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2.30 PS3 firmware is out now


llTll said:
ok question

was there ever a region lock on PSN games ?

if so ? how did it work ?

because i have US 60gig PS3 but i dont live in US. and for the first time ever, i bought GT5 because i really wante the game so bad.

now my question is.

was there ever a region lock on PSN games. in the sense that i bought a japanese game but i cant use it on US ps3 or whatever country to country lock ?

i was talking to TTP about this and he told me that i should be fine with GT5. but i want to know about the region lock. if there ever was any .

posting this again in case someone didnt see it.


Gold Member
llTll said:
posting this again in case someone didnt see it.

Don't know about GT5 Prologue. But I have a Japan 60 gigabyte PS3(I don't live in Japan) and I've bought Super Stardust HD, Warhawk and Castlevania: SOTN and have had no problems playing them. To my knowledge there was never a region-lock on PSN games.
Firewire said:
I couldn't even get them to load before, but now its almost instantaneous.

Yup, you're right. I was getting pretty much nothing but broken images earlier but after an hour's worth of SSHD now they all just pop in :)


good step in the right direction, once i get used to it. Im sure sony will speed things up.. ( so I hope ) i mean come on guys Live gets slow after some updates. Not making any excuses for sony but this is a good step as I said.

as for DTS, another great move.

but yea the icons do load very slow


Incredibly Naive
flunkie4455 said:
Everyone remember beast786's thread on IGN that I posted last night?


sorry dude... the surprise IS NOT A GAME. I can't stress that enough. it's far more than that if it's real, which is what I'm hoping. It has nothing to do with a new demo or game, it is new LIVE like features.`


Okay, some of my avi videos which were playing properly before now play without any sound. Sony you fucking asscummers, fix this ASAP.


Truespeed said:
Sony should have slapped a Beta tag on the PSN, like Google, to shut all of the detractors up.

The Playstation Network or the Playstation Store? If the former it should be a pre-alpha tag on it.
Looks like the store caches itself (kind of like XBL). If you are signed in to the PSN and not using lots of bandwidth (I don't know their algorithm, I'm just guessing) it appears the icons and images are cached to the system so the next time you start the store, it's fast.


Than it would have been easy to eb liek "lol they're sSTILL in beta?" and highlihted how slowly they're actually rolling out feaqtures for Playstation Network (well, even more so).


i wish they'd let you set an option that would store the thumbnail images from the store on your hdd. it could work so that after you download them during the first visit to the store, each visit after that would involve loading images off your hdd instantly. so the only images you'd ever download would be for things that didn't see before (mainly new items).


King_Slender said:
You guys know that just because the icons don't load right away, the text for the item is still there, right??

Ah yes. But you see, people are so impatient, they can't be bothered with reading. The store LOOKING good is more important than what's there dude, get with the times.


Bad_Boy said:
can anybody point me to a cheap receiver that can work with the ps3 to do dts-ma? i'm trying to setup a 5.1 system for a small room.


You can get that Sony HT-SS2000 for $359 right now. I'm thinking about picking this up myself. Over at AVS forums, it seems like this is about the cheapest option you can get right now if you want HD Audio. I've heard the speakers aren't all that great, but I guess you can always replace those.

You don't need a receiver now that will decode these formats because the PS3 can do it. You only need a receiver that can do Linear PCM 5.1 or 7.1 if you prefer. The PS3 decodes these formats and then sends them as an uncompressed Linear PCM 5.1 stream to the receiver and you don't lose any quality.


Bad_Boy said:
$300 cheap. I think I'm gonna go with the Onkyo 605.

I have that same one, the SRD800 set,. it doesn't support DTS-MA, the next model up 705 does, but its like $550 or so.

Also, dont buy that Sony one, in terms of audio and your budget stick with Onkyo and Denon.


time to take my meds
bill0527 said:

You can get that Sony HT-SS2000 for $359 right now. I'm thinking about picking this up myself. Over at AVS forums, it seems like this is about the cheapest option you can get right now if you want HD Audio. I've heard the speakers aren't all that great, but I guess you can always replace those.

You don't need a receiver now that will decode these formats because the PS3 can do it. You only need a receiver that can do Linear PCM 5.1 or 7.1 if you prefer. The PS3 decodes these formats and then sends them as an uncompressed Linear PCM 5.1 stream to the receiver and you don't lose any quality.
That would be fine for now, replacing the speakers later is what I would prefer anyways.
g35twinturbo said:
I have that same one, the SRD800 set,. it doesn't support DTS-MA, the next model up 705 does, but its like $550 or so.

Also, dont buy that Sony one, in terms of audio and your budget stick with Onkyo and Denon.
hmm, 500 is a bit high for what I'd like to spend. I'm buying a 42" lcd next month for my bedroom, so my pockets are already hating me. :(


Dot Hacked
Yay! Looks like the store is all good now. No missing images and fairly quick loading!

But still... complaints!

Whats up with that Devil Dice thing!?
Why are some PS1 games located under Games*? That should be for original PSN stuff only imo since the PS1 games got their own grouping and all.
How come the original 3 themes are located under a cheesey "Other Themes" group? Kinda lame.
Bleh still only PS1 games say how much the filesize is. EVERY bit of content should say how much space they take!

Otherwise all is well and cool! Now bring on the 3 weeks worth of new content!


ScrabbleBanshee said:
Looks fine on my old 27" Sony Wega SD set using just a crappy old svideo cable I grandfathered in from my PS2.

Yeah I switched the a/v to an S-Video and it seems to have fixed my flickering issues lol


Bad_Boy said:
t I'd like to spend. I'm buying a 42" lcd next month for my bedroom, so my pockets are already hating me. :(

yeah but itd worth it, get your tv first then your audio. IMO those two brands I mentioned earlier is the way to go.
One of my friends is having an odd issue when trying to download the 2.3 firmware. No matter what he does, it won't move past 0%. He's already reformatted the harddrive and tried again, but still no luck. Anyone have any suggestions?
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