Ostensibly, many of us could quickly become wealthy if our income jumped from what it is now to $200k or more and our expenses remained the same. But we have to be careful not to see everyone else through the filter of our own lives. I would love to make that much, but I would probably also increase my standard of living. That would make it seem like so much less than it really is.
I think everyone here is aware of
why these people don't feel rich, but it comes off as insensitive and callous. It's "Let them eat cake", you know?
It's like how when an 8 year old's goldfish dies, it really does break her heart and she is a wreck for a week and she probably has to take time off school and stuff. That's very real, to her. It would be totally wrong to say that she's lying if she rates that as a 10/10 trauma event or if she says it's the end of the world.
But with the benefit of perspective and the sensitivity to how the rest of the world lives, it would be WILDLY inappropriate to come into work in hysterics, crying about your goldfish when your coworker's wife is in brain surgery and the next round of layoffs is probably going to cost him his job since his performance has declined because of the medical stuff they've been going through.
Someone at this level of wealth enjoys many creature comforts even if they don't realize or fully appreciate that. While they might not be aware of the degree to which their standard of living has acclimatized to their income, if they were forced by dire peril to cut expenses they easily could. They could live like I live... and I live very well. Hell, if it came to it, I could live like a member of the working poor or like an unemployed student.
This doesn't mean everyone in the world needs to be monastic and live in awe of the fact that they aren't a starving sub-Saharan, but it does mean two key things: 1) You should probably be careful about how you come off when you're complaining, whether you're complaining directly or lobbying for certain policies politically, and 2) You should be mindful of the fact that the things you have are not things that everyone has and so some humility and grace is in order in terms of how you carry yourself.