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1up and PGC reviews Baten Kaitos


Baten Kaitos is out today. Here are two new reviews.

1up.com 8.0 (dynamite)


"Yasuyuki Honne, responsible for the awesome art direction in the second Chrono game, hits another one out of the park in Baten Kaitos, creating one of the most wonderfully colorful RPGs of this generation. Even the conventional cities and towns early in the game look great, and later regions (like an area patterned after a child's picture book) show great creativity alongside a fine technical talent. This game definitely proves there's life left in the notion of a pre-rendered RPG world"

"Players looking for an RPG worth playing should definitely give Baten Kaitos a try, and it gets a high mark on that account. It's a winning gamble with a new style of RPG combat, and it's pretty enough to frame and put on your wall in the bargain. With a stronger cast and narrative, though, it could have been an absolute world-beater -- hopefully we'll get to see Monolith Soft revisit its concepts again."

9.0 PGC.


"Motoi Sakuraba’s musical score is one of his more impressive works and is a perfect complement to the visual artistry. He uses an incredible mixture of styles throughout the game, and while most of it has an orchestrated classical feel to it, there are also a few surprises, including one dance/rap theme that plays in a few specific boss battles. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the voice work. It’s hard to believe that the voice actors even have a full understanding of English, much less comprehend what’s happening with these characters. Although it is easy to bash the quality of the acting, the scope of it is actually quite astounding. Every significant conversation is voiced, as well as many others, for what must amount to hours upon hours of voice work. However you like it, whether you want to listen to it or not is entirely up to you, because Namco has included an On/Off option in the menus.

When it comes down to it, RPG fans will not be disappointed in this gem of a title that Namco has brought exclusively to the GameCube. This is first-class work with a compelling storyline and an active card-battle system that stays fresh throughout the life of the game."

Active card-battle system with lots of room for experimentation
Gorgeous pre-rendered backgrounds and spell effects
Equally brilliant soundtrack
A quest over fifty hours long

Voice acting is stiff and distant
Opening cinema is full of spoilers


Seeing as how it just released today, I've been wondering whether or not I should buy it right away (today) or wait.

Maybe I should wait until boxing day or until it hits the bargain bin.


My reaction to the voice acting in BK was weirdly ambivalent (I forgot to even mention it in the review). It's not good, but I didn't find it grating either. I was able to pretty much ignore it, which is strange, because that sort of thing usually bugs me. Maybe I'm just developing a tolerance.

As for when to buy it, I expect you can probably wait for the price to drop on this one. I don't see it selling too tremendously well, especially coming out in the worst possible week of the year.


Deku Tree

Yeah, sadly Baten Kaitos is probably going to bomb hard. It's hard to fathom why Namco didn't ship this in, say, October.

The question is how many copies is Namco planning to ship. Will it get cheap or will it get rare?


Soul4ger said:
Dave, you gave it an 8/10 on 1UP but a 7.5 on EGM? Different scales, slight change of heart?

Waitaminit, I gave it a 7.5 in EGM? Skee-vots. I can't even keep track of my own fucking scores anymore. This is so embarassing. I hate November.

I thought I'd given it an 8 in EGM, which is why it got an 8 on 1UP. 7.5 suits the text much better, though, so let's tidy that directly.

This is what happens when you write reviews on the side for four different publications, all of which use different review scales.



BK has potential to do very well. Its a good release date. Not everyone will be buying Metroid Prime 2. I dont what hype or advertising it has. The hype on GC games has been very poor quite frankly this year.


SantaCruZer said:
Opening cinema is full of spoilers
While I can forgive bad voice acting any day of the week, I cannot forgive this. Someone went out of their way to spoil the shit out of the game before you've even started? GENIUS.


Koshiro said:
While I can forgive bad voice acting any day of the week, I cannot forgive this. Someone went out of their way to spoil the shit out of the game before you've even started? GENIUS.

I don't see how the opening cinema spoils much. It didn't make any sense to me except in retrospect. Without any context it's just a bunch of unconnected images.



WarPig said:
Waitaminit, I gave it a 7.5 in EGM? Skee-vots. I can't even keep track of my own fucking scores anymore. This is so embarassing. I hate November.

I thought I'd given it an 8 in EGM, which is why it got an 8 on 1UP. 7.5 suits the text much better, though, so let's tidy that directly.

This is what happens when you write reviews on the side for four different publications, all of which use different review scales.


Yeah... Kevin gave it an 8.0. They're comparable scores. I actually think it seems like 1UP is tougher with reviewing. But that might just be because there are fewer scores.


Soul4ger said:
Yeah... Kevin gave it an 8.0. They're comparable scores. I actually think it seems like 1UP is tougher with reviewing. But that might just be because there are fewer scores.

Well, EGM and 1UP use the same scale, so it should get the same score. It looks silly otherwise. And like I say, 7.5 more accurately reflects how I feel about the game, so thanks for calling me out on that one.

I wish I didn't have to deal with a 20-gradation scale at all, though. I envy Roger Ebert, who only has to deal with eight.



WarPig said:
Well, EGM and 1UP use the same scale, so it should get the same score. It looks silly otherwise. And like I say, 7.5 more accurately reflects how I feel about the game, so thanks for calling me out on that one.

I wish I didn't have to deal with a 20-gradation scale at all, though. I envy Roger Ebert, who only has to deal with eight.


you are not gonna change the score now right. You thought you had given it an 8 in EGM.

EDIT: "Ok" Score changed =/


SantaCruZer said:
you are not gonna change the score now right. You thought you had given it an 8 in EGM.

EDIT: "Ok" Score changed =/

I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings or anything.

I thought I had given it an 8 in EGM and regretted it somewhat. Now I know I was right all along, so yay me.



WarPig said:
Well, EGM and 1UP use the same scale, so it should get the same score. It looks silly otherwise. And like I say, 7.5 more accurately reflects how I feel about the game, so thanks for calling me out on that one.

I wish I didn't have to deal with a 20-gradation scale at all, though. I envy Roger Ebert, who only has to deal with eight.


Oop...better take a look at this one too then. :lol


You gave it a 4 in EGM & XBN


WarPig said:
I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings or anything.

I thought I had given it an 8 in EGM and regretted it somewhat. Now I know I was right all along, so yay me.


Well you did the right thing since the magazine had it marked as 7.5

Didn't you review Metroid Prime 2 in EGM and gave it a 9? Only 8.5 at 1up.


Nope, Metroid Prime 2 was reviewed by all EGM staff. Mark, Shane, and Bryan (9, 9, 10, respectively). They don't farm out the big stuff to goofballs like me ^_^

There have been disparities in scores given by the same reviewer in different publications, but we're trying to cut that out. 1UP throws the problem into sharp relief, the way it collects all the reviews in one place.



Running off of Custom Firmware
I'm looking forward to this. It's been an awesome year for RPGs, imho, split almost evenly between my PS2 and GCN (surprisingly enough.) I don't expect brilliance, but it's got the best soundtrack I've heard in years, lovely visuals, and different gameplay, that'll do to start.


SantaCruZer said:
Opening cinema is full of spoilers
This is totally not a problem. It's out of context so you don't know what's going on. If anything, it's nice to watch it again and again after you reach those particular parts of the story, but it means nothing on its own. I still haven't finished the damned game though, and I've almost had it for a year. It's too long for me...


WarPig said:
There have been disparities in scores given by the same reviewer in different publications, but we're trying to cut that out. 1UP throws the problem into sharp relief, the way it collects all the reviews in one place.
No offense, but I can't see why that's such a problem -- how hard is it to keep a list of the reviews you've written?
WarPig said:
Waitaminit, I gave it a 7.5 in EGM? Skee-vots. I can't even keep track of my own fucking scores anymore. This is so embarassing. I hate November.

I thought I'd given it an 8 in EGM, which is why it got an 8 on 1UP. 7.5 suits the text much better, though, so let's tidy that directly.

This is what happens when you write reviews on the side for four different publications, all of which use different review scales.


moeny hat


Jonnyram said:
This is totally not a problem. It's out of context so you don't know what's going on. If anything, it's nice to watch it again and again after you reach those particular parts of the story, but it means nothing on its own. I still haven't finished the damned game though, and I've almost had it for a year. It's too long for me...
Agree, you don't know that is a spoiler until you reach that part in the game
Baten Kaitos is really a great RPG, definitely worth a try :D


neo2046 said:
Agree, you don't know that is a spoiler until you reach that part in the game
Yet another page taken from the Chrono Cross manual - the opening cinema had a few spoilers in it, but without the context you didn't know what was going on.

Hopefully my order will be in tomorrow.


FoneBone said:
No offense, but I can't see why that's such a problem -- how hard is it to keep a list of the reviews you've written?

Usually it isn't hard at all, but November is hectic. And print reviews go in about six weeks before online ones (or more), so it's easy to forget sometimes.



I'm picking this up when I go to pick up Metroid Prime 2 (even though I just started SO3 and have a backlog of PM2, Four Swords and FF: CC). And I still haven't bought SMT:N and SH2 yet. Not to mention Pirates! and Half Life 2. POP2 looks like a winner as well... this is by far the best year for games ever. Now if they could just spread these games out over the entire year then I'd be in heaven.
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