2012 High-Res PC Screenshot Thread of Don't Use Imgur


Not writing the title of the game is bad form.

i dont even know what im playing, i think its call of duty but then




*complains about AAA gaming*

*buys COD #75 at full release price*

Sorry I just had to point that out to Dennis and Legazyzero


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
Lets get this party started.


"Ugh *groans in pain* listen to me Soap.... I'm not gonna make it, these commie bastards locked me up here and fingerpainted this green goop all over my chest. Go... I'm done for! GO!"


*complains about AAA gaming*

*buys COD #75 at full release price*

Sorry I just had to point that out to Dennis and Legazyzero

a lot of people on gaf complain about how gaming is going to shit and all we're getting is dumbed down sequels but they are usually in line with everyone else ready to play those games

its kinda funny. anyway, my final shot of blops 2



Junior Member
The HUD font in Black Ops 2 looks really cheap to me. I just don't like it. It reminds me of Midway games and other things like that which don't really give a shit about looking "clean" or "attractive" at all. It looks like the stock number font someone just throws in there.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Do you have this one in a lossless format? Looks great and I'd love to download it.

Edit: Or if you can just tell me what chapter it's from I can load it up and take a shot myself.

I believe thats the beginning of the game.

P.S WHen will the BLOPS 2 shots stop?
Im used to new games ruling this thread, but BLOPS doesnt impress me at all.
Ill return in a page or two hoping for something else.


Neo Member
COD:BO2, three 960x960 crops from 1920x1200 4xTXAA+4xSGSSAA (no down-sampling).

For those who like it sharper, the 310.45 NVIDIA beta driver finally supports 4xMSAA+4xSGSSAA with automatic LOD bias, but you need the NVIDIA inspector to get it (as the driver control panel still doesn't expose the option).





do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
COD:BO2, three 960x960 crops from 1920x1200 4xTXAA+4xSGSSAA (no down-sampling).

For those who like it sharper, the 310.45 NVIDIA beta driver finally supports 4xMSAA+4xSGSSAA with automatic LOD bias, but you need the NVIDIA inspector to get it (as the driver control panel still doesn't expose the option).

Black Ops 2 supports TXAA?
Shit cant believe a Call of Duty game is going to be the first game i get to test TXAA in.

Do you have any shots of just TXAA in action, no SGSSAA?
Also, please post the graphic options page for Black Ops 2.


Neo Member
Black Ops 2 supports TXAA?
Shit cant believe a Call of Duty game is going to be the first game i get to test TXAA in.

Do you have any shots of just TXAA in action, no SGSSAA?
Also, please post the graphic options page for Black Ops 2.

You need the 310.54 Beta Driver : Link to Detailed Info on 310.54 Beta Driver | Link to 310.54 Beta Driver

For TXAA (you need a Kepler GPU), install the driver then in Call of Duty, 2xTXAA and 4xTXAA will appear as AA options after 8xMSAA and 16xCSAA. Make sure to turn FXAA off. Like MSAA in Call of Duty, TXAA works with TrSSAA and SGSSAA when enabled via the inspector. For SGSSAA, grab the NVIDIA Inspector. In the Inspector set the following,

Antialiasing - Mode : Override any application setting
Antialiasing - Setting : 4x [4x Multisampling]
Antialiasing - Transparency Supersampling : 4x Sparse Grid Supersampling

Here is an example of turning on 4xSGSSAA in Mass Effect 3,

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