Critter Crunch (was on sale on Steam for $1.75)
Seriously? All the promotional stuff I've seen just reeks of terrible character writing.
We'll see once Far Cry 3 is on a sub-$10 sale. like the last Far Cry game then?Dude, doing a big mistake... far cry 3 is in my opinion the best game of 2012... most fun open world this year by soooooo far its not even funny! Type of fun like just cause 2... you can just wonder around and don't give a fff about the story of plot... just roam around the island! like the last Far Cry game then?
Dude, doing a big mistake... far cry 3 is in my opinion the best game of 2012... most fun open world this year by soooooo far its not even funny! Type of fun like just cause 2... you can just wonder around and don't give a fff about the story of plot... just roam around the island!
did anyone score an extra copy of Critter Crunch
would love to get one more copy for my room mate
Nah, last far crime was pretty crap.
You ... hate Far Cry 2 and think that Assassin's Creed 3 is better than 2?Nah, last far crime was pretty crap. Hated that game. This is on another level. Its like assassin creed 1 versus assassin creed 3. Ubi seems to build tech demo games for 1 or 2 iterations and then finally ships what should of been the initial product...
Dude, doing a big mistake... far cry 3 is in my opinion the best game of 2012... most fun open world this year by soooooo far its not even funny! Type of fun like just cause 2... you can just wonder around and don't give a fff about the story of plot... just roam around the island!
You ... hate Far Cry 2 and think that Assassin's Creed 3 is better than 2?
Well, now I know that my tastes do not even closely align with yours. Shame, really.
I adored JC2 and Far Cry 3 is definitely among my top 5 most disappointing games this year. I'm treading lightly so I don't come across as being on some kind of crusade against the game but if you didn't like FC2 at all don't expect FC3 to rock your world.
Yeah, but I get easily tired by doing random non-important stuff in open-world games (I want some meaning to my actions) and I get offended when characters say stupid shit.
but you post a lot of skyrim shots in this thread
but you post a lot of skyrim shots in this thread
This may be a bit of an exaggeration, but I think using the phrase "good story" in concert with a description of any major release in the past five years is a bit of a hard sell. So long as you have to build the story around the mechanics (which most, if not all, of these games do), you're gonna get ME levels of "storytelling."
But this is simply the opinion of someone who isn't a child.
Also, people were actually considering Far Cry 3 for it's plot? That first trailer with crazy man was so over the top it wasn't even funny.
Also, people were actually considering Far Cry 3 for it's plot? That first trailer with crazy man was so over the top it wasn't even funny.
Far Cry 3 doesn't have a story,the script fits on a napkin.
High resolutions don't make pre-rendered cut-scenes (or crappy DOF) any better.
It's clearly the subpar DOF, not pre-rendered video.
Yeah I haven't played the LEGO games in a while... so I couldn't tell if is was macro-blocking in compressed video or just really bad edge detection in the DOF solution.
Do they all run on the same Engine? Has that LEGO Engine seen any improvements over time that are visible in the latest games? Because I don't remember that DOF stuff in the original trilogy games when I played through them.
Far Cry 3's fun for people like me that love to dick around and not play the main campaign for a month. It's too hand-holdy, and too easy overall (if I could turn off the HUD, I'd like it even more), but I wasn't expecting it to be the best game of this year or anything. I can't say the same for other beloved open-world games like Just Cause 2, which I think is a beautiful game, but I was terribly bored in about half an hour with it.
High resolutions don't make pre-rendered cut-scenes (or crappy DOF) any better.
They have made improvements to the engine and the DOF can be turned off specifically. It has always looked fairly ghetto.
there is no video in any lego games they all are real time rendering.. sw3 and potc have got same crappy dof.. they have clearly improved for their latest lotr..
I adored JC2 and Far Cry 3 is definitely among my top 5 most disappointing games this year. I'm treading lightly so I don't come across as being on some kind of crusade against the game but if you didn't like FC2 at all don't expect FC3 to rock your world.
legacyzero, how do you get that "crisp" IQ in your FC3 images?
legacyzero, how do you get that "crisp" IQ in your FC3 images?
Does Far Cry 3 look like Uncharted and Crysis had a baby or am I just seeing things?
Didn't like FC2, just thought it was super boring and a lot of things about it annoyed me. FC3 has me hooked, spent at least 6 hours in it the other day. I think it's the change of setting.
Are there any mods for FC2 that prevent guards from respawning or anything? I'd like to play it again, but that shit keeps me from doing it.
Yes.Good modding platform
crappy game
Thanks for the info. Have you uploaded your custom ENB anywhere? I'd be keen to try it out.