Game 1. Halo Wars 2 - 82
Game 2. Horizon: Zero Dawn - 90
Game 3. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - 97
Game 4. Mass Effect: Andromeda - 86
Game 5. Yooka-Laylee - 84
Game 6. Sonic Mania - 89
Game 7. Cuphead - 82
Game 8. Crackdown 3 - 72
Game 9. Super Mario Odyssey - 94
Game 10. Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - 89
Game 11. Prey - 84
Game 12. Assassin's Creed - 87
I was going to give lower marks to SMO and BotW but Ive been looking for similar high ranked games lately in the metascore, and other lately Mario and Zelda games and if everything goes right for those games, and are as good as they appear, they are going for the super high mark passing 93. I gave a little bit less to mario becuase of what people thought about the city level, but who knows, maybe the suprise is that reviewers love even the city part when they play it.
The Zelda mark is basically because it looks like its going to be a gamechanger and games like Skyward Sword got a 93 eithout even being the best zelda, but im also of the thought that if they fuck up in some way the dungeons (too little of them, not interesting, etc...) the games mark is going down to 93.
Also I think people are giving too harsh marks for the majority of the games here, trying to study a little bit metascore of games release in the last years, even not so good games are getting usually more than 85. Im pretty sure thing like Zero Dawn, if it doesnt dissapoint, could get easily in the 90-92 range. Also seems that Cup Head, Sonic Mania and Yooka are getting a LOT of 70's scores when im sure, if they dont dissapoint, are not going to be near it. Those are games more of the 80's range, Cup Head is probably the one that has it hardest, but there a lot of work that has benn done to that, to sit comfortably in the 80's.