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PK Gaming

Dunno what i'd be doing if Gaf wasn't a thing, but i'd sure as shit not be enjoying talking about video games on internet forums.

Plu I love a good under dog story.


Awesome work guys! I love all the hilarious first posts with the gif trains that follow, the crazy posters people know by name, and even some of the good conversation that goes on here :p


What a feel good post!

Similar thing happened to gamerankings when I was admin/mod and we never recovered from it, so mad props to Tyler for being an entrapaneur and keeping something he loved in one piece.


Congratulations man. I joined at age 20, 4 years ago, and I think I've become a better thinker and conversationalist largely through this site and its boundaries, so, thanks for GAF.


Congratulations to everyone, and thank you Tyler for making such an amazing place to discuss stuff :)

Been on here for over 10 years now, crazy when you think about it.
Been on GAF for most of my life, in the original form and now NeoGAF. Pretty crazy how big it has gotten. I remember when most threads didn't get more than 1 or 2 pages.


Congratulations! :). Amazing times have been had.
NeoGAF browsing is likely in close competition with the total amount of study & work hours I've undertaken in the same time period (joined 2005).


Grandma's Chippy
Would be interesting to see some top 100 lists or something. Like how many times certain celebrities were named, how many times have said RIP, or GOAT, or some other word.



Congrats! I started posting on GAF in 2008, and in all this time I have yet to find another message board that's as crazy and fun to participate in.


Neogaf is the site I visit most.
I don't post all that often but I browse all the time.
Thank you to everyone who was involved in its creation, here's to another 100,000,000! :D


Awesome read and incredible achievement, got a bit emotional somehow.

NeoGAF is pretty much the internet for me nowadays and I love it, can't see me without it. Being banned won't change that!

Keep the posts comming.


seems like I joined 07-30-2004 and I did spend a lot of time on Gaming Age before that as well.
Still no tag after 12 years. Wonder if that's a record.
Don't think I contributed financially to NeoGaf though from what I remember.
Still haven't reached 5000 posts but getting there....
My average for this time is just over 1 post per day.
Seems like Gaming Age is still around, so I'll go and check it out now and then.


An impressive milestone indeed. Congrats are in order and thanks to those who built and supported the creation of GAF as we know it today.


Has problems recognising girls
I probably don't post as much as I used to, but there's never a day that passes without checking up on GAF.

Been rocking this shit for far too long to ever give it up. Always great to see the old names and faces, but also see the young and new come through and keep the forum running.


I had no idea we'd hit 100m. I've been using this site since 2009, posting since 2010, and I can't believe how much time has passed since then already. NeoGAF is one of the best places on the internet for sure, and I hope it sticks around for another 12 years :)



It's been a hell of a ride. I might have my quabbles with the forum and some of the posters, but there has definitely been an obvious improvement to the forum by evilore and the mods, and I'm happy to see the community grow and flourish.

Keep it up!


I lurk far more than I post, but this is by far my favorite forum on the internet. Thanks for keeping it going, and here's to another million!
Congrats! NeoGAF has been an awesomely entertaining part of my life for the past 10 years (!) and I'm delighted to see it go from strength to strength. Here's to the next 100,000,000!


Congrats EviLore! NeoGaf has been a consistently great place for a long time. Thank you for creating such an awesome community.
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