Yeah, it really does just seam that Obama was utterly unprepared for how blatantly Romney was just going to say "nuh-uh". He was anticipating someone who would defend his ideas on the national stage, not abandon them.Even Obama has no idea what just happened.
Even Obama has no idea what just happened.
Yeah, he isIn case anyone hasn't seen the Matthews meltdown, it's here.
Isn't he basically admitting MSNBC just runs with Democrat talking points?
The debates should be held such that each candidate is in a separate room and their mic gets cut when they run out of time. There are practical ways to keep the participants from derailing any hope of a structured argumentation. I feel bad for Jim Leher, he tried to be respectful and was overtaken by nature of the "debate." He has served the public for a long time, I think bashing him is in bad taste but I can understand where it is coming from.
The debates should be held such that each candidate is in a separate room and their mic gets cut when they run out of time. There are practical ways to keep the participants from derailing any hope of a structured argumentation. I feel bad for Jim Leher, he tried to be respectful and was overtaken by nature of the "debate." He has served the public for a long time, I think bashing him is in bad taste but I can understand where it is coming from.
And the video compilations keep on coming. 51 seconds of Obama "uh"ing.
Still, there's gotta be a lion tamer there somewhere. My suggestion? Timers, buzzers, mic cuts and a moderator who isn't afraid to use all 3.
The debates should be held such that each candidate is in a separate room and their mic gets cut when they run out of time. There are practical ways to keep the participants from derailing any hope of a structured argumentation. I feel bad for Jim Leher, he tried to be respectful and was overtaken by nature of the "debate." He has served the public for a long time, I think bashing him is in bad taste but I can understand where it is coming from.
Even Obama has no idea what just happened.
I (naively) wanted substance and just got talking points from both sides. When I said "should" I didn't mean to imply that my suggestion was "the answer." "I would like to see.." would have been a better way to put it.Sorry things didn't work out the way you wanted them to, but hell no.
Even Obama has no idea what just happened.
Confirm/Deny: Obama's lackluster performance can be partially attributed to his desire to avoid being portrayed as an "Angry Black Man".
C-span is a joint operation created by the telecoms and cable providers. Not the government.This is the kind of thing I could see SNL doing.
"Sorry Jim, I like you, but you're the first thing I'm cutting."
(Jim Lehrer sulks and walks off stage)
"Bring out Big Bird, Elmo, Bert and Ernie. YOU'RE FIRED!"
"I'm also reducing the number of debates to just one. That should be good enough for you people to decide on the kind of President I would be."
Just before he looks into the camera "Sorry C-Span, but you're not worth borrowing money from China".
Pulls plug. Bloop. Cut to static.
I must have missed it. But then again I watched the debate through a C-Span stream, with no extra fuss. Didn't even read or post on GAF so I could soak it all in. Maybe by the time I returned to the thread the freakouts were mostly over. Dunno.
Confirm/Deny: Obama's lackluster performance can be partially attributed to his desire to avoid being portrayed as an "Angry Black Man".
I suspect that his dithering will cost him on the campaign trail. What is the "new Romney" going to say to energize his base? Or is he simply going to limit public appearances from now until the election?This is the theme they need to push. Bush won two terms because he convinced people his opponent was a phony who said whatever was convenient at the time.
I had no idea. Thanks. +1 Knowledge.C-span is a joint operation created by the telecoms and cable providers. Not the government.
wikipedia said:C-SPAN is a nonprofit organization, funded by a relatively small 6-cent per subscriber affiliate fee paid by its cable and satellite affiliates, and does not carry advertisements on any of its networks, radio stations or websites, nor does it ever solicit donations or pledges. The network operates independently, and neither the cable industry nor Congress has power over the content of its programming.
C-span is a joint operation created by the telecoms and cable providers. Not the government.
Also, China has cut back big time on buying our debt, even become a net seller for a period of time. In 2011, the Fed pulled dollars out of thin air to buy almost a trillion dollars of debt, and this year, they are doing the same thing to buy mortgage-backed securities, essentially funneling money to banks on the backs of savers and those on fixed-incomes. US deficits this year are funded mostly by foreign investors (primarily Japan, Europe) and US households looking for a safe haven from the economic slowdown in Europe that is also being felt here - but QE3 is still indirectly funding the deficit to a large degree, since banks take the money they get from selling the securities and buy Treasuries with it.
The net result is asset inflation (which is why, for example, the stock market isn't dropping in the face of bad economic news) that, once the velocity of circulation picks up, is going to turn into a stagflation bomb...a bomb that is getting bigger with every round of QE.
I can understand why Obama doesn't seemed enthused about a second term, because the amount of shit queuing up to hit the fan is large and steadily growing.
I've heard this theory from several places in advance of the debate and I can't lie, that's what was going through my head the whole time.
Also, China has cut back big time on buying our debt, even become a net seller for a period of time. In 2011, the Fed pulled dollars out of thin air to buy almost a trillion dollars of debt, and this year, they are doing the same thing to buy mortgage-backed securities, essentially funneling money to banks on the backs of savers and those on fixed-incomes. US deficits this year are funded mostly by foreign investors (primarily Japan, Europe) and US households looking for a safe haven from the economic slowdown in Europe that is also being felt here - but QE3 is still indirectly funding the deficit to a large degree, since banks take the money they get from selling the securities and buy Treasuries with it.
The net result is asset inflation (which is why, for example, the stock market isn't dropping in the face of bad economic news) that, once the velocity of circulation picks up, is going to turn into a stagflation bomb...a bomb that is getting bigger with every round of QE.
I can understand why Obama doesn't seemed enthused about a second term, because the amount of shit queuing up to hit the fan is large and steadily growing.
Romney backtracks on 47% comment - getting it out of the way 2 weeks before Obama could bring it up. I doubt Obama will bring it up because the Romney camp is surely putting together 2 or 3 talking points to say "Look, I said those comments are wrong and I think one of the fundamental qualities a leader must have is admitting when they make mistakes" and then he'll probably point to Obama's unwillingness to admit he is wrong on anything.
Romney backtracks on 47% comment - getting it out of the way 2 weeks before Obama could bring it up.
WASHINGTON He doesnt face tough questions from the press very often. He rarely jousts with congressional Democrats, let alone his Republican critics.
Now President Barack Obamas wobbly performance against Mitt Romney at their first debate is raising questions about whether hes been too sheltered by a White House that keeps him away from skeptical audiences and minimizes confrontation.
Other political observers said its a result of Obamas relative isolation in Washington: He prefers interviews with select journalists to unpredictable press conferences, and he doesnt mix much with members of Congress or parry and thrust with critics who could challenge his assertions.
Obama has held fewer press conferences and question-and-answer sessions with reporters than his recent predecessors, according to statistics compiled by Martha Joynt Kumar
She noted that former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton engaged more often in short question-and-answer sessions with reporters, knowing that theyd have to deliver answers to questions that they might not have anticipated.
if the fed can introduce moderate inflation without letting it run away on them, then the plan may work. obviously no one wants hyperinflation, but if the problem is a debt overhang, then inflation eats away at that since the vast majority of the debt is denominated in nominal terms. if people's mortgages etc shrink in real terms, along with the relative attractiveness of savings, it could help the economy in a number of ways.
granted thats a big if, which is why the situation is pretty scary, but i dont buy into the idea that inflation is a bogeyman right now. i think it could be pretty helpful.
Why do people even give a shit about who won the debate on style points?
Romney's plan to make us energy independent won't work. His tax plan fails the simple arithmetic test. He has no healthcare plan. Sure he had more enthusiasm and better zingers, and he hit more lot of rhetorical high notes than Obama, but when the substance is so non-existent, why should anyone care?
Romney supporters, I'd like to hear from you guys.
I find this more plausible than Al Gore's "altitude sickness" theory:
I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that the actual numbers reflect this, and I have had the feeling that Obama doesn't take as many press questions as I would have expected.
He doesn't seem to interact with Congress much, either. That can dull the edge of the proverbial debate blade.
Only wage inflation can reduce indebtedness. If the secular bull market in commodities is over that would be a big help to the Fed, because raising wages in the face of rising real commodity prices is probably not going to work.
Not really sure what there is to contend about the claim.He both doesn't interact with congress and rams legislation through congress according to critis. Which is BS.
Friday afternoon on MSNBC, host Andrea Mitchell confronted Obama surrogate Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) over a growing sentiment that there is a lack of national political press access to President Barack Obama.
Mitchell mentioned to the congresswoman that President Obama has not held a formal news conference since March 6th, and bemoaned his lack of accessibility by playing a snippet of a local radio interview the president did, in which the hosts asked a non-political question about whether he prefers the color red or green.
Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) is trying to cut a deal on the nations fiscal crisis, but he cant recall the last time he talked to the president. Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) is in charge of one of Obamas top priorities preventing a rate increase on student loans but he hasnt talked to the president in months. And Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M.) is the go-to guy on high gas prices, but the chairman of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee hasnt spoken to the president much since the previous Congress.
Host Chuck Todd then noted, as hes done before, that there is quite a contrast between President Obamas schedule now and President George W. Bushs from this time from years ago. Bush, he said, had met with a slew of foreign leaders, whereas Obama hasnt met with any. One adviser, he shared, even said that if the President meets with one world leader, hell have to meet with ten others. Thats the job sometimes, Todd pointed out. This doesnt seem like a very defensible position.
has Romney ever commented on the "if a woman is raped, she is not allowed to have an abortion"? What exactly is the source of that? Did that come out of the RNC and it's an official party stance? Sorry if this has been asked already.
The Sanctity and Dignity of Human Life (Top)
Faithful to the “self-evident” truths enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed. We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children. We oppose using public revenues to promote or perform abortion or fund organizations which perform or advocate it and will not fund or subsidize health care which includes abortion coverage. We support the appointment of judges who respect traditional family values and the sanctity of innocent human life. We oppose the non-consensual withholding or withdrawal of care or treatment, including food and water, from people with disabilities, including newborns, as well as the elderly and infirm, just as we oppose active and passive euthanasia and assisted suicide.
Republican leadership has led the effort to prohibit the barbaric practice of partial-birth abortion and permitted States to extend health care coverage to children before birth. We urge Congress to strengthen the Born Alive Infant Protection Act by enacting appropriate civil and criminal penalties on healthcare providers who fail to provide treatment and care to an infant who survives an abortion, including early induction delivery where the death of the infant is intended. We call for legislation to ban sex-selective abortions – gender discrimination in its most lethal form – and to protect from abortion unborn children who are capable of feeling pain; and we applaud U.S. House Republicans for leading the effort to protect the lives of pain-capable unborn children in the District of Columbia. We call for a ban on the use of body parts from aborted fetuses for research. We support and applaud adult stem cell research to develop lifesaving therapies, and we oppose the killing of embryos for their stem cells. We oppose federal funding of embryonic stem cell research.
We also salute the many States that have passed laws for informed consent, mandatory waiting periods prior to an abortion, and health-protective clinic regulation. We seek to protect young girls from exploitation through a parental consent requirement; and we affirm our moral obligation to assist, rather than penalize, women challenged by an unplanned pregnancy. We salute those who provide them with counseling and adoption alternatives and empower them to choose life, and we take comfort in the tremendous increase in adoptions that has followed Republican legislative initiatives.
A Romney spokesperson added that the “Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose abortion in instances of rape.”
Liberals do not understand this simple axiom:
criminals behind bars cannot harm the general public.
To that end, we support mandatory prison sentencing
for gang crimes, violent or sexual offenses
against children, repeat drug dealers, rape, robbery
and murder.
“Based on what the goal was, I saw it as successful,” Lehrer told POLITICO. “I’ve always said this and finally I had a chance to demonstrate it: The moderator should be seen little and heard even less. It is up to the candidates to ask the follow-up questions and challenge one another.”
Turns out Romney's cheat sheet was his handkerchief which he used several times during debate to wipe his face.
Time to roll out the next excuse. Maybe Obama hadn't gotten laid in awhile.