"You owe me an eye, you son-of-a-bitch!"
ok, next PNG, lol
Anyway 100% PNG is 6MB
PNGs are lossless. There are no quality options. PNGs and 95% JPGs give smaller filesizes in different situations and should be used interchangeably when appropriate. The quality difference between the two will be unnoticeable. Just take care of your filesizes and stick to PNG and JPG.
As an aside, Dead Space sure isn't a pretty game.
I do Jpegs and it works just irfanview there are quality option for png, no compression is about 6MB
I'm almost certain your 8xSSAA isn't working.
There's not a form of AA that works for DS2 besides post process AA.
You can probably downsample though.
As an aside, Dead Space sure isn't a pretty game.
Dont you talk about my Dead Space like that!!!!Some of those textures in DS2 are not great...
I'm almost certain your 8xSSAA isn't working.
Downsampling does indeed work wonders for the game.
Poor Dead Space doesn't deserve this.
Damn. That does look hawt.
Shame i have no idea how to do it LOL
xNAPx's burgeoning career in this thread has not started well.
I didn't remember lighting been so nice in this game. When is number 3 coming out? Saw some very impressive show cases of the new lighting solution.
xNAPx's burgeoning career in this thread has not started well.