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"1998 .. I'll never forget it" - Resident Evil 4 Turns 20 Years Old - Share Your Memories !


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?


Resident Evil 4 officially turns 20 years old. Originally released for the Gamecube on Jan 11th, 2005.

Arguably one of the best, most replayable, games of all time. More importantly, the lifeline Capcom needed to keep the Resident Evil franchise alive after multiple lackluster entries and the general classic RE formula getting stale by the mid 2000's. For me, RE4 will pretty much always have a permanent top spot in my 'best of all time' lists. Excellent, tense, survival/action game play, some of the best presentation at the time of release and so fun that it's still one of my most replayed games.

Let's all share our memories of this classic.


Can’t Git Gud
yeah I finished the ugly pc version on a keyboard when it released
One of best games ever made.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
#2 game of all time. Day one experience on the Cube. I was 23 years old. That day my friend brought it over to play on my 32 inch Sony trinitron flat screen. The rest is history. God knows how many times I've played through it (I'm guessing around 40 or 50).

This was one of, if not the first video I had ever seen where someone matched a full licensed song to cuts of cutscenes. Still impressive to this day.

Released two months after the game out. I remember finding the link on GameFAQs.

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At the time it came out, I had fallen off playing games. Was 1st year uni and didn’t even take a console with me. I had a group of mates I’d sometimes go smoke weed with and hot box one of the rooms. Anyway one day one of them said you should come and see the new resident evil. I was like ok whatever. So went in and started to hotnoz the room as usual. Guy tells me to start it up and play. I started to play and was instantly hooked. I couldn’t believe how good it was. Going for headshots was addicting and the village was stressful. After that I immediately bought it, and played it once I got back home to my gamecube.

The game is timeless in its gameplay and pacing. Easily in my top 5. Maybe even top3 ever. The remake was sublime as well. I couldn’t have asked for more.


Last Resident Evil I completed. It’s alright, starts really strong has some lulls and the final boss isn’t tricky.

Hunter 99

Year 10 at secondary school,went to my local blockbuster after school and rented it out and walked home.
Best week of that year.
The boat and massive fish boss.what a time😃


Gold Member
I was 12 when Resident Evil 4 came out, but I didn't even give it a shot because I remember playing/watching(?) Resident Evil 1 at my dad's when I was like 6 or 8 or something, and that zombie turning on the first window scared me shitless.


This motherfucker right here. I'd say he looks scarier than a lot of modern zombie/monster designs because that shit thing looks like some kind of plast/manequinn/clown/zombie mutation. So I only got back into Resident Evil later in my life again.

But, to the point of Resi4: I absolutely don't get why people love it. I'm not talking about the cheesy story or the ballistic missiles or anything, that shit is based and peak RE. I just hate the gameplay and the atmosphere. Like it's not bad, but it's just not Resident Evil. Not even close. Think if From Soft released Dark Souls 4 and suddenly it's turn based or sth?

I know about the impact of the game in terms for action games (Gears of War and such) and know about the backstory with the scrapped trailers/concept which looked a lot darker and how the development basically fumbled along for years and spawned DMC. That's an explanation for why the game ruined the Formula/Concept Resident Evil games were actually loved prior to this entry, but I just don't get how so many people apparently love this? Like this is exactly the reason why Capcom then gave us 5 and 6 which people suddenly are then okay complaining about (I don't have an opinion on 5&6, I didn't play them yet).

To reiterate, great game in it's own regard, yes, but ultimately it ruined Resident Evil.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
To reiterate, great game in it's own regard, yes, but ultimately it ruined Resident Evil.

I see and acknowledge it when people say this, but it's just as likely to say that RE, as a franchise, would not have existed this long without RE4.

It was the revitalizing shot-in-the-arm it needed. Something RE7 would do years later after the over-the-shoulder formula started become stale, like the fixed perspective camera before it.


Gold Member
I was a freshman in high school and had a buddy who owned all the consoles, sometimes letting me borrow them for a weekend. So I did play it when it was almost brand new (the same with all previous REs on a PSX, though I never really owned one), and I do remember the shock of how well the new camera worked. It felt as next-gen as it gets, and I knew there was no going back. Good times.


Gold Member
I just want to quickly add: Resident Evil 4 in VR is AMAZINGLY fun. I'm actually enjoying it more than Alyx in the beginning so far, since the flat game design doesn't hold back on account of it being in VR, so there's a lot more action which is just stupidly fun. It feels like some of these arcade/light gun shooters almost.


It's not my favourite Resident Evil game, but it might be my favourite game of all time. Definitely better than the remake, and if you have a PC but haven't played RE4HD you're doing yourself a disservice.

It's also a game with a hell of a development journey, taking about 7 years and going through so many completely different iterations and ideas that one spawned an entirely different franchise.

I've owned it on GC, PS2, PS3, and PC. 100% completion every time, no regrets.
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It released the 11th btw ;). This game is bittersweet to me, imo this is when they ruined the RE franchise but as a game alone and not looking at it as an RE game it was pretty good.


I remember eagerly importing the special Capcom magazine as it had a playable demo for GC in it and would be the first time any of us got to play it outside of a games show. While it is a fun game it's the point where i felt it stopped feeling like traditional resident evil & started to become more of an hybrid action game. Same with umbrella it was fun when it was them making viruses and the chaos of the aftermath as you have to escape the city but when new locations started to be used it didn't feel as fun.

Saying that still have my gamecube copies of all of them in cluding the mag i imported in 2004

Lux R7

I was young, I remember driving my Vespa 50 special to go and buy it (gc version day one) in a shopping center in the city near mine. Of course I didn't tell my parents that I had gone to another city on a Vespa. I played re4 for years, fantastic game.
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Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
How is the fucking GUARDIAN of all places writing a piece about the 20th anniversary of one of the most influential games of all time before any of the mainstream gaming websites like IGN, gamespot etc.



I was 12 when Resident Evil 4 came out, but I didn't even give it a shot because I remember playing/watching(?) Resident Evil 1 at my dad's when I was like 6 or 8 or something, and that zombie turning on the first window scared me shitless.


This motherfucker right here. I'd say he looks scarier than a lot of modern zombie/monster designs because that shit thing looks like some kind of plast/manequinn/clown/zombie mutation. So I only got back into Resident Evil later in my life again.

But, to the point of Resi4: I absolutely don't get why people love it. I'm not talking about the cheesy story or the ballistic missiles or anything, that shit is based and peak RE. I just hate the gameplay and the atmosphere. Like it's not bad, but it's just not Resident Evil. Not even close. Think if From Soft released Dark Souls 4 and suddenly it's turn based or sth?

I know about the impact of the game in terms for action games (Gears of War and such) and know about the backstory with the scrapped trailers/concept which looked a lot darker and how the development basically fumbled along for years and spawned DMC. That's an explanation for why the game ruined the Formula/Concept Resident Evil games were actually loved prior to this entry, but I just don't get how so many people apparently love this? Like this is exactly the reason why Capcom then gave us 5 and 6 which people suddenly are then okay complaining about (I don't have an opinion on 5&6, I didn't play them yet).

To reiterate, great game in it's own regard, yes, but ultimately it ruined Resident Evil.

You say you stopped playing the series after seeing the 1st game so you probably didn't "get it" at the time, but the series was becoming extremely stale by the time Code Veronica released on Dreamcast.

The people wanted something different. The over the shoulder camrea and slight action focus was just enough of a change to inject a Fresh perspective of what a RE game could be while still being creepy and with super natural shit all throughout. Also the whole "Zombie" thing was becoming played out so they gave the enemies a "virus" that still allowed for intelligence and group coordination...and it worked.

You may have felt different if you too were completely burnt out on the "traditional" RE formula by the time RE4 came along
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I hated ... The game that killed RE into an full on action game .. completely changing all I loved about the series.

Is easily top 5 most overrated goat

RE4 is the equivalent of FFXVI... both can be the greatest game ever.. but they are NOT good RE and FF games.
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I was fresh in the Navy at at my first command, Iceland of all places. I had a GCN but didn't play much, I rented the game and made it to the fish boss. I wasn't really feeling it and didn't actually get around to beating the game until 2008. All I owned in 2008 was a Wii and the Wii library was so awful that I went back to GCN games I missed out on. I wasn't gaming much back then. I think I even owned it on Wii but I didn't like the aiming and nunchuk combo, that's why I went back to the GCN version (I've since grown to appreciate the Wii version).

When I did sit down play through all of RE4, it was incredible. I've only played through the game maybe 2-3 times since then, I'm not a big fan of actually playing it. I recognize it as a GOAT, it's just not the type of RE experience I want and I always get tired in the 3rd act, just way too much combat. I prefer RE4make over the OG. I think each can stand on its own and either one is worth playing in 2025. Why do I prefer RE4make? All I ever wanted from OG RE4 was more puzzles and exploration, RE4make gave it to me and it's pretty much the version of RE4 that I always wanted.
You say you stopped playing the series after seeing the 1st game so you probably didn't "get it" at the time, but the series was becoming extremely stale by the time Code Veronica released on Dreamcast.

The people wanted something different. The over the shoulder camrea and slight action focus was just enough of a change to inject a Fresh perspective of what a RE game could be while still being creepy and with super natural shit all throughout. Also the whole "Zombie" thing was becoming played out so they gave the enemies a "virus" that still allowed for intelligence and group coordination...and it worked.

You may have felt different if you too were completely burnt out on the "traditional" RE formula by the time RE4 came along
That's also why Zero is so bad. The lack of item boxes was a direct response to outlets asking for it.

I only bring it up because it's really interesting to have vivid memories of that time period, and looking back on it. Capcom could have kept the fixed camera angles fresh. I'm glad they made RE4 but the critics couldn't have been more wrong with some of the ideas they had of things that would make the formula feel more fresh.
I never played the original. Got RE4R on PS5 to try in VR. Haven’t even tried it in VR, working on play through 3 right now. Amazing game.
I was a senior in high school when it came out. I hated it for the longest time without ever playing it because I loved the classic fixed camera angle games, especially after the masterpiece that is Resident Evil 1 Remake. I finally got around to playing it on PC with the legendary HD project a few years ago and it's a great GAME, just not what I think of when I think of Resident Evil. Unfortunately I still hate what it did to the series and gaming overall as everything since then has been a carbon copy of this formula.


I remember being jealous of the kid who had it on Gamecube. I don't remember how long it was exclusive to that before it came to the PS2. Good times!
The Story Of The Capcom 5 - Geeks Under Grace

The freaking Capcom 5. Only other game I played was a demo of viewtiful Joe but man that promise by Capcom felt big. RE 4 felt late in the GC era in my mind. Soon after we all moved onto Xbox 360

I just remember the reveal of RE4 was exciting but also scary where the franchise was going. I was OBSESSED with REmake. Never owned a PlayStation and was always jealous of the mature ness of RE. so I got the Dreamcast and played code Veronica like 5 times. Felt like I was finally all grown up with my shit and then they shift the franchise with 4.

The rest is history and RE4 defined how third person shooters play. It was really genius game design and we absolutely take it for granted. The over the shoulder camera angle, the QuickTime events, the laser sight, the shop and item management. So much was defined with 4 it’s mind boggling.

Now I play it in VR and it’s STILL all time fun.
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I remember hating everything after the village and skipping the codec calls because how annoying and unfunny they were.
Where to begin...

The year was 2006 and I was looking for something to play on my recently gifted PS2 Slim. To my surprise the famous Resident Evil franchise had a new installment sitting on store shelves. As soon as the disc booted the foreboding image of a decaying rural village greeted me on the menu. Starting a new game, cinematics unlike anything I had seen prior in gaming informed me that I was playing the role of the new and improved agent Leon S. Kennedy on a search and rescue mission of the President's daughter in some backwater, mountainous rural area of Spain. The locals were unfriendly to say the least, but nothing had prepared me for the menace of Dr. Salvador. A chainsaw-wielding psycho wearing a flour bag with eyeholes cut out for a face. He scared the shit out of me. A live grenade and a fully loaded shotgun unloaded at center mass couldn't put this monster down. Naturally, I died a gruesome death that would normally be reserved for the supporting cast of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Again and again I tried to overcome him but to no avail.

Having mustered up the courage to face him weeks later while retreading my steps to the village from the first typewriter I caught onto the fact that the villagers would be stunned when I slashed the knife at their face. With that revelation, I managed to best him with nothing more than a series of headshots and the old trusty grenade. A church bell rang in the distance and the rest of the villagers scurried off as if I was never there. Hope was alive and well again. Luck was on my side and soon I ran into a friendly local hogtied inside a closed dresser before the "Big Cheese" rang my bell. Leon woke up shackled to this stranger inside an abandoned mountainside home before an overburdened axeman unintentionally set them free with a misdirected downward swing. Leon's subsequent guiding kick threw the axeman against the wall and broke his neck. The humorous stranger named Luis, who had an uncanny resemblance to Antonio Banderas in Desperado, informed Leon that the President's daughter was being kept inside the Church by the center of town. Stepping outside the home, Leon met a mysterious figure looking to peddle his arsenal. He was more than happy to buy the discarded trinkets picked up along the journey thus far, to upgrade my weaponry, or to sell Leon a rifle/TMP for the local currency but strangely refused to sell any of the abundant ammo he carried unless I performed a capacity upgrade on the weapons. Even so, with this investment I felt more confident than ever.

While retracing my way back to the village, I ran into the "Big Cheese" inside a well furnished home but fortunately some mysterious shooter diverted his attention leaving me to my own devices after he gave a foreboding message about Leon having received some gift and having the same blood as them. Soon after, the twin brother of Dr. Salvador confronted Leon outside the home but I managed to dispatch him and his two friends without much effort. A fancy door at the center of the village hid a cavernous path to a small church. It had the strangest gate barricading the door with an indentation of something that would probably be right at home in an Indiana Jones movie. Nearby mountainous scaffolding lead the way to a booby trapped walking trail to the local lake. A quick survey of the area revealed a man-eating lake monster but having no alternative route to take I was forced to confront the monstrosity. Commandeering the docked decrepit motorboat I managed to get halfway across the lake before it attacked. I had never given much thought to whaling before but my harpoon-filled battle with the creature had revealed a side of myself that would make Ishmael jealous. The feeling of victory was short-lived as upon reaching the other shore Leon started coughing up blood and passed out.

Leon woke up in the middle of the night to a mysterious letter about aid given to him during his much needed rest. It, however, did not prepare him for what came next... a headless villager with a convulsing Lovecraftian squid coming out of its neck. That thing could take as much lead as several villagers and had no weaknesses as far as I could tell.
What The Fuck Wtf GIF

Things only got worse from there as a giant straight out of folklore and a mutated wolf pack greeted me on the way back to the church. Fortunately, the dog I helped out of a bear trap earlier distracted the giant.

Finally... Leon made it to the church and found the President's nasally teenage daughter but as luck would have it the demonic televangelist behind the kidnapping plot showed up with his congregation.

With some skilled maneuvering I managed to get Ashley out of there unharmed and in my hubris landed in a Night of the Living Dead situation with my favorite local.

I barely made it. Hoarding ammo and healing items up to this point payed off but afterward I was running low on both. Having heeded the note at gate switch that informed me that I could choose between two crazy sisters or another giant to go through, I chose the latter and opened the gate on the right. Better the devil you know than the devil you don't. Not taking any chances with the wellbeing of the President's daughter I bought a Rocket Launcher from the merchant and took out the giant in a single shot. I had now made it all the way to the gate leading out of the village, but some strange mechanism on the gate would not unlock until an eye was placed inside. A note in a nearby storage hut informed me that the village chief had the eye needed to get out of this village and was holed up in a barn. After a surprisingly smooth ride on the cable cars I entered the barn alone feeling naked without the rocket launcher I could now seldom afford. In the blink of an eye the chief appeared behind Leon and manhandled him like The Undertaker. After dodging a haymaker, Leon rolled a fuel barrel in the chief's general direction and lit it up with a well placed shot at its spilled contents. Only what appeared to be a checkmate turned into a game of fatal tag with something straight out of the Necronomicon.

Having retrieved the village chief's eyeball from his corpse inside the burning barn Leon managed to escort Ashley past the village gates and into the castle where they thought it was safe...
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Resident Evil 4 officially turns 20 years old. Originally released for the Gamecube on Jan 11th, 2005.

Arguably one of the best, most replayable, games of all time. More importantly, the lifeline Capcom needed to keep the Resident Evil franchise alive after multiple lackluster entries and the general classic RE formula getting stale by the mid 2000's. For me, RE4 will pretty much always have a permanent top spot in my 'best of all time' lists. Excellent, tense, survival/action game play, some of the best presentation at the time of release and so fun that it's still one of my most replayed games.

Let's all share our memories of this classic.

My favourite game of all time. I remember getting the USA copy imported for me in Australia to play it early with my freeloader disc to play it on my GameCube!

Game was transformative for me. It was so unique. So scary. So tense and terrifying. The unique camera angle and the way the enemies acted was unlike anything I’d ever seen before in a video game!

It’s easily my most replayed game and it never gets old for me.


I also have a very interesting, shall we say, tidbit about this game and an episode of The X Files…

There is a season 8 episode of The X Files called Surekill. It’s episode number 8! Anyway, there is a music cue that plays in this episode that is identical to music that is played in certain sections of Resident Evil 4! Since The X Files episode was out before Resident Evil 4 it’s very safe to assume that the Resident Evil 4 composer borrowed the music, but I’ve never seen anyone ever mention it yet I have noticed this for almost 20 years now!!!


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I also have a very interesting, shall we say, tidbit about this game and an episode of The X Files…

There is a season 8 episode of The X Files called Surekill. It’s episode number 8! Anyway, there is a music cue that plays in this episode that is identical to music that is played in certain sections of Resident Evil 4! Since The X Files episode was out before Resident Evil 4 it’s very safe to assume that the Resident Evil 4 composer borrowed the music, but I’ve never seen anyone ever mention it yet I have noticed this for almost 20 years now!!!

Is there a YT link you can share from the episode? Never saw any of the later X files seasons so it's not something I am familiar with.
Bought it the day it came out, started playing it at round 9PM to play it a little bit before going to bed, and beat it in one sitting. That morning is what we call a "oh shit" moment.

Still own my OG copy, kept it in solid condition too for 20 years old.


Only game I've played through more is MegaMan X 1 and 4. As close to a perfect game as I can imagine if played with the Resident Evil 4 HD Project mod, which is probably my favorite game mod of all time and unbelievably impressive visuals with regards to improvements in textures and models, and even restores the GameCube effects and lets you essentially skip the quick action events; I mean it basically just removes the only minor problems with the game and leaves it absolutely perfect, and it was made by two dudes. Just the best game of the past twenty years in terms of sheer entertainment and replayability by very, very far for me.


I remember vaguely following the development of this game. Then when Greg Kasavin's review of the game came out for Gamespot (this is back when game reviewers were actually trusted), I immediately went out and bought the game. No regrets. Beat it 4 times. I still haven't played the remake. No desire to, really. I've beaten the original so many times.


In 2005 i was 11 years old school was just about to finish for summer. I watched my brother play RE games growing up but this time I booted up RE4 myself I'll never forget how creepy this game was the knights that chase you when you play as Ashley always terrified me lol musta replayed RE4 atleast 20 times over the years it is easily one of the greatest games of all time the pacing is incredible crazy it's been 20 years but legendary title


You say you stopped playing the series after seeing the 1st game so you probably didn't "get it" at the time, but the series was becoming extremely stale by the time Code Veronica released on Dreamcast.

The people wanted something different. The over the shoulder camrea and slight action focus was just enough of a change to inject a Fresh perspective of what a RE game could be while still being creepy and with super natural shit all throughout. Also the whole "Zombie" thing was becoming played out so they gave the enemies a "virus" that still allowed for intelligence and group coordination...and it worked.

You may have felt different if you too were completely burnt out on the "traditional" RE formula by the time RE4 came along
To add to this, Mikami felt like he had done all he could on PS1 and was looking to the next generation after RE2. I think change is inevitable when someone is looking ahead like that.
Wow. Feeling old AF. It's been a while since the game has seemed new, but 20 years is a loooong time. Then again, in 2 years BotW will be a decade old too. My perception of time is all messed up. Anyway...

I never liked the RE series, and when I heard RE4 did away with ink ribbons and most of the survival parts in favor for action, I was interested. The scores it got were insane, and I remember for the first time being really interested to play the series. One of my friends got it shortly after it came out and we played it a bit, and I was totally hooked. Little did I know it would go down as one of my favorite games of all time. The pacing is unbelievably good, and I've replayed the game more times than I care to count. I own it on Gamecube, Wii, and Switch, and just played RE4R on PS5 - and it might even be better than the original.
A bad RE game...and better TPS than most later games of the genre. It killed the franchise and a genre for years...and it's a tasteful meme machine. It was very influential even if a lot of games took the wrong lessons. It sacrificed a good part of the franchise identity but it create its own within the genre unlike a lot of other franchises (I can't say RE4 is souless). I don't see RE4 as a survival horror game but gems like Dead Space wouldn't exist without its influence. I'm from Spain, we noticed the laughable spanish of the ganados and being still stucked with the pesetas instead of euros among other things...and zero offense for us, it was part of the fun for us. I'm not a big fan of the franchise's direction during the seventh gen and yet...I played this entry many times and there will be more. Oh, I can't forget its great mercenaries mode. Or the most chad version of Leon S.Kennedy. Resident Evil 4 was and still is one of its kind.
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