Tell that to all the single parents who don't make enough to get it. FFS.
Spending 50k a year for daycare sounds ludicrous. They must have 5 infant children or are going to some very tony establishment in NYC where the kids get organically crafted artisan carrot sticks for snack time and get serenaded by violin players at nap time.
For 50k a year, you can hire a live-in nanny.
As for the scenario in the OP:
I would not consider 200k a year "rich". But it's definitely on the verge of leaving the middle class. As someone noted, that household income puts you in about the top 5% of homes in the US. I know in the scheme of things, 200k isn't shit. They probably do feel average compared to families making a million or more a year. But I'd argue there is a larger difference between a family getting by on 40k a year compared to the 200k family, than the 200k family compared to a million a year income family. Once you get to a certain threshold, all the extra money is mostly for unimportant things like fancy cars, multiple vacation homes, lavish vacations, designer clothers and other consumer fluff.
They can afford more expensive toys. The 200k family has to take a local skiing vacation. The million dollar one can afford Switzerland.
The 16 year old in the 200k family gets a nice used, or cheap new car. The 1000k family can afford buying their kid a new Range Rover for the birthday present.
The 200k family can afford public universities. The 1000k family can afford private school tuition.
It's just a matter of scale.
But a family making 40k a year are literally trying to make ends meet. They may be forced with tough choices. Fix the car or pay for Johnny's braces ? Most years, they don't ever have extra money to take a family vacation. They buy used clothes, clip coupons, their kids will need student loans/grants to afford college. A layoff could mean them being homeless.
200k a year family has it pretty good. It''s not lifestyles of the rich and famous, but
they are not struggling. They just have to live within a budget.