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14 year old girl has baby in toilet and then kills it

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My wife is 37 weeks pregnant and can pop any day. Reading this story nearly brought tears to my eye. This girl should be charged with murder.

Murder, and I dont give a shit about her age, her situation or any details that give her some kind of fake ass excuse for her behavior. Lock her up and throw away the key, even at 14 she is a worthless human and contributes nothing to our race.

Deputies said that over the past five months two family members suspected the teen was pregnant and counseled the teen's mother, Teresa Goodson, regarding her daughter's changing appearance.

The girl's mother, however, was in denial about the pregnancy, Judd said. She cited two home pregnancy tests that showed no positive result. Deputies said the mother allowed the girl to take the tests alone and in private to protect her privacy.

Lol, she's so fucking dumb.
I had a mom who was incredibly sheltered (her own mother didn't even tell her what a period was) and she was sure I would not go through that mess. I got comprehensive sex education in 5th grade, middle school and high school as well as books from my parents. At 16 I told my mother I had a boyfriend and the first words out of her mouth were "well you've wanted regular periods and you have a bf now? No better time to get you some birth control." And we did just that. But even before I was 16 my parents made for damn sure I could come to them if and when something happened. This girl obviously never had that and this is the result.

The fact that she didn't explore other options because it meant telling her mother she was indeed pregnant should tell us what we need to know. Her mother is the one criminally responsible and the girl needs some mental rehabilitation as soon as possible.

I completely agree with everything you said right here.
Her mother is the one criminally responsible (..)

I completely agree with everything you said right here.


Well, I do see a bit of room in the right corner.


I'm saying she is not only 14, she is probably a really mentally messed up 14 year old. I'm saying she probably panicked and thought that killing a newborn baby and hiding it from everyone was a reasonable solution to her problem, because that's the way a fucked up 14 year old would think. I'm just saying I feel more sad than angry at her. Her life was probably messed up before and will probably be messed up beyond repair now.

There isn't anything in the article that suggests that she's any more messed up than everyone else who commits these kinds of crimes. She didn't seem to panic or from her picture, show any remorse for her actions. This all seemed to be planned out.

This nearly brought tears to my eyes, and feel no apathy or anger towards her; I just feel what she did was disgusting and she should have an appropriate punishment.

I think it's more likely the mother is mentally unstable than she is.


so at least we agree on the murderer part.

Literally every person in this thread agrees that she is a murderer because she admits to murdering her baby. That's what you call someone who commits a murder: a murderer. We all agree.

Suggesting that the mother be held responsible for her own role in the baby's death and that the 14-year-old should serve time in a mental health facility where she might actually become a productive member of society rather than in a prison where she will most likely become even more cold and lacking in empathy isn't the same thing as erasing the word murderer from the discussion.

Why are people acting like a 14 year old has no common sense? We aren't animals, we know what's right, and what's wrong. Ignorance isn't an excuse, even being mentally unstable doesn't justify being able to be let off the hook with a slap on the wrist. Like Squiddy said, if she's mentally unstable than she needs a long stay at a mental facility, if not, then she needs to be in prison for awhile.

There isn't anything in the article that suggests that she's any more messed up than everyone else who commits these kinds of crimes. She didn't seem to panic or from her picture, show any remorse for her actions. This all seemed to be planned out.

I think the fact that she inserted scissors into her body is a fairly strong indication of her mental state and how rational her behavior was in the moment, don't you? Sort of indicates someone who isn't considering their own health or the reality of their situation half as much as they are experiencing fear and irrational panic.

If you really think she carefully planned this out well in advance, then your suggestion that 14-year-olds aren't emotional idiots sort of loses some merit considering her carefully considered plan was apparently a shoe box in the corner of a room.

Do you think maybe she knew and thought about everything except decomposition or that perhaps some 14-year-olds are less rational and cognitively aware than you think?


I think the fact that she inserted scissors into her body is a fairly strong indication of her mental state and how rational her behavior was in the moment, don't you? Sort of indicates someone who isn't considering their own health or the reality of their situation half as much as they are experiencing fear and irrational panic.

If you really think she carefully planned this out well in advance, then your suggestion that 14-year-olds aren't emotional idiots sort of loses some merit considering her carefully considered plan was apparently a shoe box in the corner of a room.

Do you think maybe she knew and thought about everything except decomposition or that perhaps some 14-year-olds are less rational and cognitively aware than you think?

The point in bold doesn't lose any merit unless you're ready to suggest that people of all ages are generally idiots.

I overlooked the scissors part so she very well might have panicked, but doing something while you're afraid doesn't suggest that you are mentally unwell; the only thing it tells me is you lack self control. That being said, I still believe she planned it out to some degree and is still mentally well.

Edit: Here's question for GAF: Assuming she's mentally well, what kind of help do you suggest getting her?

According to deputies, Goodson – who concealed her pregnancy by wearing baggy clothes the past several months – told detectives she felt ill Sept. 17 and that the discomfort continued through Sept. 19.

She told detectives she went into labor while in the bathroom Sept. 19, placing a towel in her mouth and turning on the bathroom water to conceal any noise she might make during the delivery. He mother was in the home at the time, Judd said.

Add that to the fact that she checked his pulse, killed the baby, and checked it again, I don't think she was mentally unstable or that she acted purely on impulse. Her only thought appeared to be how the child would effect her relationship with her family.


Fundamental attribution error up the ass in here. That said, I still can't empathize with this girl. Fuck her. Reading this made me angry. Yes her mother was an incompetent moron who's done a poor job raising this child, but this is still very much the girl's fault. There are others at fault as well but you can't take away the blame from the girl. She may not have been thinking straight at the time but she still knew exactly what she was doing, so fuck her. I hate this girl and her idiot family.

Even so, it's hard to say if during normal circumstances she would've done something this disgusting. I don't think sending her to jail is the right call. Give her some help and then see where it goes from there.


Neo Member
There will be no justice here.

The girl was put in a situation far greater than any of you had the chance to make at that age. What would you have done?

I would have done this. I would have gone this route. I would have told this person. Sure you would have. Trying the girl as an adult is a crime in itself. An adult is 18 years of age. Try her as one at 14. Then the next time someone commits the most heinous crime at 11, is that justifiable? If we give her tons of counseling, do we know that she isn't already an abomination in waiting? We don't know her past coupled with what she has been through now.

There will be no justice here.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
This thread actually made me feel physically ill. Ugh.

There TONS of couple DYING to raise a child, but cannot conceive. This child could have had a wonderful life. :(

I'm ok with this. I'll be angry if she kills an adult. Babies getting killed doesn't elicit any emotion from me.

...seriously? You're OKAY with this?


There will be no justice here.

The girl was put in a situation far greater than any of you had the chance to make at that age. What would you have done?

I would have done this. I would have gone this route. I would have told this person. Sure you would have. Trying the girl as an adult is a crime in itself. An adult is 18 years of age. Try her as one at 14. Then the next time someone commits the most heinous crime at 11, is that justifiable? If we give her tons of counseling, do we know that she isn't already an abomination in waiting? We don't know her past coupled with what she has been through now.

There will be no justice here.

Not really. There was no great situation. She decided to have sex and end up getting pregnant. After that, she decided to hide the truth because she was selfish and didn't want her relationship with her parents to change. It appears to be exactly the same as any teenager that gets pregnant. However, I don't think she should be put in an adult prison, nor do I agree with life in prison/death penalty for for one offence.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Because that works oh so well with teen criminals.

Keep her off the streets for good so she can't harm anyone else. Sounds like it would work to me. I'm not concerned with someones' well being if they commit an act like this.


My wife is 37 weeks pregnant and can pop any day. Reading this story nearly brought tears to my eye. This girl should be charged with murder.

Murder, and I dont give a shit about her age, her situation or any details that give her some kind of fake ass excuse for her behavior. Lock her up and throw away the key, even at 14 she is a worthless human and contributes nothing to our race.


Please be a better parent to your child than the parents of this girl were to her.
My wife is 37 weeks pregnant and can pop any day. Reading this story nearly brought tears to my eye. This girl should be charged with murder.

Murder, and I dont give a shit about her age, her situation or any details that give her some kind of fake ass excuse for her behavior. Lock her up and throw away the key, even at 14 she is a worthless human and contributes nothing to our race.


Man, attitudes like this scare the hell out of me.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
There will be no justice here.

The girl was put in a situation far greater than any of you had the chance to make at that age. What would you have done?

I would have done this. I would have gone this route. I would have told this person. Sure you would have. Trying the girl as an adult is a crime in itself. An adult is 18 years of age. Try her as one at 14. Then the next time someone commits the most heinous crime at 11, is that justifiable? If we give her tons of counseling, do we know that she isn't already an abomination in waiting? We don't know her past coupled with what she has been through now.

There will be no justice here.

You can take offense to this if you like but attitudes like yours is what is wrong with society. She strangled him, checked his pulse, strangled some more, and checked again. It's vile and the actions of a sick person who needs to be locked up and kept away from the masses. Jails are meant for people like this and not people smoking weed or snorting coke.
Keep her off the streets for good so she can't harm anyone else. Sounds like it would work to me. I'm not concerned with someones' well being if they commit an act like this.

For all you know in ten or fifteen years she can be aware of her guilt and be an awesome parent....or maybe she is a psychopath, but just locking people away does no good for society, especially if they are just children when the crimes are committed. Rehabilitation has been shown to work on teens more than adults since they are still developing.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
For all you know in ten or fifteen years she can be aware of her guilt and be an awesome parent....or maybe she is a psychopath, but just locking people away does no good for society, especially if they are just children when the crimes are committed. Rehabilitation has been shown to work on teens more than adults since they are still developing.

See, I don't care about rehabilitating people who commit crimes like this. I believe in 2nd chances probably more than your average person but there are certain acts that are committed which instantly give me zero interest in caring for the perpetrator. This happens to be one of them.


See, I don't care about rehabilitating people who commit crimes like this. I believe in 2nd chances probably more than your average person but there are certain acts that are committed which instantly give me zero interest in caring for the perpetrator. This happens to be one of them.

I'm sorry, but this mentality is stupid and pretty vile. After a crime has been committed there should be two goals on what happens next:

1 - Rehabilitation
2 - Prevention of the same crime from others

I don't think any logical person could think locking up a 14 year old girl for the rest of her life and doing nothing is going to prevent other 14 year olds from doing the same thing, at least not to a significantly huge degree. Now the other goal is rehabilitation, and I believe this has to be the biggest goal for most crimes, but most of all for people who are underage and/or children. These are people still developing and learning with their whole lives ahead of them. As a society we owe it to them and to ourselves to at least try to help them become a contributing member again.

And, hell, if you really want to be cold about it, we need to do this because it's a hell of a lot cheaper for that person to be rehabilitated and put into society rather than locked up and fed/housed for the rest of their lives. ... unless you think we should just kill her now and be over it... in which case you're too far gone to reason with.


You know my mom got pregnant with my older sister when she was 14. You know what she did? She got herself 3 jobs to feed her and pay for the hospital care she needed since the baby had to be feed intravenously for the first month. She did this while living in some of the worst slums in Puerto Rico. Her father was in prison for stabbing her mother to death, she couldn't stay with her aunt because she beat the crap out of her for no reason other than just not liking her. My mom practically starved herself to keep her baby healthy and had no support network aside from her brother who the mafia ended up murdering a little while later. This kid gets no sympathy from me whatsoever.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I'm sorry, but this mentality is stupid and pretty vile. After a crime has been committed there should be two goals on what happens next:

1 - Rehabilitation
2 - Prevention of the same crime from others

I don't think any logical person could think locking up a 14 year old girl for the rest of her life and doing nothing is going to prevent other 14 year olds from doing the same thing, at least not to a significantly huge degree. Now the other goal is rehabilitation, and I believe this has to be the biggest goal for most crimes, but most of all for people who are underage and/or children. These are people still developing and learning with their whole lives ahead of them. As a society we owe it to them and to ourselves to at least try to help them become a contributing member again.

And, hell, if you really want to be cold about it, we need to do this because it's a hell of a lot cheaper for that person to be rehabilitated and put into society rather than locked up and fed/housed for the rest of their lives. ... unless you think we should just kill her now and be over it... in which case you're too far gone to reason with.

You keep justifying disgusting individual's acts and fighting the good fight to see that they become functional members of society. What a great person you are! Spare me your perceived kindness. Please. Cases like like this don't happen frequent enough for you to attempt to make this a financial issue. This case isn't about the mother or how to punish her. It's about ridding the society of people capable of such dark and inhumane acts. The fact that she is 14 matters little to me. It is plenty old enough to know right from wrong.
For all you know in ten or fifteen years she can be aware of her guilt and be an awesome parent....or maybe she is a psychopath, but just locking people away does no good for society, especially if they are just children when the crimes are committed. Rehabilitation has been shown to work on teens more than adults since they are still developing.

It's something people do not even like to entertain as a thought, but psychopathy develops very early on in life. People do not want to hear that it's too late to rehabilitate psychopathic teenagers with modern methods/technology.


You keep justifying disgusting individual's acts and fighting the good fight to see that they become functional members of society. What a great person you are! Spare me your perceived kindness. Please. Cases like like this don't happen frequent enough for you to attempt to make this a financial issue. This case isn't about the mother or how to punish her. It's about ridding the society of people capable of such dark and inhumane acts. The fact that she is 14 matters little to me. It is plenty old enough to know right from wrong.

I suppose I should spare you my kindness, since you apparently don't have any. You want nothing but vengeance, and that's no way to run a society. Why exactly do you want vengeance? Does it do society any good? Does it do the dead child any good? Does it do this little girl any good? Does it do her family any good? Or does it just make you feel better.

I'm not justifying anyone's acts. It was a terrible, awful crime. Full stop. Now society needs to figure out what to do, and vengeance isn't the answer.
You keep justifying disgusting individual's acts and fighting the good fight to see that they become functional members of society. What a great person you are! Spare me your perceived kindness. Please. Cases like like this don't happen frequent enough for you to attempt to make this a financial issue. This case isn't about the mother or how to punish her. It's about ridding the society of people capable of such dark and inhumane acts. The fact that she is 14 matters little to me. It is plenty old enough to know right from wrong.

Ridding society of people for whatever crime they've commited is very inhumane as well.
Especially when they're 14 goddamn years old.
Everyone is capable of terrible acts depending on the circumstances, but we can't just lock our entire population up now, can we.
Some kinda therapy is the only right choice here, imo.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
I suppose I should spare you my kindness, since you apparently don't have any. You want nothing but vengeance, and that's no way to run a society. Why exactly do you want vengeance? Does it do society any good? Does it do the dead child any good? Does it do this little girl any good? Or does it just make you feel better.

I'm not justifying anyone's acts. It was a terrible, awful crime. Full stop. Now society needs to figure out what to do, and vengeance isn't the answer.

Vengeance? It's a prevention issue. I don't believe anyone who commits such an immoral act should be allowed to be given a 2nd chance to do so again. I don't want to roll the dice like you apparently do.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Ridding society of people for whatever crime they've committed is very inhumane as well.
Especially when they're 14 goddamn years old.
Everyone is capable of terrible acts depending on the circumstances, but we can't just lock our entire population up now, can we.
Some kinda therapy is the only right choice here, IMO.

Everyone is capable of strangling a new born to death? Interesting view on humanity.


I don't even have time to feel angry about reading this, i just feel really sad about the whole situation...

in regards to legality, hopefully she serves some 'good' time, in a mental hospital or something

everyone else should just feel absolutely miserable that they let someone get to this point :-( like the lack of access to an anonymous abortion, the probable lack of decent sex education and access to actual 'protection' and the parents if they were actually such prudes their daughter felt unable to approach them (they might not have been)

just a damned depressing story


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
So GAF: Would you be okay with a child molester getting a second chance? By that I mean not going to jail, only therapy or a mental facility?

Hell...If the child molester was 16 some here would be ok with giving he/she a 2nd chance even if they killed one of their victims.


Vengeance? It's a prevention issue. I don't believe anyone who commits such an immoral act should be allowed to be given a 2nd chance to do so again. I don't want to roll the dice like you apparently do.

Rehabilitation is prevention you fucking dolt.

No one is (or should be) saying do absolutely nothing. What I'm saying is she should have some punishment, sure, but we should also focus on therapy and making sure that she won't do this again, not because she's locked up somewhere, but because she psychologically won't do it again. You can sit here all you want and claim she'll do it again, but you're not an expert. My opinion is let the experts handle her and evaluate and let them say whether she's rehabilitated or not.

Honestly, one of the worst punishments she could possibly receive will probably come when she realizes exactly what she's done and has to live with that the rest of her life.
So GAF: Would you be okay with a child molester getting a second chance? By that I mean not going to jail, only therapy or a mental facility?

The fact that you even think these situations are analogous speaks more about you than what you're trying to achieve here.


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Rehabilitation is prevention you fucking dolt.

No one is (or should be) saying do absolutely nothing. What I'm saying is she should have some punishment, sure, but we should also focus on therapy and making sure that she won't do this again, not because she's locked up somewhere, but because she psychologically won't do it again. You can sit here all you want and claim she'll do it again, but you're not an expert. My opinion is let the experts handle her and evaluate and let them say whether she's rehabilitated or not.

Honestly, one of the worst punishments she could possibly receive will probably come when she realizes exactly what she's done and has to live with that the rest of her life.

Rehabilitation is not always successful and is not a certainty to prevent future deaths. BTW, nice insult. Never a loss for tough guys when they're hiding behind a keyboard.


Not really. There was no great situation. She decided to have sex and end up getting pregnant. After that, she decided to hide the truth because she was selfish and didn't want her relationship with her parents to change. It appears to be exactly the same as any teenager that gets pregnant. However, I don't think she should be put in an adult prison, nor do I agree with life in prison/death penalty for for one offence.

She did it because her parent kept telling her "your pregnancy doesn't exist". Repeatedly. Kids tend to want to please the adults in their lives. In her mind, her mom's continued stance of "you're not pregnant" becomes inferred as "make it so there's no pregnancy".

In this fucked up situation the mom put her in, and her being too young to handle it, the best option in the head is to get rid of the baby so the adult in her life gets the wish of "you were never pregnant".

Trying to just say this girl is some stupid phrase like "evil" isn't solving the problem and is ignoring the ill effects of parental neglect. She was up against a wall. She needs rehabilitation and mental help and to be removed from the care of her mother. She does not need to be locked up forever.


The fact that you even think these situations are analogous speaks more about you than what you're trying to achieve here.

...? Is that bait or something?

Above there's an discussion going on how to treat people who commit a crime. Should we lock them up? Should we try and rehabilitate them? Does it depend on your personal feelings toward the crime?

That wasn't an analogy.


Rehabilitation is not always successful and is not a certainty to prevent future deaths. BTW, nice insult. Never a loss for tough guys when they're hiding behind a keyboard.

Alright, so lock everyone up that does a crime forever? Just to be clear are you really trying to say rehabilitation at all is just a lost cause because we can never be sure?


What in the world... Jeez.

Every single bit of that was absolutely horrible, and just continued to get worse as I read... I honestly don't know what to say about this.


What would you have done?

Even if her IQ was extremly below average, she could have just googled it.
I just tried that. "unwanted pregnancy"
First result: http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-topics/pregnancy/pregnant-now-what-4253.htm

If you are pregnant, you have three options to think about — abortion, adoption, and parenting.

There you go. Within 5 seconds. But I guess using Google is too much to ask for. Or maybe she mistook abortion as killing her newborn baby.

I would have done this. I would have gone this route. I would have told this person. Sure you would have. Trying the girl as an adult is a crime in itself. An adult is 18 years of age. Try her as one at 14. Then the next time someone commits the most heinous crime at 11, is that justifiable?

I could answer directly, but nah I will just let Dave Chappelle do it
...? Is that bait or something?

Above there's an discussion going on how to treat people who commit a crime. Should we lock them up? Should we try and rehabilitate them?

That wasn't an analogy.

So make a thread about it. The situation here is what it is, people are factoring in her age, child pregnancy taking it's toll on 14 yr old, her mother being in complete denial and the fact that she didn't care about her own safety and just wanted the baby dead and gone. She needs mental help. It's pretty obvious to anyone who's not a vengeance nut that situational circumstances matter.


Even if her IQ was extremly below average, she could have just googled it.
I just tried that. "unwanted pregnancy"
First result: http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-topics/pregnancy/pregnant-now-what-4253.htm

There you go. Within 5 seconds. But I guess using Google is too much to ask for.

Adoption or abortion would have needed her mom to be involved. Guess who was busy going "there is no pregnancy and don't tell me there's a pregnancy" and completely abandoning her daughter on the issue?


Lacks the power of instantaneous movement
Alright, so lock everyone up that does a crime forever? Just to be clear are you really trying to say rehabilitation at all is just a lost cause because we can never be sure?

Oh wow. Did I say that? Certain crimes deserve banishment from society. Choking a child to death certainly qualifies as one if there ever was one, no? When you hold up a 7-11 there is hope for you. When you hold up a 7-11 and proceed to murder all the employees I have no interest in rehabilitating you. Sorry
Even if her IQ was extremly below average, she could have just googled it.
I just tried that. "unwanted pregnancy"
First result: http://www.plannedparenthood.org/health-topics/pregnancy/pregnant-now-what-4253.htm

There you go. Within 5 seconds. But I guess using Google is too much to ask for. Or maybe she mistook abortion as killing her newborn baby.

I could answer directly, but nah I will just let Dave Chappelle do it

Any of the options people keep providing have one requirement: that her mother be involved or notified. Guess who didn't want to hear it even from relatives?
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