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2004 Emmys or how Deadwood got fucked over

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Dan said:
There's gotta be a better way to defend it than by saying it's "critically acclaimed". Everybody Loves Raymond is "critically acclaimed" and everybody knows it's shit.

I'm just saying that it's not something to lose your dignity over if it's something that's so praised. I hate alot of shows that are critically acclaimed (everything from Seinfeld to Raymond) but I wouldn't feel like I was losing my dignity by watching them because i'd atleast know I was watching something that was quality even if I didn't personally like it. It's not like you're watching Homeboys in Outer Space or The Mullets. :)


Arrested Development needs to win so it can stay on the air! I really enjoy watching this show, complements HBO's Sunday night offerings very well.

Hopefully FAUX gives this show another chance.


jiggle said:
With Friends and SatC gone next year, and W&G continuing its downward spiral, maybe they'll finally give Scrubs the props that it deserves, next year...one can hope.
Naw. I'm sure Matt LeBlanc's new show will get some nominations and something else. They may not necessarily deserve it, but I bet that's what will happen.
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