best blops2 pics Ive seen so far. Did you oversample?
Note because of a bug, you currently need to turn off Ambient Occlusion in CoD otherwise TXAA is a lot more blurry than it should be. My last shots had AO on. The two shots below have AO off and show what TXAA is supposed to look like with SGSSAA.
4xTXAA+SGSSAA with some negative LOD bias and both AO and FXAA off,
(no down-sampling here)
Anyone know how to force fxaa through nvidia inspector for BLOPS II instead of in-game? Don't ask, just help me to do this brehs.
Re: Planetside 2
I should really overclock my CPU a little more. I'm using my motherboard's built-in cheapo safety OC since I kept getting blue screens when I'd try it manually.
[Durante's Souls shots]
Might be the field of view. They've recently patched it. Naturally, having an extraordinarily tight (60 degree horizontal?!) field of view can make things look a lot worse than they should.Did they upgrade the textures in GW2 or something? I never remember it looking remotely that good.
Love FFX. Those shots look off, though. Stretched, maybe?
Love FFX. Those shots look off, though. Stretched, maybe?
FFX International on PCSX2. With version 1.0 I can finally play this full speed without any issues at 4X the resolution, MSAA, at 1920x1200![IMG]
You should really re-host them on (and make an account so they won't get removed). The compression is awful.