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2012-13 Oct/Nov NBA Season |OT| Mavericks Attempt To Defend Title

Eric Gordon

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Kobe taught me.

Because it's Nash, I'll let this fashion faux pas slide.


I love posts like these. Because they immediately discount the untimely turnovers, missteps, bad shots, defensive lapses that literally just occurred in the game that anyone could've seen.

Wade is a loooong ways from the player he was 3 years ago. He's still "good", but he's definitely not going to age as gracefully as Kobe.

Trading him with Mike Miller and Ray Allen as his backups...Come on DY, you're better than mamba. I was praying it was a troll.
Used to love the guy, and really it's not about being bitter in him going to the heat, but all the stuff that's come out about him and the way he's handled it.

The damage control "my heart will always be in NE" bullshit. He was only here 5 years, why isn't his heart somewhere else? He's going to get booed so hard, and he's hoping the one page article he took out or all this stuff he says about boston will save him from that.

Good game from the celts though, they showed that new look offense being able to push the ball and a ton of shooters coming off the bench. They really need to work on getting the rotations down and their overall chemistry. I expect a much different look from them as the season goes on.

It doesn't really matter. He's got a lot more to think about than "oh god does Boston still love me" .
Wade was not that good. His stat line paints a different story, he had a bunch of bad plays. Still, though, I was really amazed at this Boston team. They have a lot of potential, and if Lee and Barbosa step up, they will be quite a force to be recon with in the East.
People mad at me cuz I'm saying that free agency in the NBA is broken. Am I salty? Of course I am, the product is worse than it's ever been in terms of parity.

And what happens when you try to do shit the right way? When you make smart signings, or luck into making a balanced team like the Mavericks? You lose them.

Thing with Bestgaf is that 90% are just going to pretend what I'm saying aint real.

I hear you but no one is going to willingly go to Cleveland if teams in LA, Miami, NY and such are available. Not much you can do about it.

Hopefully the new cap helps this but let's face it if given the choice between those cities and Detroit (no offense). The choice is obvious.

Also Our teams are in good markets but we make shit decisions in FA/draft. And Dallas put all their bets on pulling a Miami and it backfired hard..no sympathy from me. Dallas gave up for a chance at a superteam and it blew up on them. Cuban can only blame himself for that shit.

Hopefully the superteam shit dies down with the new rules hitting and less superstars left to move. Durant and Rose seem loyal to a fault. Love might bail tho. LMA might get firesaled. But we will see......
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