Rodeo Clown
All aboard! The Love train!
Alexey Shved is pretty awesome.
2k11 is still best 2k >_>
nba 2k8>>2k11>>2k3
I dont know how anyone will ever win in OKC when they basically get any call or free throw they want.
That was ballsyAlexey Shved is pretty awesome.
tank so lma stil injured?
Hayward tried hard to break out of his slump tonight...Didn't work at all. Now at 29% three point shooting on the year
At least Kanter played well.
2k8 No son. 2k11>CollegeHoops>2k13>all.
At least they shot over 30%
34 is almost 40
Sanders gets his triple double! No thanks to Brandon Jennings!
I dont know how anyone will ever win in OKC when they basically get any call or free throw they want.
Al Jefferson says, I dont feel bad at all about this loss. Felt team battled, was In a position to win.
I'm not sure he should really feel that way after a 7-18 night with 2 free throws compared to 5 turnovers.
Rules of rounding up. 5 or above you round up. below 5 you round down.
Stern has made some horrible things during his tenure, but this fine goes way up in the charts of stupidest things he ever produced.
So the coach can't coach? He doesn't have freedom to do what he wants with HIS team? So if he played them for 2 minutes, would it be good?
God this is so disgusting. He is a fucking dictator and the owners just keep kissing his ass. Should have been demoted a long time ago.
That's from the Spurs' Halloween party.
Denver's defense is horrible.