Uno Venova
I think it it'll get a couple from the more popular, Uncharted 3 Media backslash?
Also interesting how the OOT remake won GOTY but I don't see SS yet.
I think it it'll get a couple from the more popular, Uncharted 3 Media backslash?
I nominate the two best games of the year.
Dark Souls
Witcher 2
Not including these games in the game of the year discussion would be a joke.
Would also love to see those getting a bit more recognition.
If I had to settle down on one of them, I'd go with the Witcher 2 so far.
While Dark Souls is superior in gameplay and Skyrim's world may be bigger, in hindsight the Witcher 2 had the right balance of believable characters (as far as that can go in a fantasy world), a story that's ultimately about people with different competing aims (none of them being the archetypical "destroy everything - hurr") and engaging, tactical combat.
My perception may still be tainted by playing W2 right after Dragon Age 2, but it still stands as one of the very few games that I replayed this year.
It's also impressed me again with getting meaningful in-game choices right without going the polarizing evil/good route. As with the predecessor, everything is simply a choice with consequences which are ultimately judged by no other than the player him- or herself and not a developer that already color coded the good/bad/sarcastic answer for me.
As for Dark Souls, what else is to say than it being possibly the best envisionment of the metroid/castlevania in a 3D space.
Yes, there was Lords of Shadow (which I really liked), but that is more along the lines of Super Castlevania 4 where Dark Souls lends itself more to Symphony of the Night.
Personally, Skyrim should be on top of my list after a good 150 hours playtime, but despite all its improvements, the actual stories/quests seem a bit flat. It would be cynical to say that I enjoyed about 20-30 hours of gameplay, while spending the rest of the time in search for those 2-3 really great questlines (i.e. in comparison to Oblivion's Sheogorath questline), but it isn't too far from the truth either. Skyrim is certainly a great game, but it just didn't manage to capture me as much as either the Witcher 2 or Dark Souls.
Cheesemeister said:Current standings...
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - 42.5*
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 - 6
Assassin's Creed II - 5.5*
Dragon Age: Origins - 3
Batman: Arkham Asylum - 2
Brütal Legend - 1
Demon's Souls - 1
Killzone 2 - 1
Left 4 Dead 2 - 1
Street Fighter IV - 1
I have Skyrim and yes, the world is amazing but in my opinion the combat just isn't that fun. I'm all magic and I just hold down the fire button and back away until the enemy is dead. I can't put my finger on it but it just doesn't feel like there is any depth to the combat like there is in Dark Souls or even the Witcher 2.
Poor Skyrim. GOTY awards for a game = years of talk about how it was actually shit. Bethesda better hope it gets dethroned before all's said and done.
So does "media" mean any two-bit writer with a website or blog? Because some of the sources you're pulling these results from sure seem like it.
It'd be the first GOTY I could agree with in a few years. I forget some of the choices the media picked but last year it was ME2, then Uncharted 2 and I'm pretty sure GTA 4 won 2008 (it had to, the media made it a freakin 98 on metacritic). 07 was a really big year so I don't remember what took it, probably COD 4 which I could have agreed with. Fantastic game.
Bioshock - 22
Super Mario Galaxy - 15
The Orange Box - 11
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - 5
Rock Band - 4
Desktop Tower Defense - 2
Halo 3 - 2
Mass Effect - 2
Why the hell would anyone else want to explain your thoughts?Explain why I can put 80 hours into the game (much of that time spent in combat), enjoy the combat (which doesn't equate to "the combat is amazing" or anything like that) for that time, still have a strong desire to play the game and not have any regrets about the time I've spent playing it to boot?
Have you looked at the actual sources? A bunch of 'em look like crap. There's one that's an article in a student newspaper, another from a radio website, and this gem: Student's Blog, which isn't even a videogame-related site. It's some guy's blog about school life, that just happened to write up a 2011 list.Pretty sure if can't be a blog, but any gaming media (website, magazine, TV) counts. Look at the post 4 above yours with the results from 2009... there were around 60 media GOTY votes counted so it isn't limited to the few big media sources. I would guess this years count will have close to 100 votes.
I'm not sure where I see it having a shot outside of PC exclusive sites and publications. Skyrim has had more marketing, recognition, and millions of people can play it on Xbox 360. It would be like expecting Red Orchestra to get as much hype as Call of Duty.I don't want to live in a world where Witcher 2 doesn't get GOTY anywhere...![]()
Given the quality of gaming "journalism" this year I'm not entirely sure a student's blog could be disqualified. :-\this gem: Student's Blog, which isn't even a videogame-related site. It's some guy's blog about school life, that just happened to write up a 2011 list.
I'm not sure where I see it having a shot outside of PC exclusive sites and publications. Skyrim has had more marketing, recognition, and millions of people can play it on Xbox 360. It would be like expecting Red Orchestra to get as much hype as Call of Duty.
I'm not sure where I see it having a shot outside of PC exclusive sites and publications. Skyrim has had more marketing, recognition, and millions of people can play it on Xbox 360. It would be like expecting Red Orchestra to get as much hype as Call of Duty.
I don't like this narrative Skyrim fans are starting to build around the backlash that's starting to surround the game. There are very real reasons to be concerned by the precedent Skyrim sets. That's a very "zoomed-out" problem, sure. I've outlined those problems back on page two. But if you zoom-in, the loot scaling and enemy scaling, and how that directly effects everything from the combat through exploration through character progression is genuinely unsatisfied design if you see through it.As I feared, the amount of whining about Skyrim is only rivaled by the amount of miscellaneous quests in the game.
Bioshock led in 2007 (well deserved)
Why the hell would anyone else want to explain your thoughts?
Anyway, this is more or less what I'd expect to see. Portal 2 came out too early in the year for the attention span. I thought it was going to be a big split between Skyrim and Zelda until I started hearing milder reactions to Skyward Sword on podcasts.
Oh, I'm sure these fine folks can write and reason just as well (if not better) than some "gaming journalists" out there, but I think the spirit of the poll is to get a sense of what the so-called professionals think, regardless of whether you agree with them or not. It's interesting to see what people who get paid to write about games pick, and who (I assume) have actually played a large share of the suitable contenders.Given the quality of gaming "journalism" this year I'm not entirely sure a student's blog could be disqualified. :-\
Having the opportunity to play it doesn't mean they all did. I don't even see an editor Review for it on Giant Bomb.What does hype and marketing have to do with game media publications giving the product game of the year?
These guys all got to play it, and can judge it accordingly.
Not when the best deal in gaming ever releases the same year.Bioshock led in 2007 (well deserved)
I'm starting to wondering if the "OMG bugs" response to Skyrim is being made by people that haven't played the game but are grasping for a reason that it shouldn't win GOTY. Yeah, I know about the PS3 problem, but the bugs on other platforms don't seem that game breaking. Maybe the PS3 version should be ignored when it comes to the media GOTY discussion because most of them are playing on PC or 360.
I haven't played it myself but whenever I hear it discussed on various podcasts, all I hear is positive discussions, and barely any mention of game bugs that destroy the experience. Along with that, the comments I read hear from people that play it here are positive as well and these are from people investing 30+ hours in to the game.
Side note: I can't remember the site but I think a cheat code website gave Uncharted 3 their GOTY. I think it was mentioned in the Uncharted 3 OT but I can't find it now.
OTish but...
Christ, Uncharted 2 annihilated 2009. I never realized it was so unanimously decided.
yeah. Hence im baffled why UC3 is getting ignored. Its not really that far off from UC2 IMO.
yeah. Hence im baffled why UC3 is getting ignored. Its not really that far off from UC2 IMO.
I've gotta question the inclusion of some of these site in the OP... Dragon Blogger? In which the number 2 game of the year is......... Diablo 3? I know there's no easy way to determine which sites are "big enough" or "respectable enough," but I'm pretty sure we can write this one off, even though it happens to be the only one that agrees with my GOTY choice (tied with Dark Souls).
Well skyrim isn't my GOTY, I enjoyed it greatly and don't mind everyone giving it awards.
However it still baffles me just how popular bethesda has gotten with mainstream audiences. ES games are all kinda crazy games that sacrifice so much to be what they are, that they just really aren't for everyone, and yet they sell gangbusters and win awards out the ass.
Deep down though, there just an old school B tier PC dev in way over there head trying to cater to the xbox crowd, and eventually everyone is going to turn on them unless they try and fix there shit, which I don't think they can do, with out a complete overhaul of everything they are, and then would just end up going down the bioware path.
Either way, heavily modded Skyrim will be the game of the generation.
Deep down though, there just an old school B tier PC dev in way over there head trying to cater to the xbox crowd, and eventually everyone is going to turn on them unless they try and fix there shit, which I don't think they can do, with out a complete overhaul of everything they are, and then would just end up going down the bioware path.
Well skyrim isn't my GOTY, I enjoyed it greatly and don't mind everyone giving it awards.
However it still baffles me just how popular bethesda has gotten with mainstream audiences. ES games are all kinda crazy games that sacrifice so much to be what they are, that they just really aren't for everyone, and yet they sell gangbusters and win awards out the ass.
Deep down though, there just an old school B tier PC dev in way over there head trying to cater to the xbox crowd, and eventually everyone is going to turn on them unless they try and fix there shit, which I don't think they can do, with out a complete overhaul of everything they are, and then would just end up going down the bioware path.
Either way, heavily modded Skyrim will be the game of the generation.
Terrible and embarrassing.
Did no one in this industry play Saints Row 3 or Witcher 2?
I got bored with Witcher 2. Not sure why either. Finished the first game and that had a share of problems, but the combat was better in the first and the game as a whole felt less clunky. The combat in Witcher 2 felt tedious to me for some reason, even after playing for five hours. Not hard, just bleh.Terrible and embarrassing.
Did no one in this industry play Saints Row 3 or Witcher 2?
no, fuck you
We shouldn't have to trade stability for scale, at least not on the level Bethesda is asking. Other developers have shown that it is possible to release a huge game that isn't broken.So what is one of your GOTY candidates then?
I don't agree with what you wrote at all.
First off, Skyrim is (my opinion of course, as is all that follows) equally as brimming with quality as say, Uncharted 3 so I don't see how they are B tier.
Second, what is "xbox crowd" about their games. I thought that the xbox "crowd" was all about Modern Warfare and GTA. You know, the stuff the same little potty mouth racists play on Live.
Finally, I don't see people turning on them. I assume the fans are people like myself who (and I think this is pretty logical and obvious to the average person) understand that if you pack a game full of so much content and offer so much freedom then the cost is going to be stability. I hope they stick with the (more) buggy content and continue to offer lots of content and freedom.
... it reminded me of what I would dream games could be as a kid. Its not perfect but gaming would be at a disservice if we didn't have somebody showing us the other end of the gaming experience spectrum. One that doesn't rely upon taking away control or forcing QTEs or other "my movie is a game" conventions. The gaming world needs something like this every once in a while just to give us some equilibrium.If nothing else, I am glad Skyrim exists because ...
Diablo 3: #2 GOTY 2011 and there's nothing you can do about, fuck you