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Awesome to be a part of. Thank you for all the good times, bad times, and everything in between! Roll on GAF, congrats!

I remember lurking on Gaming Age and I lurked when NeoGAF first started because I didn't know quite where it would go. Finally signed up one day and I'm amazingly still here ten years later. While I don't necessarily see eye to eye with everything that has gone on (not unexpected - we all have opinions), I've still considered this a home of sorts and met some amazing people on here that my life has been made better for.

Here's to another 100,000,000.


Yaaay! I've obly been here for two years, but it's been a good two years. I hope to stay many more, given that I don't get perma'd!

Edit: a bit LTTP. No you shut up.
Congrats GAF! This is the only gaming site I trust these days. Incredible once you consider all the other news sites, Twitter, and Reddit content out there.


Congrats to all of GAF - the admins, the mods, the banned, the lurkers, the juniors, the non-juniors, the OGs, the newGs and of course, GAF Gold members!
I've seen big changes to NeoGAF over the last 10 years, in terms of reliability of the site and moderation - for the better. Its a top-tier site for culling the stupid out and creating a community where good discussion can happen. Fine work indeed.


Congrats Tyler and may I say, I am so proud and feel privileged to be a part of this community. Thank you so much for everything. Amazing story. (Y)


I might as well offer my kudos to this site, because it's such a useful warehouse for news clippings and some pretty heated, but passionate, discussion. I don't really contribute as much as I would want to towards this community, but it's such a cornerstone of gaming info to me I can't imagine an internet ruled by videogames without it.


A most excellent site, well done on 100,000,000 posts. Here's to the next 100,000,000 posts.

I'm quite surprised this years E3 didn't cause the site to go down. Here's to those whom kept it afloat during this time.


Aftershock LA
Congrats! I think I stumbled across NeoGAF back when I worked at Activision the second time sometime around 2005 or 2006. I think it was when the PS3 was launching.

I don't think I got approved for an account until I started working at Capcom in 2011! XD

So far, GAF is one of the only places I visit regularly for OT and Gaming info. It's been a fun ride. What a milestone, everyone! Insane.
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