...Dreamfixx said:So who's won so far?
HalfPastNoon said:these paid fans in the pit are really beginning to fucking irritate me, too. waving their cellphones around, dancing to terrrrrrror squad, etc. and good charlotte, get lost.
Whoo Tony Hawk! Whoo games with no original soundtrack!naz said:video game music awards?
SKluck said:What the hell? I thought he was dead.
jecclr2003 said:This is quite possibly the worst show they have ever done.. bad production values (are these groups even BOTHERING to try to sing or just going to lip synch every damn thing, Usher I'm talking to you), boring as all hell.
Hell, even Chapelle seemed restrained... and you could tell he just wanted to rip into the whole arena filed with B list, poser musicians who sound like shit outside a recording studio. And why is if you are an attractive woman and are a musician you have to dress like a total skank? At least Alicia Keys (a very beautiful woman in her own right) seemed to have a bit of respect and dress pretty classy compared to the rest of the gutter sluts in attendance.
Why do they even bother anyway? It seems pretty damn hypocritical for a station that plays NO FUCKING MUSIC VIDEOS TO BEGIN with, to have awards to cater to the 4 or 5 flavor of the month artists' videos. Hey, at least that kick ass Franz Ferdinan video won something. I see it on Fuse, don't know anything about the band or their music, but yet am captivated to watch the video. It's almost hypnotic. Al the shapes and the techno retro things going on.. its like an orgy for the mind of someone with A.D.D.
EDIT: Is there any real reason they are forcing this "vote" shit down our throats? Look asswipers, if I wanted to vote for either of these morons I would do so on my own, not because some dipshit who got lucky and gave a blowjob to the right record exec says so.
And having the daughters of both said morons on just pushes it home. WHAT THE FUCK DO I CARE ABOUT THE WORDS OF SOME PAMPERED, SPOILED LITTLE RICH BITCHES!?! SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET OFF MY TV!
For the record.. I'm taking the BRewster's Millions approach... and voting....
Fuck em both, neither have the best interests of the American public in mind anyway, just their own political agenda. But in this case, I'll sway slightly for the evil I know (Bush), as apposed to the evili I don't (Kerry aka Mr. Heinz). Besides, if the republicans go through with their plan of abolishing the IRS, I would publicly felate the PResident for saving me $200 every 2 weeks.
MetatronM said:Ugh, I can't stay away from this train wreck. I keep turning back to it in commercials.
How the fuck did Yellowcard just win an award over both Franz Ferdinand AND Modest Mouse?!
MetatronM said:Ugh, I can't stay away from this train wreck. I keep turning back to it in commercials.
How the fuck did Yellowcard just win an award over both Franz Ferdinand AND Modest Mouse?!
jecclr2003 said:WARNING: If you don't want to see anything dealing with thing the least bit political, move on.
Metatron how so?
At the very least flat tax us. Me being a young, 20 something lower middle class person, means I get taxed to hell and back and can't afford a good tax lawyer to keep the money that I earned in the first place.
There are serious talks of totally eliminating or substantially reducing the IRS. The tax code is WAY too conviluted and gives the wealthy numerous loop holes and shelters so they can keep their money, while we the lower and middle class have to shoulder the burden.
And to be honest, I see little if not any return on MY investment. I have no problem with you taxing what I earn if I see a return on said money. I want to see people with healthcare that need it, I want the elderly to be properly taken care of and not have their medications overly priced (i just lost a grandfather to diabetes, mainly due to he couldnt afford his medicine anymore), mainly I want to see more jobs and services be created for those who need it. I work in the county seat where I live and see far to many who abuse the system (getting food stamps while they whip ouyt a roll of 20's and get into their new Escalade), and those who truly NEED help not get it.
Another point of possibly doing a National Sales Tax is this, your common person (not me) since they have more money, they will spend more money. Therefore putting more money into the coffers of the government and getting us back to being a respectable country. We are a consuming nation, and when you give the people their money back to them, they will spend it.
Imagine the possiblities of say a %3 tax on anything (except food) that you buy. Don't you think at the end of the year that the taxes brought in would be MORE than they got from income taxes? It would be.. no refunds to dish out, no overpaid goverentment IRS paper filiers to pay, no check processing to pay for(shipping costs money you know), nothing. Reduces the government, makes 99.9% of peoiple happy, and makes life a little easier for most. Granted it will probably put most accountants out of business, but it's not a perfect plan.