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Party at Evilore's house?

Which one?

Happy to be apart of the Gaf community throughout the years. Joining in and out of each other's games and debating details of every game. I look forward to many more years.


Not been here for long but by far and away my favourite place to come now. By far the most mature (gaming) forum

Great site!


One time I was procrastinating writing a paper and EviLore gave me a 24 our ban with a message telling me to work on my paper.

...I'm never washing this account again...


Thanks for running such a great board. My join date is January 2010 but I lurked at least since 2007. So for nearly a decade, which is crazy to think, I have enjoyed reading and participating in GAF. There would definitely be a void without it.


By 200 million I might not be a junior....

Just have to say thank you to all the posters past, present, and future.

Y'all make this place.


"Stand ups and starts slow clapping"

God knows how many years I have been here lurking and latter as a member, what we have here its special, its one of the better communities of the whole Internet and the best place to have gaming discussion.

All the green lines that you see Evilore represent the sound of Joy of us.

Congratulations and keep up the good work.
Happy 100.000.000! I'm just sad I joined PSInext, not neoGAF, back in the days, since that site went so downhill since then. It's always painful to lose a community; let's hope GAF sticks around for decades to come.
Every time someone mentioned NeoGaf I came here and never really saw the appeal, I've visited a number of times over the years before I made my account and now I check it every day, multiple times a day.

I've fucked up and gotten myself banned a number of times and I credit this site for honing my "just bite your tongue" skills.

Congrats and here's to the next 100,000,000.


Redmond's Baby
Being member from 2004 (lurked before on the old Gaming Age), I will just say congrats and thank you EviLore and the team.


Phenomenal achievement! Congratulations to all involved.

I haven't been a member very long, but I've been lurking for quite some time and GAF is really the only place I come to for news.

Keep up the good work, and here's to another hundred million!
I knew GAF was something special, but hearing the story from the man himself has truly made me appreciate this place and community so very much.

This junior is grateful for the chance to be a part of this :)


Congratulations!!! Been reader since '07 but finally joined as a new member in 2015!! Looking forward for the next prosperous years.


Confirmed Asshole
Congratulations. Keep going!

By just being a video games message board, years ago, GAF helped me truck along during a rough time in my life. I'm happy you guys are still around.


Congrats and thanks EviLore for creating such a great place to visit daily/hourly/minute-to-minute. I've only been around a short time (3yrs this August) and I still remember using the site years before that and looking at it in an odd way. I didn't quite understand the whole 'OT' thing and the site confused me at times - what can I say, I'm not the smartest guy.

Finally registering and waiting to get in was a great time and I'd finally found a place where I felt I was with others like me. I'd used sites like GameFAQs and the IGN Boards for years but always felt isolated among the millions of other users. Here I felt like one of you. And for that I say, "Thank you!"

Oh and I bet we hit the next 100m in <5yrs. Let's do it.


Congrats and thank you.
100million, wow.

I am so grateful this community exists. I used to read it for years before I finally joined. Now is an intricate part of my daily life.


Congrats! Thanks for taking the initiative to get this forum restarted and keep it going for all these years. And thanks to everyone who contributes to make this place what it is.

Enjoyed the write-up and the links to the classic threads/moments. Happy to be able to say I remember most of them (August '04 member). Crazy to think some of them happened 10+ years ago.


Happy 100 million!

OG here! I recall donating $10 and then being banned not too long after for posting a giant sized picture of Blinx the Cat and breaking the image spec rules. :p


Of all the websites over the years that have come and gone out of favour, boredom, terrible community and the like the only one consistently great has been neogaf.

I don't remember what lead me here so many moons ago but I'm sure glad I found it.
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