAF any time I do talk about internal decisions.. Considering outcomes, though, I'm cool with that. ;b


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I wonder if any of the people who donated in 2004 still regularly post today.

I may be one of those people, but it was 12 years ago and with an old PayPal account that belonged to my brother. I remember donating to a few things GAF-related, one was for Mike's dad as he was suffering from some health issues. And the other earlier donation might have been to the new GAF, but I can't be 100% certain. :\

But I've been on GAF since 2000 or 2001.
I know what it feels like to lose an entire online community that you worked so hard to maintain.

I may be very new to GAF compared to some of you veterans, but I'm glad to be a part of this, and it's amazing to see how much this community has grown over the years.


Although I don't post nearly as often as I used to, and when I did post it was mostly shit. I'm proud that I'm not permabanned yet.

I've visited the site almost every single weekday (and most weekends) since I joined in 2006. From the latest news to interesting, civil debates, to hilarious hijinks, Gaf is the place. I'm proud to be a Gaffer. Thanks to the community and all the people who work hard to keep this place one of the best to be on the web!


Here's to the next 100,000,000! I think I still have my paypay receipt for 20$ I dropped in 04. Best 20 bucks ever spent. Love you guys <3 @dayzgaf @legogaf @wowgaf @minecraftgaf @retrogaf @l4dgaf


good credit (by proxy)
I can't even remember how I found out about neogaf after the switch happened. Somehow I knew about it immediately but was too lazy to sign up for like a month or two. I don't think I would have went to the gaming-age front page and looked at some posting/pre-kickstarter, and there wasn't like facebook groups and shit back then or twitter. It's strange that I even found out about the new site. Weird.

Also, I got permabanned in like 2001 or 2002 on the old gaf site. If any mod wanted to permaban me since this is technically like a 15 year old alt, no hard feelings.


I still remember being a noob and looking up to everyone that had been here a year when I started. Now I've been here 11 years. 11 freaking years! Where's the time gone! :lol

Thanks for sticking to your guns in so many ways, EviLore. (^_^)
I remember the year I joined. The golden age of the internet. The age of athenewins, techno Viking, all your base, etc.

Shits gonna sting if I ever get permanent banned.

Anyway I lov-- eh, I don't mind you guys you're all okay at best



Proud to be a GAF member, especially after a Fight Club attitude like that.



Neo Member
I’ve been lurking this since forum and its various predecessors since 1999. It’s been an awesome experience watching the changes and growth. Hats off to the leadership for making this place what it is.
Major congrats to the only real forum that's ever held my long term interest.

There is some good work here, some great commentary, a lot of news that starts here well before the rest of the net sees it, some ridiculously negative pedantry, some hilarious stories that people share / confess / unfold in real time and a lot of complete nonsense.

And you know what, that's all a part of what makes GAF, GAF.

Congrats on all the years and all the posts.

So when is hollywood making the movie?


Very cool. I hardly post anymore but I still visit frequently to get my dose of gaming information. It's hard to imagine I've been visiting GAF (and it's variations) for over 15 years.



Can't believe this damn forum has been around for 18 years between GAF (think we launched it with the no-BS rules in Sept 1998? Maybe it was Oct 1998. I have the specific date somewhere.) and NeoGAF. Congrattttsss!


It's awesome to read about people coming together to keep a community of like minded people alive. As gamers, this is our little corner of the internet where we can come to geek out on our interest judgement free (for the most part haha). As someone who's gamed and has loved all games since the 8 bit days, it's great to have something like this, NeoGAF still gives me the sense of wonder that I used to experience with every new issue of EGM, but with a close community.

Thanks for keeping this place alive and well folks, and keeping it our corner of the internet for the future.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
Can't believe this damn forum has been around for 18 years between GAF (think we launched it with the no-BS rules in Sept 1998? Maybe it was Oct 1998. I have the specific date somewhere.) and NeoGAF. Congrattttsss!

Oh hey Dave! Yeah, that timeline sounds about right. And to my knowledge you set that no-BS tone, since all the banned people hated you specifically haha. Glad to see you pop in. :D


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
The biggest moments of E3 have passed and GAF has stayed up and stable. Congratulations on that EviLore and admin team.
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