2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Don't Use Imgur

Have some GRIT and a naked man.



I love the arcade mode in Kane & Lynch 2, its basically the mutiplayer bank robbery mode but with bots. BRILLIANT.

Too bad the MP is dead, brilliant of them to add a bot mode of the Best MP mode known to man, but with arcade scores.


I think sweetfx is the worst thing to happen to this thread. Sooooo much over sharpening. Ugh.

It emphasises the environmental detail and makes it look so much better particularly for distant objects but it does very much depend on the game engine and because it'll work with pretty much anything people tend to 'overuse' it. Like putting it in games where it has no business being there to begin with.
I think sweetfx is the worst thing to happen to this thread. Sooooo much over sharpening. Ugh.
Hah! If you ask me, SweetFX's luma sharpen is the best of the sharpening shaders so far. There are definitely people who go way too far with their sharpening, but that's their taste, and not a fault of the shader itself.

I, for one, use it very sparingly (and people are still going to say my shots look too blurry, heh):

Guild Wars 2



Why don't people like quoted images? It's not a big deal either way, I have to open up the screen in a new tab to see it properly anyway.



A very generic pic, I was just testing how it ran downsampled from 1800p and decided to take a shot. It actually runs decently, but not 60fps decent so I went back to 1440p.
Finished this up, only took about 3 and a half hours all up. I'm glad I waited until I could get it cheap due to that length, though despite that I did enjoy it overall.





Shit, can someone post a link to the SweetFX guide Sethos made? Now that RadeonPro has it built in, I feel like toying with it a lot more but can't for the life of me remember how far back he posted it :/

PS.|| Yes! It's the big, non-resized, uncompressed image thread. If we gave a toss about resizing images, it wouldn't have taken us until this long to care.


If the image size really bothers you that much, use a plugin. It's a lot less of a hassle for everyone so we don't shit up the thread with debates on whether or not the images should be quoted.


Akaneiro: Demon Hunters (closed beta, no NDA)

The polygons and texture resolution really show that this is also a tablet-oriented game.




Neo Member
Note because of a bug, you currently need to turn off Ambient Occlusion in CoD otherwise TXAA is a lot more blurry than it should be. My last shots had AO on. The two shots below have AO off and show what TXAA is supposed to look like with SGSSAA.

4xTXAA+SGSSAA with some negative LOD bias and both AO and FXAA off,
(no down-sampling here)


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