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14 year old girl has baby in toilet and then kills it

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I'm trying to figure out how people are reading the events in the article and taking the message that she hid a pregnancy for nine months and delivered the baby in secret in her home just to watch it die. Like this is how she expected things to happen.

She was put in a terrible situation with no support, and so she made horrific choices. She needs help, not having her youth stolen by prison.


Much too time-consuming to reply individually, so must be broad:

Any punishment that doesn't have her doing at least a handful of years in a youth detention center and jail would be considered too light in my view, regardless of her justification of her actions. She knowingly hid her pregnancy from her teachers, friends, and mother by both attempting to hide the changes to her body with loose-fitting clothes and falsifying tests when her mother actually showed a concern with the situation. Am I saying that her mom shouldn't have investigated a bit more, instead of blanketly believing a teenager, and that she is in no way at some fault? No. Am I saying that holding her mother to be at much, or more at fault than the fucking person who strangled the infant is so beyond the pale ridiculous and necessitates more mental gymnastics about the teen's state of mind than the few generalizations I'm making about the situation? Yes.


I'm ok with this. I'll be angry if she kills an adult. Babies getting killed doesn't elicit any emotion from me.
This is an obvious troll in response to posts like these;
her mother
her mother
her mother
her mother
her mother
her mother
her mother
her mother
her mother
Yup, all different posts - that's quite something. Now I'm not saying that the mother is saint and is completely sane but my reaction is more along these lines.
her mother is fucking insane

and so is she
This is an obvious troll in response to posts like these;

Yup, all different posts - that's quite something. Now I'm not saying that the mother is saint and is completely sane but my reaction is more along these lines.

Do you have an actual refutation of my points?


She knowingly hid her pregnancy from her teachers, friends, and mother by both attempting to hide the changes to her body with loose-fitting clothes and falsifying tests when her mother actually showed a concern with the situation.

Her mother wasn't concerned. She wanted the result she got.
Do I really need to respond to posts like these;


So basically you have no argument, there are other people also blaming the mother and ones that want to institutionalize the daughter but you're just going to passive aggressively selectively quote me. Okay. Great contributions.


So basically you have no argument, there are other people also blaming the mother and ones that want to institutionalize the daughter but you're just going to passive aggressively selectively quote me. Okay. Great contributions.
The ONLY small minute difference here is that they have maybe half as much posts as yours. Their posts are much more detailed rather than a simple sentence or two shifting the COMPLETE blame on the mother. And I dont see them going as far as implying the girl being released after a probation either. There, I have no argument.

I think I'm done here, having obviously lost to you, in a world where 14 year olds can get away with anything.
The ONLY small minute difference here is that they have maybe half as much posts as yours. Their posts are much more detailed rather than a simple sentence or two shifting the COMPLETE blame on the mother. And I dont see them going as far as implying the girl being released after a probation either. There, I have no argument.

I think I'm done here, having obviously lost to you, in a world where 14 year olds can get away with anything.

After time served in a mental institution which plenty of others have also posted about. Maybe you should be done since it's obvious you're just being fucking obtuse and have some other agenda.


The ONLY small minute difference here is that they have maybe half as much posts as yours. Their posts are much more detailed rather than a simple sentence or two shifting the COMPLETE blame on the mother. And I dont see them going as far as implying the girl being released after a probation either. There, I have no argument.

I think I'm done here, having obviously lost to you, in a world where 14 year olds can get away with anything.

This is because you failed to read:

The ones who should be held criminally responsible so far includes the mother.

note the lack of referring to the mother being solely responsible

and Devolution has also said the girl should get in an institution, not walk away scot free, and isn't the only one to say this


Her mother wasn't concerned. She wanted the result she got.
How in the hell can you deduce that based solely on what we know? Christ, the blame shifting on here is unbelievable; you'd think that the mother herself told the teen to strangle the baby based on how some of you are acting.

A.E Suggs

Damn this is as bad as the story 5 years ago with a teen having a baby and tossing it in a lake. I'm not even surprised about shit like this anymore, kinda angry but things like this seem to be getting worst for whatever reason.


How in the hell can you deduce that based solely on what we know? Christ, the blame shifting on here is unbelievable; you'd think that the mother herself told the teen to strangle the baby based on how some of you are acting.

Because you ignored the part of the story where people knew and talked about the mother being in heavy denial. If you tell your kid they better not be pregnant, then you let them take a test without you controlling the variables, the mother is willingly allowing her denial to be justified because the daughter is going to fake the results to stay in the mom's good graces.


This is because you failed to read:

note the lack of referring to the mother being solely responsible

and Devolution has also said the girl should get in an institution, not walk away scot free, and isn't the only one to say this
Selective quoting for teh win, are we? Let me quote it completely;

Clearly the people around her failed her. But she certainly knew better than to strangle the kid. She knows what adoption is and she knows what killing is.

She must have had some strange relationship with her parents . . . perhaps she was terrified of them?

But how do you deal with this? No sense throwing her in jail forever. But you can't just let her off.

She needs to be institutionalized for a while in a mental health facility then released with probation. The ones who should be held criminally responsible so far includes the mother.
If the kid hid the pregnancy with baggy clothes, pried the baby out of her vagina with a pair of scissors, and proceeded to strangle the baby, I'm pretty sure she had a reason for doing so and isn't completely on the line of her just being a suck fuck that needs to be jailed for life.

To me it reeks of desperation and complete and helpless panic. She didn't want a single soul to know if it, felt she had no other way of getting rid of the baby, and went to extreme lengths to make the entire thing stop. We can all sit here all day and say she's a monster, but it seems to me she had absolutely nobody to turn to and felt extremely desperate to make the baby go away. For what reason, I don't know. It's already known that the mother "denied" the pregnancy the entire time, but honestly not doing absolutely anything about it? I understand if your daughter came home preggers one day you're going to be pissed at LEAST a little bit, but how the hell is it logical to deny that she's pregnant then continue to to do nothing afterward?

Let's pretend the mother isn't a fucking psycho. Let's pretend she's one of those parents who doesn't give a fuck what the kids are doing all day and probably doesn't even see them for several days at a time. Let's pretend her daughter came home one day and said "OMG I'M PREGNANT" and the mother, probably in addition to being pissed that she had sex in the first place, blurted out "NO YOU'RE NOT".

What boggles my mind is that right after this exchange the mother still didn't do shit. Really? Did she go back to not giving a fuck what the kid is doing all day? Even if I give her the benefit of the doubt and assume she's one of those mothers who see or care for their children much during the day it still boggles the mind that 1) she managed to be completely oblivious to the pregnancy in the later stages and 2) absolutely failed in any meaningful way to follow up on this initial pregnancy claim.

Any way you look at it there's no way you can't blame the mother on this. A fourteen year old killing a baby in this way is absolutely not normal. More than saying she's psycho and needs to be locked up for the rest of her life, I'm actually more inclined to believe she lived in a pretty damn hostile environment, and she probably was threatened in some way or another if the actually was having a baby. For her to take the matter into her own hands in this gruesome manner shows how desperate she was, and I don't think it's simply because she's batshit insane.


Because you ignored the part of the story where people knew and talked about the mother being in heavy denial. If you tell your kid they better not be pregnant, then you let them take a test without you controlling the variables, the mother is willingly allowing her denial to be justified because the daughter is going to fake the results to stay in the mom's good graces.
Lol, what? "You better not be pregnant"? What are you talking about? Show me in the article that the mother said or implied anything of the sort. Without controlling the variables? Like the mother not being in the same room with her daughter as she pissed on a stick? That's what you call not controlling the variables?


What a tragic and gross story that is. People can be so crazy.

This reminds me of a story a relative told me several years ago. He had a friend who had a miscarriage inside the bathroom of a Denny's restaurant. She was a teenager at the time, but older than fourteen.

A.E Suggs

What a tragic and gross story that is. People can be so crazy.

This reminds me of a story a relative told me several years ago. He had a friend who had a miscarriage inside the bathroom of a Denny's restaurant. She was a teenager at the time, but older than fourteen.

Yeah It seems the fucked up stories are never ending, surprising that some stories go under the radar though because of to much stuff happening at once.
Bad precedent to lob blame on the mother for those actions. The mother's inept parenting is being punished by virtue of this happening.

That girl? Institutionalize her.
. Their posts are much more detailed rather than a simple sentence or two shifting the COMPLETE blame on the mother. And I dont see them going as far as implying the girl being released after a probation either. There, I have no argument.

I think I'm done here, having obviously lost to you, in a world where 14 year olds can get away with anything.

That is a very strange response to :

Devolution said:
She needs to be institutionalized for a while in a mental health facility then released with probation. The ones who should be held criminally responsible so far includes the mother.
"Institutionalized for a while in a mental health facility" and "probation" imply criminal responsibility.

"includes the mother" implies that there are others responsible as well (such as the girl herself).
Looks like she is being tried as an adult

WFTV said:
A 14-year-old girl who authorities said secretly gave birth to a son and then strangled him, will be prosecuted as an adult.

Cassidy Goodson will appear in court Friday on charges of first-degree murder and aggravated child abuse. A Polk County grand jury indicted her on Thursday.

Goodson was arrested Sept. 28 after deputies said she gave birth to a 9.5-pound boy inside a bathroom then strangled him.

Detectives said the girl hid her pregnancy from her family. She gave birth to a boy in the bathroom of her home on Sept. 19. She told detectives she choked the baby and put him in a shoebox.
According to an autopsy report, the boy was a full-term infant and he was alive and breathing prior to death. The cause of death was a result of asphyxia from strangulation and blunt force trauma, said the report.
The girl's mother found the baby in the box, hidden in some laundry. Her lawyer has refused to comment to local media.

Wikipedia: "State laws in the United States vary as to definitions of "premeditation." In some states, premeditation may be construed as taking place mere seconds before the murder"

So I assume the pre-meditation was when she birthed the child and then decided to strangle it.


I have no idea how she was able to keep quiet with a 9.5 pound baby coming out. Didn't realize it was THAT big. Thought maybe 6 pounds or something from a 14 year old.


What are the conditions under which a kid can be tried as adult?

Pretty much whenever the prosecutor can convince the judge to allow it.

Doesn't 1st degree mean premeditation? Taking scissors to your crotch doesn't seem consistent with that.

Yes, it requires premeditation, but it doesn't require someone to have a specific plan.
Hiding the pregnancy, the birth, and the body do seem consistent with someone having made a decision ahead of time to get rid of an unwanted baby.
This is the saddest thing I've ever read. She could have given the child up for adoption. At least give him/her a chance to live. Lock her up, throw away the key. Lock up her mother for neglect, while they are at it, too.


This stuff is horrifying to read. It makes me sick, me and my wife are unable to have children and this stuff drives me nuts. There are willing families who would love to have children in the world. She deserves so much worse then she'll ever get in return...
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