This isn't a thread for pictures of real cars.
Why are Nascars so ugly in comparison every other type of race car?
Why are Nascars so ugly in comparison every other type of race car?
Something something American?
But even things that should be bright are really dim, it just looks a bit strange to me.
Hey guys I need some help. I will be returning to the wonderful world of NVIDIA next week (my 570 is in the mail right now) and since I've been stuck on AMD for a while now I could use some guidance for setting up the new card.
Is there a website somewhere that could give me a bit of a crash course into everything there is to know about that? IE how to tweak the settings, set up the custom AA profiles (with the weird hex codes), what kind of AA is best for each situations, etc etc.
Nvidia's own site has a pretty good guide for the major titles out there:
Also for custom settings you'll want Nvidia Inspector, which is pretty amazing for tweaking bad console ports (L.A. Noire in particular!!).