I was wondering about this too. I saw him arguing with some guy in the pick-up thread but he was definitely in the right, so I don't think that was it. I hope he comes back soon.Sethos is banned? What did he do?
You're using an ENB profile for this right?
Dont think he does. The magic thing for making Assassin creeds series to look great is to turn down the brightness 1 or 2 steps. The colors and everything looks 10x bether after that.
I just built a new PC (and it's pretty awesome!), so I'm stoked to start posting in this thread. Quick question, though: Why not use imgur? I have a pro account there that allowed for ultra-large images that don't ever* get deleted, and aren't compressed (up to 5mb). Is it cool if I use imgur as long as the screenshots aren't over 5mb?
i have no idea, if i had to guess maybe port begging GTAV PC in one of the news threads
as for 3000x resolutions, a beasty rig could handle it and deliver 30fps or more in some games, but for the most part its screenshot candy
Dont think he does. The magic thing for making Assassin creeds series to look great is to turn down the brightness 1 or 2 steps. The colors and everything looks 10x bether after that.
Try an ENB profile, for AC it's just colour correction, but it's really good if you like it.I think I'm gonna have an Assassins Creed series weekend, almost finished the second one though. Does anyone have a source for any settings for the series, I'm using SweetFX but it's doing something crazy to the shadows. They look shit to begin with anyway but now they are going haywire.
I'm interested too in this ENB profile you guys are talking about. Any guide online to set this up?Try an ENB profile, for AC it's just colour correction, but it's really good if you like it.
Skyrim Jasmin looks like ass in my opinion. Too much contrast, too much filters, too much saturation, but I guess that's down to personal taste.
Try an ENB profile, for AC it's just colour correction, but it's really good if you like it.
Skyrim Jasmin
Holy crap, people! They're not even close to "incredibly distorted" or "incredible blurry"! Where were you guys when someone posted motion blurred Crysis 2 shots earlier?!
Either way, not having this discussion again. You can skip them or block them or whatever, and you don't even have to tell me about it!
Yeeaaahh. If you just want to go ahead and give us your full mod list that would be greeaatt.
Okay, here are the mods I am using, all through Nexus mod manager (much easier to use) through SKSE loader. I've highlighted the most significant ones that I think are the most visually crucial:
- A Quality World Map
- aMiridianborn A Book of Silence, including the individual iron and leather armor mod
- AOF Believable hair
- AOF Farmhouses
- Apachiiskyhair
- Better dynamic snow
- Better rocks and mountains
- Better sorting
- Black sacrament armor pack
- Cloaks of Skyrim
- Convenient horses
- Crimson Tide
- Dreamburrows Regal Assassin
- Enhanced Blood textures
- Farmhouse and villages vanilla-based HD texture
- Fur hoods HD
- Get snowy
- Greatsword sheaths
- HD Better reflections for armor and weapons
- HD cinematic fire effects
- Armature ad Alta HD high resolution armor
- high quality food and ingredients
- Hybrids HD plants and Herbs rexture
- Immersive armors
- Immersive HUD
- Improved blades armor
- Improved NPC clothing - high res
- Isilmeriel LOTR weapons - absolutely stunning 3D modelling and texturing.
- My modded Jasmin ENB - or any good looking ENB for that matter
- Jaysus swords
- Lost longswords
- Lush grass
- Lush trees
- Masters of Death
- Millenia weapon retexture project
- No more blocky faces
- Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel
[*]Realistic lighting
[*]Realistic smoke and embers- Ruins clutter HD
- Realistic water textures
- Sabre cat gear mod pack
- Scout armor
- Serious HD Retexture mods
- Skyrim Flora Overhaul
- Skyrim HD - 2k textures
- Skyrim realistic overhaul
- Skyrim sunglare
- Tradeable comapnion
- Tera hair pack
- The Dance of Death
- TreesHD_Skyrim
- Triss armor retextured
- Triss outfit
- Visible windows
- Weapons and armor fixes
- Witcher 2 Viper Assasin-Blue Stripes-Roche-Ves
[*]XAC armour compilation -
[*]XAC character enhancement - *the* most essential in terms of 3D character modelling and skin texturing
This results in the following quality of shots:
Where did you pick up the pig head?
From the Skyrim mod thread:
Wow, and how does the game run after installing so many graphical mods? And what's your rig?
Wow, and how does the game run after installing so many graphical mods? And what's your rig?
Curious about this as well. I'm going to wipe all my Steam Mods, install all the bolded mods at least from the NMM, and make a new character when Dragonborn comes out.
Needless to say, the mods certainly take their toll on my fps. My rig is an unlocked (meaning 4 cores) X3 720 BE @ 3.3ghz and an unlocked AMD 6950 @ 900mhz, so they aren't not the most impressive specs.
And I get ~30 fps in-doors, while outdoors with a lot of trees and grass will move between 20-30 fps.
First of all, everyone gets on me about 'blur' and nobody mentioned anything about the game's actual assets until this post, so of course I'm going to assume that's what people are talking about. And that is what everyone else was talking about, except you, so why speak for them?A)Motion Blur =/= poor textures & low polygon count
B)No reason to get butthurt, dude. Unless you made the game or something, then shame on you.
JP version with unofficial English patch. I don't play for the story, so the Japanese doesn't really bother me (plus I know enough conversational JP to get by, which makes things easier).So is Pso 2 in English now or are these from the Japanese version?
I have a GTX 680 + i5 3570k, do you know which mods I could install and still keep a good framerate all the time? Doesn't have to be 60 all the way, but at least never drop below 30.
With a i5 3570k and a GTX 680 you should be fine from my point of view. The 720 BE is nothing compared to the 3570k, and a 680 is a massive improvement above the 6950.
Downsampled from 3200x1800.