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2001: Max Payne or Metal Gear Solid 2?

Max Payne or Metal Gear Solid 2 (original)?

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In 2001 two major third-person action shooters released, with storylines intended to capture gamers imagination and some of the highest quality of any release for the time. These games were highly rated and wrongfully or rightfully, declared the 2nd coming when they launched.

Max Payne and Metal Gear Solid 2 were the most praised games people had seen in years when they came out, with wall to wall coverage in console and computer magazines, traditional newspaper articles, TV commercials, and online; previews, demos, trailers and special interviews. They were both surrounded by insane hype and took advantage of the then growing world of web marketing and PR by storm. Even people who didn't buy these games knew they were coming and conversations and debate were to be had.

Max Payne:


A game with solid control, precision, bullet time slow-mo for awesomeness, and top of the line graphics for the time. It felt like you were in an action flick but playing it in real-time. A game one reviewer cried on screen after playing through for 15 minutes, and another who thought that nothing would match this for another ten years. Little did the last one know he wasn't far from the mark.

A well-crafted masterpiece, Max Payne is still played today not just with mods, but even its original form on PC and consoles (Xbox|PS2), and it's still a blast to play today, a game ahead of it's time. With a thriller storyline that will keep you hooked.

Metal Gear Solid 2. Subtitle: Sons of Liberty:


A game that went further into cinematics and would set the foundation for where the series would go after. Metal Gear Solid 2 starts out with a new character to get you used to a new environment and new antagonists, but Snake isn't going to sit the whole game out. Stealth is key although not always necessary and sometimes optional, and the story holes included, attempts to try and reach a level of depth to relate to the player no game had tried before (whether it succeeded or not depends on the person) despite the simplicity and single location the game takes place in. People saw this as more than just an improvement of the first game, but a whole new direction in quality.

These games were praised not just for how they were crafted, but how early these games came out in a new cycle of console and PC games that were just becoming commonplace. When most game releases were still not sure what direction to go in these two games took the industry by storm.

But if you had to choose between the two...


Max Payne for me. I loved the tech in MGS2, it was SO impressive. I probably played that demo more than I played the first Max Payne, period, lol. But the even MORE ridiculousness of MGS2 really fell flat for me. Especially after really loving MGS a great deal. Then of course all the forced Raiden nonsense. I just wasn't a fan, personally.


I'm a huge fan of both games. They are both awesome at what they do, but Metal Gear Solid 2 is on another level and hard to beat. Max Payne's gameplay, story-telling, and atmosphere is awesome though.


Gold Member
I didn't even manage to finish MGS2. I just lost interest.
But Max Payne was an amazing game. Amazing story, amazing setting. Very cool combat system for the time.
And some difficulty spikes that could drive people mad.


I didn't even manage to finish MGS2. I just lost interest.
But Max Payne was an amazing game. Amazing story, amazing setting. Very cool combat system for the time.
And some difficulty spikes that could drive people mad.

The difficulty spikes in Max Payne were really due to the busted adaptive difficulty. If you reload the game without letting Max's death animation play out fully, it won't lower the difficulty back down like it should. Many people who kept dying and immediately quick loading again essentially stuck themselves on the max difficulty for the whole game.

Resident Evil 4 did a similar adaptive difficulty system but much better.


I was a PC gamer during that time, and I played Max Payne for an ungodly number of hours. I played it so much that I knew every enemy placement on every level by heart.

So yeah, that's a no-brainer for me. Metal Gear Solid 2.

Nah I'm just kidding, of course Max Payne, lol.
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We ain't outta here in ten minutes, we won't need no rocket to fly through space
MGS2, I was 9 in 2001 and my PC was shit. Max Payne is a straight PC game.

I don't remember how many times I beat MGS2. I just kept restarting.
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The Snake section in MGS2 was wonderful, but I fucking hated Raiden and the rest of the game, while fun to play, wasn’t anywhere as enjoyable as the first game. It lacked atmosphere and the writing was batshit stupid. Max Payne on the other hand was a simpler but overall more memorable experience.


I adore MGS2.....but Max Payne is transcendently good to play.

I will say sadly that after 20 years MGS2 intro still hasnt been touched. Absolute God Tier.
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Both are masterpieces. I only voted MGS2 because I'm biased, but the truth is that both are equally amazing.


What time is it?
MGS2 is probably my least favorite Metal Gear and that mostly comes down the how dull Big Shell is and how disappointing those bosses are. I loved the Tanker level from the demo. Narratively it is profound. I'd probably give the nod to Max Payne. I prefer the sequels to both. MGS3 vs MP2 would be a much harder choice.
Max Payne on PS2 is fun, when it's not an unplayable mess.
For all his faults, at least Kojima puts out a playable, quality product.



Al Pachinko, Konami President
Max Payne for me even tho I couldn't play it without crashing our old ass Pentium. Raiden was such a disappointment.
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I can easily play Max Payne to this day. The gameplay is simple, focused, timeless. The visuals still consistent with great texture work that was utterly amazing back then and the corny Film noir style is still rare in video games to this day. A fantastic game I play every two or three years. Hands down the winner for me.


The difficulty spikes in Max Payne were really due to the busted adaptive difficulty. If you reload the game without letting Max's death animation play out fully, it won't lower the difficulty back down like it should. Many people who kept dying and immediately quick loading again essentially stuck themselves on the max difficulty for the whole game.

Resident Evil 4 did a similar adaptive difficulty system but much better.
Good god. I played this game so much yet had no idea. Brb reinstalling.


Gold Member
Max Payne turned cinema into a video game.
MGS2 turned video games into cinema.

The gameplay in MGS2 left basically no legacy. That tells you what’s really important in that game. Unfortunately it was hugely influential in turning AAA games into corridors joined by tons of blah blah. Your beloved Colonel speech did jack shit to advance video games, and as for all the rest, MGS2 is little more than a Marvel movie directed by a Japanese troll.


Gold Member
Max payne core gameplay and writing are better than mgs2, but mgs2 has so many cool moments and stuff.

I can't really chose.
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