That you and Sethos are down on the game is giving me the fear.
Depends what bores you. The game quick gets repetitive in my opinion, especially because side objectives, mini-missions and reward posters are tiny, copy & paste jobs and when you've done the first 20 and then look at the sheer size of the map, you know there's going to be a million more.
Taking over a camp is fun for a little while, sneaking, taking down people silently etc. but then it just becomes something you need to get over with to get a fast travel point because there's put so little soul and challenge into it. Then they slapped down an animal cage at every other outpost "HEY GUY, SHOOT THE CAGE TO UNLEASH THE ANIMAL, WRAAH" and that shit just doesn't excite me after 10 camps. Again, copy & paste job.
So when you've done all this to the point of being bored of it, then open the map to see you've discovered 30% of the map you already go "Sigh, more?"
You never get that sense of, "Uh what's over there" and true, random things happening in a dynamic world. When you've seen 20% of the island you've basically seen it all. All the supposed dynamic events of animal attacks etc. just feel scripted, wild pack of dogs just HAPPEN to come running over the mounting just as I see an outpost.
As Corky said, it's an open world game. That's what can be said about it. Open world game with a shallow MMO design and extremely repetitive fluff content that was created without much care. The only reason why I'm going to stick with it is the main story, might have potential but hasn't really rustled my proverbial jimmies yet.
If the game was a graphical beast perhaps but it's just an average port, with poor DX11 implementation and a lot of graphical stuff with a 2007 feel to it. Extremely bad distant DoF or rather, just a blur mask. Poor draw distance, some of the worst LOD switching I've seen in years, horrible textures and inconsistent nature design. Normally you can forgive that stuff if the sheer atmosphere is good but not even that is any good, just a tiny thing as weather changes are laughingly bad. Honestly, the entire game reminds me of an MMO engine.
Again, I'm a hard man to please as I've been told time and time again, some people are loving the hell out of this game but I'm not feeling it. It was a 5-8 hour romance that ended up with a premature ejaculation and then an awkward mood.
Plus I've spent so long to get the performance nailed down in this yarn ball of a port.
Sorry that got a bit long winded ...