The more I play the game and the more I tinker with it to get it to look the way I want the more I genuinely think it's the technically best looking game.
Maybe, but then Starbound will come out.This game is fucking *incredible*. GOTY so far by a loooong shot.
Been meaning to play through Crysis 2 again, but I'm trying to hold out til Maldo finishes the new version of his mod.
Been meaning to play through Crysis 2 again, but I'm trying to hold out til Maldo finishes the new version of his mod.
The more I play the game and the more I tinker with it to get it to look the way I want the more I genuinely think it's the technically best looking game.
Any tweak/mod suggestions. I of course have Maldo's textures, but aside from that, I'm running vanilla, never really gone down the tweaking hole with Crysis 2, mainly because I haven't felt it needed a ton of tweaking.
Any tweak/mod suggestions. I of course have Maldo's textures, but aside from that, I'm running vanilla, never really gone down the tweaking hole with Crysis 2, mainly because I haven't felt it needed a ton of tweaking.
Is there an ETA on that? I was rather upset recently when I visited his website to mess around with the mod only to find the links dead.
That's gotta be the worst use of depth of field I've ever seen. What did Nanosuit guy leave his glasses at home or something?
That's gotta be the worst use of depth of field I've ever seen. What did Nanosuit guy leave his glasses at home or something?
Ditching Ice's 2.0N version, going back to one of his older.
( And speaking of Bokeh )[IMG]
Very nice screens. It's stuff like this that always tempts me into building a new rig...
What kind of game is Grimrock?
What kind of game is Grimrock?
Yeah I like the way Rage looks as well. The lack of dynamic shadowing does give it an odd appearance in parts but the artists did their jobs well and largely overcame that (in a similar fashion to Mirror's Edge). And it helps it to run very smoothly.
Is this unlimited ammo, scitek?
I think I've asked this before, but what FOV and AA solution for Crysis 2 are you using Corky (and co)?