Black Ops 2 supports TXAA?
Shit cant believe a Call of Duty game is going to be the first game i get to test TXAA in.
Do you have any shots of just TXAA in action, no SGSSAA?
Also, please post the graphic options page for Black Ops 2.
You need the 310.54 Beta Driver :
Link to Detailed Info on 310.54 Beta Driver |
Link to 310.54 Beta Driver
For TXAA (you need a Kepler GPU), install the driver then in Call of Duty, 2xTXAA and 4xTXAA will appear as AA options after 8xMSAA and 16xCSAA. Make sure to turn FXAA off. Like MSAA in Call of Duty, TXAA works with TrSSAA and SGSSAA when enabled via the inspector. For SGSSAA, grab the
NVIDIA Inspector. In the Inspector set the following,
Antialiasing - Mode : Override any application setting
Antialiasing - Setting : 4x [4x Multisampling]
Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling : 4x Sparse Grid Supersampling
Here is an example of turning on 4xSGSSAA in Mass Effect 3,